Make sure next time they (Republicans) don’t hold a press conference because you’re a liberal.
It’s okay when Democrats do it, but not conservatives. 🙄
It’s amazing how some want to reduce or eliminate a constitutional right due to a few evil people.
You’re probably the same who screamed “you can’t blame all Muslims for 9-11!!!”
How about you worry about YOUR state. No one, where I live, is concerned about someone carrying. I carry.
Dude, ever heard of the Bill or Rights? Yes or no. If you don't like them or the Amendments, move to a different country. If free speech more important that someone's life?
They are right to guns?
You must have not watched it. 95% was informational. What happened, who it was, understanding of the gunman (criminal and mental health info), type of firearm, timeline, etc.
Ummm.... well, the SCOTUS already established it is a right. Try again.
We've already covered this, Einstein.
I didn't hear what he said regarding that part. What did he say.
And I seriously appreciate you asking questions. This is another major issue in this debate. People 'think' they understand firearms based off CNN, Fox News or politicians and it's nearly all incorrect.
You fill out the SAME EXACT form and do a NICS check. I've done dozens of them.
The difference is wait time. Most states don't have a "wait time" because it's moronic. California has the highest number of "mass shootings" (real ones, not gang BS) and I know I don't want my daughter(s) having to wait TEN DAYS to protect herself from someone threating her. Of course, I wouldn't let it get to that point.
You go through the SAME background check in Texas as you do in California.
Studies have shown, it made zero difference in school shootings. None. And yes, a 9mm could kill as many as the AR in CQ (close quarters). The worst school shooting in American history was carried about my a little P22 (.22 pistol) and a 9mm handgun.
AR's and Glocks have the same rate of fire.
We have laws in place for gun control right now. And many-many Americans are uneducated regarding firearms and get their info from CNN and Fox (both have been way off about firearms).
This is the issue. Banning bump stocks, which are completely worthless (I had one, sold it like after the first time I used it), makes zero difference in violent crime. It will likely be legal to own again, just FYI. One court (US Military court in fact) already said it's NOT a machine gun.
Can't read the rest... not subscribed to the Times.
Same reason the Secret Service addresses dozens of threats on former presidents each month. Even more so for current president(s).
You're not this clueless are you? Or just a huge troll?
Huh? What US military weapon can you buy without a Form 4 ATF stamp and a long ass expensive wait? I guess you can buy sidearms... but besides that, huh?
I haven't been able to vote for any gun law. I do own quite a few firearms (again, I compete long distance) and not one has ever hurt anyone. Well, I did get a copper jacket frag in my arm shooting once.