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Everything posted by ArdmoreRyno

  1. Really? The article about the shooting in North Carolina? All the news agencies are gun nuts? lol
  2. Wrong on so many levels. I can post articles were lives were saved, even by home along teenagers, using an AR. In the town I lived in, a kid defended himself and home from 3 home invaders... with an AR. And the AR is now a WIDELY popular hunting rifle and even more sport rifle. 400/450 rifle deaths per year (not just ‘mass shootings’, this includes suicides). So ban that. Makes sense.
  3. You keep repeating this yet ignoring proof your comment is false.
  4. YOU are the Putin lover. And you’re an idiot beta troll.
  5. I’m not giving up any of my firearms. They are locked away in my gun safe and have never hurt anyone. You’ll find 99.9% of owners would say the same. Now answer mine.
  6. Answer the question. It’s relevant. And why do you support Putin and the invasion of Ukraine?
  7. Would you give up your car if you knew it would like prevent you, a loved one or another from dying in a car accident someday?
  8. I’m apparently a member of the NRA. Didn’t know that. Keep calling me that. You’re the resident fan of Putin and Russian involvement in Ukraine. And I actually think each front door should have a Ma Deuce. Those are great weapon systems. Been around for almost 100 years. Shot them a lot.
  9. Dude, it’s not normal but since the dawn of social media, breakdown of the nuclear family, violent video games and movies... the norm is out the window. So you become proactive. Look at the Capitol. 1.9 BILLION to make it more secure after Jan 6. One incident and they throw BILLIONS to fix it. Harden it. The school didn’t have a SRO there. They had them in the district but they didn’t stand watch at that school. Many focus on middle and high schools. I never said we needed to arm “all teachers”. Go to a local school and ask how many would volunteer. At mine? At least six (every one I’ve spoke to about it) have said they would. Let me ask you this, it continues to get passed over from people here for some strange reason: Why have schools who ARM TEACHERS/or/STAFF have a 100% success rate? Zero school shootings in 22 years of keeping track? Why?????
  10. I understand that... but all I’ve been told here is the “the idea of a good guy with a gun is dead”. It’s NEVER been “dead”. It works. Not foolproof but seems it’s 100% proven at schools. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT
  11. Well.... this is awkward... (woman with a pistol stops and kills a man with an AR-15) https://www.wowktv.com/news/local/charleston-police-shooting-victim-pulled-assault-rifle-on-party/amp/
  12. I’ve given some of my ideas already (about 5-6). But the overall facts are, criminals will continue to steal firearms or use the ones already on the streets, illegally. Lots of stolen weapons in the gang controlled cities already. They are passed around. Studies showed, it did NOTHING to stop school shootings. You know what has? Teachers with firearms.
  13. It’s the reality of the situation NO ONE WANTS TO ADMIT. We have a 2A, that’s not going away... we have 400 million firearms in the country, that’s not going away... we have the highest number of medicated people in the world. So let’s try to be proactive. Ive already linked an article showing 0 school shootings where teachers are armed over the past 20+ years. It works.
  14. Childish responses? Arm volunteers at schools, mostly front office workers.
  15. Right, good luck with that. (I also reload my own ammo & have thousands of rounds of various calibers)
  16. Background checks are the law to buy a new firearm. In every state.
  17. You’re comical. No one is taking my AR’s. Not going to happen bud. Sorry. No one who legally owns one will get theirs taken.
  18. Im crying? You’re the one who’s not going to get their way.
  19. And you’re a fool if you think you’re going to take 25,000,000 AR platforms in the country. Most of us would never give them up. Thankfully, I don’t have to worry about that. Then adding, most sheriffs in my area have already said they’ll never take part in ANY gun confiscation. You want to take away them all because of the actions of a few. Brilliant.
  20. Do you want to take AR platforms? Yes or no?
  21. It’s been reported no armed teachers at this school & there was no SRO there. Yes, Texas teachers CAN carry but it’s up to each district. Ones who have, there’s never been a school shooting. Not in over 20 years. Seems like a damn good deterrent. Google “armed teacher” signs. The Buffalo murderer even wrote... he assumed there would be no one carrying at the supermarket. In this case, deterrence can work. It’s proven. Thanks! I’ll have to get on my laptop. you keep ignore facts. Why is that?
  22. Since I can’t find the block button I’ll answer the resident MORON. SCOTUS isn’t taking away abortion. Even if they rule on it again. They’d give it to the states. You’re really this stupid aren’t you??? BTW: I’ve never been a member of the NRA.
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