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Everything posted by ArdmoreRyno

  1. Yep! Its a health issue. You can destroy your hearing with one shot from a bunch of different guns. I have a 300 Blackout myself and roll my own subs to shoot suppressed. The 120 grain supers are still LOUD. I got a Grand Power Stribog 9mm earlier in the year and using 'hush' 9mm rounds, it's pretty quiet but that John Wick scene... people think that's how suppressors work/sound.
  2. The Dems should have picked Tulsi Gabbard. She's have votes from both sides of the isle. I know, this conservatives is a HUGE fan of hers outside her gun platform.
  3. Says someone who gets their gun information from movies and people in DC. You think the John Wick 2 scene in the subway station with he and Common shooting at each other is accurate, right? LOL Go watch a video of a suppressed AR-15. Look at the dB output. No one is getting a "less warning". You're talking dB of 135+ What else is 135 decibels? Jet engine Quiet AF. Definitely would give less warning! 🤣
  4. I have zero issue with regulating full auto in some capacity. The rest are stupid to even have on the list. Suppressors are the most ridiculous. Finland, France, and New Zealand (listing first world countries) have zero regulations on them. There is NO reason to regulate them.
  5. It would remove the restrictions... sbr (Short barrel rifles), sbs (short barrel shotguns), silencers (suppressors... we're literally one of the only countries that regulates them which is moronic), possible full-automatic (would still have a registry and major restrictions). The problem with the ATF and NFA is that rules change as they want. Great example is "pistol grips", they've gone back and forth with their "rules" about a dozen times. "Now you're a felon!" then 3 months later "Never mind, you're good."... so on and so on.
  6. I sure hope so. The ATF is the most ridiclous agency in the country. Their changes on a whim of firearm classifications, rules, etc. is arsine to say the least. https://www.ammoland.com/2022/07/motion-to-dismiss-atf-firearms-case-claiming-nfa-unconstitutional/#axzz7aA01ot8b It's an interesting case and with SCOTUS recent ruling... we might see the NFA be a thing of the past.
  7. There's a DIRECT correlation: Black population % (ranking and state) - DC would be on this list if it was a state 1. Mississippi 2. Louisiana 4. Maryland 5. Alabama 7. S. Carolina 11. Tennessee 13. Arkansas 15. Illinois Hispanic population % (ranking and state) 1. New Mexico It has nothing to do with the party leadership. Poverty and socioeconomics plays a MASSIVE part
  8. 1. Guns aren't and never should be registered. That's a deal breaker for any 2A supporter. Guns and vehicle arguments are ridiclous. Two separate things. You can own or sell a car and drive it all over your property with no registration. It's not an 'easy' deal. I live in a small town and the closes FFL is 20 miles away. And I continue to say this, CRIMINALS aren't going to 'register' anything. They'll tell you to f-off. 2. LOL, make a RIGHT a felony. Maybe you should go work for the ATF with that mindset. "I wasn't talking just PTSD I said PTSD AND on meds" What does that matter? You're throwing out crap you don't know what you're talking about. Just so happens... I DO. I'm a clinical mental health professional who studied psychopharmacology. You anti-gun people who continue to say "you're cool with this" or "you're okay with dead kids" are moronic. Again, I've bought firearms for family and sold to friends I know. Last firearm I sold to a friend, who was in the USMC, was in 2004. He's not shot any place up and he doesn't have PTSD. You're trying to find ridiclous scenarios that are beyond rare.
  9. What's the question that I didn't answer? PTSD plus taking medication for anxiety or depression doesn't mean someone should have their 2A rights removed.
  10. I was being sarcastic about being banned. lol
  11. In a Feb. 3, 2020 op-ed published in TownHall.com, Lott writes, “The overwhelming majority of non-adult murders involving drug gangs, and nearly all of the victims are teenagers. Drug dealers are the primary source of illegal guns.” 76% of these injured “children” were 17, 18, or 19 years old. 62% of injuries were the result of criminal assaults. The injuries are overwhelmingly concentrated in large, urban areas. All of these deaths are clearly tragic. But they are largely a result of gang violence, a problem that won’t be solved by scaring law-abiding Americans into not owning guns.”
  12. Okay, then instead, I’ll say most shootings are between minorities in the intercity. You don’t see minority kids in the suburbs shootings each other. Not difficult to put two and two together.
  13. Look up who were involved in all theses “mass shootings”. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting I’m all for finding a way to keep guns out of criminals and seriously mentally ill people’s hands. Private sale backgrounds won’t fix it. That’s what I’m saying. How would guns “dry up”?
  14. As*hole much? I also served. Just be take you served and might have PTSD (a lot of people have it who never served in the military) doesn’t mean you should lose your f’ing rights. Holy chit dude. How many former military shoot up places??? And I’m all for background checks, I’ve done dozens in my life for firearm purchases. It’s not practical to have people who sell or gift firearms to run another background check. You can’t enforce it and yes, criminals have everything to do with my argument. Most shootings are done by gangs/drug deals. Wow dude. PTSD 🤦🏻‍♂️🙄
  15. Because, as I've said in this long thread of posts, CRIMINALS aren't going to do background checks. I know the people I've sold to or given them as gifts. So to answer your question, yes. I'm against ALL background checks. Person to person, private sales, it's not a practical thing. Again, Krazy-8 isn't going to do a background check with his local FFL to sell his Glock to Tuco. And the UHAUL analogy isn't that far off from being relevant. I was in OKC in 1995. I saw the aftermath of what a truck bomb did. The point is, you can't see into the future of what someone 'might' do. Just like a FLL at Academy Sports don't know the future if that person will use it to take their own life 10 years down the road.
  16. There has been people talk about re-evaluating people after buying a firearm years down the road. I haven't heard of many people who ended up with dementia shooting up a place. Not sure how you'd enforce this... that's the biggest argument I've been making. How do you do anything people talk about?
  17. The main source of gun deaths, aside from suicides, are gangs/drugs. Not your neighbor selling to a neighbor or buying their brother in law a 30/30 lever action.
  18. I get what you're saying but there is one difference.... owning a firearm is a constitutional right. Driving is a privilege. You can own as many cars as you like, you don't have to have a DL or have it registered but you have to keep it on your property. Same with firearms.
  19. I don't sell to anyone I don't know. I really don't sell... I've given my father, mother and brother in law gun(s) as gifts. I sold one rifle to a former USMC friend who wanted to do what I do (long range shooting comp). What's to say someone you rented a UHAUL to won't use it as a truck bomb?
  20. Yea, pretty much. I'm also a licensed professional counselor (with a masters in clinical mental health).
  21. You didn't address my reply to you. Just threw out the same NRA ***** as you love to do. Not a surprise.
  22. I'd love to see the actual source of this quote... some news conference or press release. What MacFarlane tweeted was this: “I think we’re more interested in the red wave than we are in red flags. Quite honestly, as Republicans .” If he did say that, you can twist that to be on the pro or anti-gun side.
  23. Huh? I'm not selling any of my firearms to those types of people (if I ever did sell them). But I've bought my dad a pistol and a lever action rifle as gifts before. We need to go do MORE background checks? And again, what criminal is going to do that???
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