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Everything posted by ArdmoreRyno

  1. It's pretty obvious I'm an Oklahoma State guy (3rd generation alum). I used to go to a lot of POSSE (Oklahoma State's student athlete program for scholarships) auctions where I managed to snag a few jerseys over the years. I got Burnitz' jersey one year that the prices skyrocketed for the "bigger name" OSU alum (like Thurman, Sanders, John Starks, etc). I got Desmond Mason's USED senior jersey... get this... for $350. It would go for around $3500 now.
  2. Have a good weekend my man. I'm out of the office till Monday!
  3. Again, you seem to struggle with reading comprehension.
  4. Not sure you understand the term "literally".
  5. Again, strawman argument. Keep trying dude. You're good at grasping! (get rid of all cars to prevent car deaths)
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlVYBixQNQ0
  7. "Call me Ishmael" - BillStime
  8. I only have one NFL jersey... Thurman Thomas (autographed). I'm in the process of getting it framed for my office. Nearly all my jerseys are framed and autographed. Most are game used. I've never been one to wear jerseys to games. NFL Thurman Thomas - Home jersey, autographed (framing pending) NCAA Barry Sanders (Oklahoma State FB) - Holiday Bowl, framed and autographed Desmond Mason (Oklahoma State BB) - Senior black away game/season used, framed and autographed Tatum Bell (Oklahoma State FB) - Freshman game used orange (home) jersey #33 (he changed it to 7 later), framed and autographed Maurice Baker (Oklahoma State BB) - Junior game used black away/season used, with the 10 patch (Ok State plane crash in 2001 that claimed 10 lives), framed and autographed Chianti Roberts (Oklahoma State BB) - Black signing day jersey, autographed RW McQuarters (Oklahoma State FB) - Junior orange game used, autographed MLB Jeremy Burnitz (Milwaukee Brewers) - Grey home game used jersey (with the Iron Workers patch), framed and autographed
  9. Because I (and clearly, many others on this forum) think you're an idiot with your political stances? They disagree, so they are trolls. Gotcha
  10. Seriously? WTF would I be here if I wasn't? (ever heard of Thurman Thomas? When he was drafted in 1988 from my alma mater (I was 13), I started to follow the Bills. I fell in love with them, despite living in an area where everyone is a damn Dallas fan) That okay with you?
  11. Don't live in Florida, I live in the Texoma area and it's a gorgeous place, minus the 100+ degree weather the past month. Rivers, creeks, lakes, green, rolling hills, SPACE. I have 30 acres outside of the town I live in and can go outside and do pretty much whatever TF I want to do. I'm 90 minutes from DFW, 90 minutes from OKC. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I'm not too concerned about ammo brother. Sorry to burst your bubble, there are a plethora of manufactures out there... but best of all? I roll my own. Only thing I don't load is .22LR. You going to ban lead? LOL
  12. One of the BEST home self defense guns in the United States. I don't really care WTF you have to say to be honest, no one is taking my collection (which has never harmed a soul... like 99.9% of all AR platforms). You're so damn idiotic, you HARP and FIXATE on ONE weapons platform that accounts for 0.02% of ALL gun homicides and 0.0088% of ALL gun deaths. Yea, the AR is the issue 🤣 Not sure the relevance. Maybe you can explain why that matters?
  13. Overall dude... NY State is top 10 in healthcare, but they overall rank about 20th. I can post a dozen links ranking the top 10 states and Florida is every one.
  14. This is why gun rights are so important.... That we have RIGHTS to firearms, despite how they make YOU feel. You'd not see these type of photos if the left didn't attack the 2A at every turn.
  15. Pretty clear... you've missed their point.
  16. And none of those people will ever use their firearms in a violent way. Unlike criminals on the streets.
  17. Businesses still have the right to deny or allow whatever they like.
  18. Education Quality of Life Job opportunities Health care Taxes Crime Overall Economy I can add more if you like. Just use this new invention called "Google"
  19. Nice try troll. Florida is top 10 in best states to live. You can pretend the sky is purple all you want, doesn't make it true.
  20. Moronic tweet from an anti-gunner. If you buy a firearm, you have to be legal to do so. You can't own a firearm if you have a felony, use drugs, have a DV charge, protection order, etc. Murder is illegal. You can't buy a firearm from a dealer w/o completing a national background check. Since 1997 when the study of right-to-carry (both shall-issue and permitless carry) laws’ impact on crime began, 40 of the 52 studies showed that the implementation of right-to-carry laws either did not increase or coincided with a decrease in violent crime. (and Florida is one of the best states to live in at this moment. WAAAY more than NY)
  21. You mean abortion? No one cares if a woman gets a boob job or face life. It's only abortion we are talking about. Why beat around the bush with "their body"?
  22. Harping on all this again... It doesn't matter what you think we "need" or "don't need". We have a constitutional right to them. On June 26, 2008, the Supreme Court ruled 5–4 that the Second Amend­ment guar­an­tees a right to own a weapon “in common use” to protect “hearth and home.” The AR platform is a "common use" weapon. One of the most widely owned gun in the United States today. And most Americans (the number of are quoting from is actually just 51%)... most are completely uneducated when it comes to firearms. My dad, a conservatives, he doesn't understand how the AR-15 works. He doesn't understand suppressors. He knows what he knows based off TV and movies. That's one issue... you have people in DC trying to pass laws that have little understanding of what they are attempting to ban.
  23. Again, they are going after a firearm system that account for very few deaths in the United States. There is zero logic to it and you're just full of crap or an idiot if you don't see that.
  24. Again, pointless and moronic. It won't do anything to stop "mass shootings" or gun violence. Going after the firearm that only accounts for 0.016% of gun homicides. Brilliant idea.
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