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Everything posted by ArdmoreRyno

  1. *You're "if you think any law will prevent" - BillStime (8/11/2022)
  2. "if you think any law will prevent" - BillStime (8/11/2022)
  3. Not sure this has been posted.... but has anyone seen the CDC recommendations on Monkeypox and sex? It's a hoot.
  4. Remember... BuzzFeed and CNN both reported that Trump was getting pee'd on in Russia before the 2016 election. You'd figure had learned their lesson.
  5. He is okay with it. He has no issue with burning a child, just born, alive. OH, the irony with that comment. BWHAHAHAHAHA "Your honor, I rest my case." "Checkmate" "Game Over" Every statement you've made against guns will forever be even MORE OF A JOKE than it already was. Good job dude. LOL
  6. I'll do what @BillStime likes to do.... He's for that. He thinks it's okay for people to burn baby bodies. He's actually for more of it.
  7. We already know you're okay with tyrannical government and for letting someone kill you if they broke into your home.
  9. If you want to see it that way, I guess you will. Not sure what else to say about his gun policies... he wants to take firearms from our houses. "Damn yes we are going to take" them. Dude is a LOSER. He has been his whole life. Should stick to running for school board or local government. He might have a better chance. He's going to lose, AGAIN, in November. Dude must like getting the ***** beat out of him.
  10. Weird, I addressed the Beto gun post directly... then added "Who TF uses a Spanish nickname" on that post... THAT'S what you focus on. Over the past few replies about Robert I brought up: His gun policy of wanting to "take" our guns, his criminal background, him losing practically every office he tries to achieve and threw in his nickname. But since I brought up the nickname as well as the rest, I'm losing. Dude, you would be an awful debater. Awful. But you'd probably still try (like Beto) after going 0-1,338. 😂
  11. Losing? In what? lol If you're talking about 'debate' or just 'arguing'... we could take a poll here and you'd be surprised, you're the one who HAS BEEN losing. For a while.
  12. So Robert O'Roukre dad gave him a nickname... so that means at 40+ years old he should use that name in every aspect of his life today? He SIGNS his name "Beto". And what about Cruz? His dad is from CUBA and his mother is white. Beto is 0% Hispanic. And again, he's a loser.
  13. What truth? He hates guns and wants to take them from our homes... but he won't personally do it himself. Dude is a loser. I could run for office and not campaign, at all... and end up with the same result as Beto. Who TF even uses a Spanish nickname when you're as white as paper? If a Republican did this, people would freak out. Beto is as much Hispanic as he is Asian.
  14. Beto is a complete jackass. Mr. Grandstanding Attempted burglary, breaking and entering, DUI, admitted steading intellectual property via hacking. *NEVER* and a real job, outside working for family doing mindless stuff. Solid citizen.
  15. Let me ask you... Do you guarantee that it will be false? 100% never going to happen?
  16. Another poll.. but hold onto that 5% difference. LOL https://www.investors.com/politics/biden-approval-rating-hits-new-low-despite-democrats-winning-streak/
  17. I'm about the same since Covid, but since Biden took office... def. not as well.
  18. Who? Who is pulling the strings and feeding Biden his lines? You're one of the 39% of Americans who think he's doing a good job. lol
  19. Local LEO agencies and federal LEO agencies are completely different in my eyes. ATF, for example. They can kiss dirt as far as I'm concerned. And every source is bias. You know that.
  20. Sure they won't. Sure. Its because your dream man is in the WH.
  21. https://taxfoundation.org/permanent-build-back-better-middle-class-tax/ https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/middle-class-americans-bear-brunt-irs-audits-analysis-shows Middle-class Americans to bear brunt of IRS audits under Dem inflation bill, analysis shows Americans making less than $75,000 will be subject to 710,863 additional audits, according to the analysis Americans who earn less than $75,000 per year are slated to receive 60% of the additional tax audits expected under Democrats' spending package, according to an analysis released by House Republicans. The analysis, which is a conservative estimate based upon recent audit rates and tax filing data, shows that individuals with an annual income of $75,000 or less would be subject to 710,863 additional Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audits while those making more than $1 million would receive 52,295 more audits under the bill. The legislation, the Inflation Reduction Act, would roughly double the IRS' budget to increase enforcement and, therefore, federal tax revenue. "Value shoppers at Walmart and other retailers, already struggling with higher prices and more expensive fuel to drive to the store, will get hit with 710,000 additional audits thanks to the Manchin-Biden Democrat bill," House Ways and Means Committee ranking member Kevin Brady, R-Texas, said in a statement after releasing the study. "Every retailer in the U.S. who cares about their hard-hit customers should be fighting to block this unnecessary harassment of hard-working Americans," he added. Overall, the IRS would conduct more than 1.2 million more annual audits of Americans' tax returns, according to the analysis. Another 236,685 of the estimated additional audits would target individuals with an annual income between $75,000 and $200,000. To boost tax enforcement, the Inflation Reduction Act would appropriate more than $79 billion in additional funds to the IRS over the next decade, nearly doubling the agency's current budget. The IRS is expected to hire tens of thousands more agents to enhance enforcement efforts that are projected to increase revenue by $124 billion. In response to criticism about the expected uptick in tax audits under the bill, IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig said Thursday that "audit rates" will not increase relative to recent years. The legislation doesn't explicitly guarantee that Americans making under $400,000 won't see tax increases under the IRS provision. The bill states that it is not "intended" to increase rates for taxpayers who aren't in the top 1% of earners. "There is language in this bill that provides some guidelines, but it's not at all a guarantee," William McBride, the vice president of federal tax and economic policy at the nonpartisan Tax Foundation, told FOX Business in an interview. "It indicates that the intent of the increased spending is not to target those earning less than $400,000. But intent is a somewhat squishy word." "The fact of the matter is most returns report income under $100,000," he continued. "That's where the money is, so to speak." McBride added that middle-class Americans aren't able to afford the same resources as wealthy individuals to avoid scrutiny. "There are certainly more resources as you go up the income scale, or more expertise, and the IRS knows it," he told FOX Business. "They will need to increase the audit rates on middle-class and low-income folks to get the sort of revenues they're claiming from this," McBride said. "People who don't have the resources get a letter in the mail from the IRS threatening them – what are they going to do? It might be an increase of a few bucks, a few hundred bucks that the IRS is requesting. Rather than go out and try to get a lawyer to fight it, they generally pay it." The White House referred FOX Business back to Rettig's comments.
  22. The first tweet is dead on. FBI raiding an ex-presidents home... nearly 90,000 IRS agents hired, 96% of which are hired to go after people and taxes (not making the process quicker as the administration touts) which will NO DOUBT effect the middle and even lower class filers and you have ATF agents going to LEGAL GUN OWNERS HOMES asking to see their LEGAL firearms. Welcome to Biden's Nazi America
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