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Everything posted by ArdmoreRyno

  1. I wish the VPN didn't work for this Oklahoma State game. Ugh.
  2. How do I do that? Really want to watch the Oklahoma State game. I believe I can catch our Bills game at a local bar. They had the WS game on earlier.
  3. I brought my iphone, laptop and Roku to Cozumel this weekend. I’m at the apartment (Airbnb) and of course, my Roku won’t play the World Series here. Says not available. So I logged into my laptop, went to my VPN and logged into an USA server. Tried to connect and it kicked me off my VPN. I just want to watch Oklahoma State tomorrow and then our game Sunday night!!!! HELP!
  4. We've had the same thing available for as long as I can remember. My dad, for example, was the first to offer SoonerCare braces in Oklahoma back around 2000. I believe the expansion bumped what the providers make. Slightly.
  5. Hike up your skirt a little more And show the world to me Hike up your skirt a little more And show your world to me In a boys dream In a boys dream
  6. Not sure what to say. All I know, in the state I live in... people get methadone and suboxone FREE. There are clinics in virtually every area of Oklahoma. Doctors can give a $1800/per shot medication (Abilify) to SoonerCare patients... FREE to the patient. Oklahoma is a "poor" state, but we are providing for those who struggle economically, in the health field. Kids get free braces. Kids and adults get free mental health services, both in and outpatient. Kids and adults get free glasses. Medicaid patients get free medical services, both in a doctors office AND hospitals. 10% of our population also get free healthcare with the Tribes. My girls (as well as my fiancé) are Chickasaw, they have both Blue Cross Blue Shield, plus free medical/dental/mental health/vision via the Chickasaw Nation.
  7. I know this, Oklahoma was one of them. Still, you can get Medicaid here and it covers EVERYTHING. I am a SoonerCare (OK Medicaid) provider, my father is one as well.
  8. Agreed. Possible Clemson jumps in there at #4 with them getting a 1st place vote in the AP. Possibly see TCU at that spot. Maybe. Would be a damn shame to see Alabama in there.
  9. Every state has "State Medicaid"... FREE. Saying it's because of health insurance... I'm going to assume you're trolling.
  10. No, but we can't talk about that. Apparently. "Honey, we ARE NOT moving to Oxford, Mississippi!!! Do you know how many uninsured drivers there are in Mississippi?!?!?"
  11. 100% correlated to crime and poverty. We all know this...
  12. Moronic way to put together a list. You can twist whatever you'd like to make a state look good/bad. Example: "Fatal Occupational Injuries per Total Workers" factors into their top 50... and their bottom 5 are all states where you'll have more dangerous jobs (like the oil/mining business). Not nearly as many blue collar jobs in Rhode Island or Delaware. Compare that to Alaska or Wyoming. Apples and oranges. Oklahoma should be LAST because we are in the heart of tornado alley. How dare this state be like that!
  13. I'm going to Cozumel this weekend for a short dive trip... bringing my Roku with me hoping to watch Oklahoma State on Saturday and Buffalo Sunday (I know I could just go to a bar, but I'm not the bar-type anymore). Downloaded NordVPN, will that pretty much work so I can stream US broadcasts? Anyone done it before?
  14. NOTES I believe you could see Wake in the Orange Bowl instead of UNC, just depends on how that game ends up in a few weeks. Could also see Penn State making it to that same bowl.
  15. I'm interested in hearing who you believe will make it to the College Football Playoffs this year and who will win their conference championship (winner in bold). Mid-Season projections... SEC - UGA v Alabama Big XII - Oklahoma State v TCU B1G: - Ohio State v Illinois ACC - Clemson v UNC PAC 12 - Oregon v USC CFP 1. UGA 2. Ohio State 3. Clemson 4. USC New Year Six teams Orange Bowl: North Carolina v Tennessee Sugar Bowl: Alabama v Oklahoma State Cotton Bowl: TCU v Ole Miss Rose Bowl: Oregon v Michigan
  16. Completely. At his age, I didn't expect him to be as good as he is this year. He was a MASSIVE difference yesterday... the final play was 90% Von. Mahomes had to account for where Von was on every play. VM is tied for 2nd in the NFL with 6.0 sacks (6.5 is the NFL leader Alex Highsmith).
  17. Episode 6 was THE BEST that Disney has done with live action Star Wars to date (Rogue One is their best movie). BEAUTIFALLY filmed.
  18. It was a HUGE reason we finally entered. But the question still remains; If Canada or Mexico was heavily influenced by Russia, we'd have some major problems going on as a result. If Russia was sending military supplies to those countries? Think about it. I'm not saying Putin and Russia isn't in the wrong but stop with the head in the sand in regards to our part. We played a HUGE part in all this.
  19. Hell, we entered WWI because Germany offered part of the US back to Mexico if they joined the war. Imagine if Russia did that today? We almost went to WWIII because of the USSR trying to move resources into Cuba.
  20. Yes or no... are we in a proxy war with Russia right now?
  21. Dude, we were complaisant in the whole thing and have been for YEEEEEEEEEEARS. WAY before Biden and Trump. You're falling for the media narrative. Completely. NATO is also largely complaisant. NATO keeps moving East. Ever since the fall of the USSR. Then in 2014, the Ukrainian coup was the real start to the dominoes. A coup that supported by the West and US. WE helped start this and kept adding to it. https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2018/06/04/how-and-why-the-u-s-government-perpetrated-the-2014-coup-in-ukraine/ https://www.cc.com/video/8067fc/the-colbert-report-crisis-in-ukraine-gideon-rose
  22. This is the only way we can work on stopping this war. US is one of the cases with Russia invading the Ukraine. We poked the bear for YEARS now with Ukraine and Russia and we are seeing the results. Our "leadership" could help put an end to this... today.
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