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Everything posted by tom444

  1. We'll see what happens when/if he gets to the big stage.
  2. As time goes on you may, may, learn what a big game is? But is he smart enough to win 7 SBs?
  3. Oh I know what I'm watching. BTW, I'm from Boston not Hartford.
  4. Relax, people are allowed to have opinions.
  5. How else, besides watching a player on the field, are you going to get a sense of him?
  6. Ah, no, from watching him play.
  7. Sure. First let me explain what I'm not saying. I'm not saying he isn't intelligent. His Wonderlic score says he is. I'm saying his football IQ isn't high enough to win the biggest games at this level. What evidence do I have? Not much, I just feel it. The good thing is we're going to find out because if I'm right he either doesn't have enough to get to the biggest games or he'll lose them.
  8. Who are any of us? Football fans with opinions.
  9. Allen's missing it where it counts the most. Between the ears. Some of the worst calls I've ever seen.
  10. Ok, I understand your point but Patriots fans could say if N'Keal Harry had stayed away from the kick, which he should have, you wouldn't have scored that TD. It doesn't matter because he didn't stay away from it and the Bills did score. See my point?
  11. Unless of course the Bills* kicker failed again. Point taken.
  12. How did it cost the Bills* the game? They lost 14 to 10.
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