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Everything posted by BassToMouth

  1. Hahaha. You think this isn’t a child like response? Nice hyperbole. Squeezing people out of their livelihoods is okay with you then gotcha. Pathetic.
  2. Yep that makes sense. You become unemployed because of a major power overreach by out of control institutions thinking they’re allowed to do so. One day they’ll change the rules in a way that affects you and you’ll just have to get your ass fired huh ?
  3. A nutter haha. Just like those you listen to, you can’t handle basic discourse and opposing opinions. Go watch Rick and Morty little boy
  4. Why don’t you grow into an adult who cares about bodily autonomy more than a football game.
  5. Actually I do. 🤷‍♂️
  6. Okay buddy. Go look up how many athletes have been utterly destroyed by your precious ‘science’ Disgusting. You fools care more about football than a person’s right to decide what they put in your body. Just gross.
  7. Ah yes infallible science. You care more about football than a potential life changing decision. You likely have no clue how many in perfect shape athletes have been getting myocarditis and other serious issues from ‘science’ backed decisions. I’m embarrassed for you
  8. I disagree. And also that’s your opinion hahaha. That decision is way more important than football. If you think differently you need to reassess
  9. Dude please Stop w this. The choice to vaccinate or not is way more important than a damn football game. Trying to be respectful. Please just stop.
  10. Guess he’s not built Ford tough
  11. Really? Lol that’s interesting didn’t know that
  12. Same. I am honestly glad the fad of starvation and rail thin went away w women
  13. Whoa that’s body shaming, friend. Women are allowed to be as fat or thin as they want . They’re strong, independent, and brave no matter what they say or do. I haven’t had Issues with streams at all this year. I’ll message you my go to’s. Sorry guess I’m not allowed to send a message today. I’ve already reached my limit of 0
  14. Could easily be 8-1, although every team could play the game of what if. My prediction is Buffalo finishes 12-5 and Pats 11-6
  15. Unreal how you people dog Beasley. Embarrassing
  16. The Florida has more dumb people idea is purely media driven. Just like with most societal topics, it’s selective and repetitive reporting that makes people believe this is somehow a fact. At this point it’s just annoying how often it’s stated. Our entire population is borderline mentally challenged.
  17. Exactly. I imagine the call from NY came in: “it’s close enough just keep it as is. The boss wants a last second finish”
  18. That no fumble call on that strip was such a joke just unreal Poyer literally waited till pascal got up before going for the strip
  19. Nah. It’s Pats-Bucs. we will go the year of our new stadium
  20. Not really that easy. Most of us have grown up watching the Bills since toddler age.
  21. Didn’t former Sabre Evander Kane recently get busted for this
  22. Really?! Surprised to hear that, although I can understand if you’re someone who has kind of always glossed over them. They don’t get much love from the press. All the teams they’ve had so far on HK have been so much more boring to me. Colts are the first I actually want to watch. I bet if you give them a chance you’ll find them much more interesting than you thought. A lot of talent on that roster.
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