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Posts posted by BassToMouth

  1. 6 minutes ago, Nextmanup said:

    When you are that skilled at making the correct pre-snap reads, and get rid of the ball THAT quickly, you'll make any offensive line look good...which is what Brady has always done.



    Lol. They literally changed the game to allow Brady to continue to play at his age, and play well. It’s a joke if we’re being straightforward here. They changed the league from hard-nosed actual football to a glorified 7 on 7. Brady is the golden goose. They didn’t want to even contemplate letting that go until a successor arrived (Mac Jones).


    Guys like Elway, Kelly, Marino, and Fabre won’t ever say it publicly, but they definitely  aren’t in awe of the new wave of record holders and top guys at the position. Probably look down on them. Any highlight reel featuring the aforementioned shows them getting the ***** hit out of them on a routine basis…without flags. 

    It’s embarrassing that Brady is still playing and starting let alone on top of the stats leaderboards. The league has fallen so far and become even more obviously like WWE.

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  2. 20 minutes ago, Nextmanup said:

    So McDermott and Daboll are part of an evil, NFL run cabal designed to...make Buffalo lose? 


    And they are down with it?


    What would their motivation be?  


    And then when they go to work for 18 hour days, 7 days a week, it's all just a show?



    Lol what a childish response to what I said. The hyperbole. Why can’t you view this in an adult manner and not resort to your programming. Nice strawman argument btw—I never said it’s designed to make the Bills specifically lose hahaha. It’s WWE. Wake up. That’s what it is. Again, John Cena’s opening monologue at the ESPYs. This is them telling you what is going on and you won’t hear it. It’s their way of mocking the gullible public. 

    what would their motivation be? Hmmm, spotlight, huge money, people like you who worship them…do you need more?


    Just take a deep breath and just consider something alternative for a second. What is the harm? Just try it. 

    how many players do you need to have tell you it’s scripted and rigged? Plenty have and it’s obviously hushed up quickly. 

    15 minutes ago, LABILLBACKER said:

    Our DL/OL are weak. Fix those 2 areas and we'll bounce back next year. But yes we are soft and it will be up to Clappy to fix that.

    Even despite this multiple games were essentially thrown imo because of inexplicable decisions made by McDermott and Daboll alone.

  3. 6 hours ago, Italian Bills said:

    Every aspect you bros have mentioned is correct. Bad rush defense, bad OL, very bad backs and running game, Daboll, Frazier… and some of you said McDermott too. 
    We had great expectations at the beginning of the season.. media thought we were one of the SB favorite .. great offense with a MVP caliber QB, great receivers, great defense over all. 
    Ok, we knew we were lacking at backs position.. but maybe not that bad.. and anyway we had Josh Allen, our MVP caliber QB. I always thought that in order to become a SB contender, everything start with the QB position and honestly i still think we have one of the top 5. Maybe top 3. 

    But, but, but … to me, the main problem to this team is the lack of BALLS and GRITTY ATTITUDE. And i didn’t start thinking like that right after the MNF loss, i always had this feeling about this team. 
    We could compete against every team… we have the talent to be a 10-2 team at this moment, a 9-3 at worst, but we are 7-5 because we lost some game because our softness.


    And this is not something you can fix… or you have it, or you don’t, i mean the mental strength to play every game and every snap like if it was the last one, a snap that can win or lose a game. 
    The best teams in every sports have always few players, leaders by example, that drag the rest of the team.. and this beside the talent. 

    Of course many of you won’t agree with me, i totally respect that, but this is my personal point. 

    We’re in this position Bc the nfl is clearly scripted and McDermott is ABSOLUTELY in the little club. His ridiculous game time decisions at the worst times that he repeats over and over again are how he helps fulfill the scripts. I know you all don’t want to hear it, but how many times do you need to see a supposed nfl level head coach make decisions none of us dumb armchair quarterbacks would make to realize they’re doing it on purpose. Just like the refs. ‘They’re just stupid’ ‘bad at their jobs’ oh yeah I’m sure. That’s how they got into these incredibly limited insanely high paying positions. Because they’re dumb and incompetent.


    You guys ignore basic logic and intuition because the programming is so strong. A perfect example is the McDermott Challenge. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US knew the result would be a lost timeout. There was no clear view whatsoever of Jones and the ball. So again, McDermott made that decision with also apparently having a team that advises him on this upstairs. Look in the mirror and ask yourself: does that make sense? Just like the not accepted penalty in the jags game that kept them in field goal range. And on and on.


    That lost timeout was critical, which we all knew it would be, which is why McDermott intentionally challenged it. 

    Keep lying to yourselves and getting your hearts ripped out every week. This roster is damn good, and intentional decisions and ‘mistakes’ and clearly steered reffing are why we are 7-5 and not 10-2. 

    Daboll is almost guaranteed to be in the club as well. That’s why his baffling calls are making many of you lose your hair weekly. He goes from genius to absurdly obvious constantly and at the worst moments. If you can’t tell it’s intentional idk what to tell you. 

    Im not sure why it angers and scares so many of you so much to at least consider the nfl isn’t legitimate sport but in fact scripted entertainment. It triggers such vociferous responses I can only laugh. Separate your personal identity from all this and dispassionately view the nfl from a 30,000 foot view. You might be surprised what you see. 

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