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Posts posted by BassToMouth

  1. Just now, Billznut said:

    Well there was certainly looking like some serious doubt until the Broncos tripped on their D’s and fumbled it all away. 

    Lol the Broncos moving at will, offense looks great, they just highlight how the offense line is communicating and blocking great, and then that. 

    haha you guys just don’t want to accept it. It’s fine I know it’s hard to wake up.

  2. 48 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    Tom Brady senior is not worth 3.1 billion. I know it is on the internet but it is not true. He was an insurance salesman so 3.1 million is possible, maybe even 31 million but he is not worth 3 billion. 

    Gotcha👍  It’s legitimately true—as far as how true supposed facts are. You’re entitled to your opinion of course, and I do agree with you that it seems implausible, but that is indeed the case. 

    Don’t write things off with ‘oh did you find that on the internet’ excuse as if that means anything or holds any weight especially now in almost 2022. Everything is on the internet buddy, including every book, everything ever published and ‘corroborated’ and ‘validated’ as fact by the mouthpieces you trust so much on what national news or something? 

    That excuse holds no weight anymore. 


    9 minutes ago, Olliemets said:


    It's a joke. Relax big fella.

    "People like you..."




    In the end, Football is entertainment. Nothing more. Don't get yourself all worked up. 

    Not worked up man. It’s a back and forth. That’s how discourse works—we used to allow it in this country a bit. 

    And I fully understand it’s a joke to you, but as I’ve stated before, humor is the number one weapon for deflection. If you pair something with humor, and repeat it over and over, it will become a subconscious association. That is what is afflicting the majority of you, and you don’t even realize it.

  3. 7 minutes ago, KeLLy1278 said:

    God bless.  

    Go Sabres and go Bills!

    I wouldn’t be surprised if TB12 was worth that much, but his dad?  WTF??  Based on what?  An act of indiscretion 45 years ago?

    Huh? He supposedly made it mostly through being an insurance agent, starting off at New England Life in 1968 of all places (are you people awake yet😂). He’s worth over 3 billion and also did work for NFL films as far back as the 60s

  4. 46 minutes ago, Albany,n.y. said:

    Then why aren't you millionairs from betting on football if you have everything figured out?  

    Did you bet a lot on the Patriots futures before the season since you knew they would be good?  If not, why not.  

    You assume an awful lot. I suggest you pull back on that a bit. Approach things as neutrally as possible. 

    Look back at my posts—I stated definitively when the pats were 1-3 or 2-4 sometime around then that they would go to the super bowl and play the Bucs. 

    I was laughed out of town. Dozens of smug responses saying how garbage the pats were and how dumb I am etc. And quite honestly, I agree that the Pats aren’t all that great, not garbage but the fact they’re the #1 seed is an embarrassment for the league imo. 

    My goal with that post was to create a situation in which some of you who are staunchly against any claim that the league is scripted would later be open to at least having a discussion, a real one, not jabs and ridicule and memes about tin foil hats. Because why would anyone make the claim I did when I did? To later be proven right or even close to should open some of your eyes and convince you I and others like me are very possibly onto something. 

    One thing you need to understand, and this is important, is that it’s not a simple matter of seeing the scripting and then just opening up bovada or whatever app and putting $$$ on something. There are many factors at play, and the overarching desired narratives are just one. It’s considerably more complicated than you realize. I’ve taken advantage of this at times, but this year and the year before I truly haven’t had enough time to study everything involved with making informed bets. I’ll tell you this, there’s a huge amount of numerology/gematria involved. The most powerful people in the world are deeply into these practices, so it’s not even a matter of me thinking that ***** is real and/or important. They do. That’s all that matters. It’s also part of the real reason they moved the extra point to make it 33 yards. The other is to help steer outcomes better, as the original XP was simply too close and almost automatic no matter what. They could have chosen 30 yards, 32, 34, 27 whatever, but they chose 33. I was never less surprised about anything they’ve ever done. 

    As with anything, especially something you can make great money at, gambling on these fixed leagues requires a ton of time and effort in order to make it worth it. If you don’t or can’t do that, then you truly are just guessing and you’re better off not risking your money.



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  5. 3 hours ago, Ralonzo said:

    That’s a pretty optimistic take on human nature, based on the entirety of recorded history.

    It’s amazing how many people have this naive, idealistic mindset of the world that flies in the face of all human history. “But most people are generally good!” 

    Umm..no they’re really not. It’s willful ignorance. The refs are human, that’s their excuse? Unreal. Oh gee wiz you missed 10 calls today and made 10 more that didn’t need to happen, but you’re just human. Yea that’s how multi billion dollar businesses approach critical aspects of their operation.

    1 hour ago, Olliemets said:

    Tin Hat.jpeg

    People like you are the best. The above is the extent of your discourse. You think you made a point? Because other clapping seals might find this amusing? You’re only embarrassing yourself.

    3 hours ago, ToGoGo said:

    Didn't know about Tom Brady Sr. 


    How in the world is he worth $3B and that is never talked about and literally zero mainstream articles are written about it? Insane. 


    Even in his pictures, the father has that Bob Kraft billionaire vibe. 

    Exactly. How does this never come up? Lol

  6. Just now, Buffalo Barbarian said:


    You got all that from popcorn ,impressive (slow clap)



    I live that redenbacher life 

    1 minute ago, GoBills808 said:

    Yes. You got me. Part time stenographer and I moonlight as a mind controller.

    You’re not controlling anyone’s mind lol. It’s ok, man, I don’t blame you. It’s not your fault. Just picture me as Robin Williams and you’re Matt Damon. It’s not your fault you’re the way you are. It’s not your fault.

  7. 12 hours ago, QB Bills said:

    Like many others here, I'm still seething about that game for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which was that awful showing by the referees.


    This isn't a novel concept, I don't believe. If I remember correctly, Bill Belichick floated the idea years ago. To fix the reffing issue, make every play/infraction challengeable with the caveat that you get two wrong challenges per game (punishable by yardage and/or losing a timeout).


    The big pushback on this would be that it would seriously slow the game down (especially if you're of the thought that there is holding on every play) but I think if you give more manpower and authority to off-field officials who are reviewing plays as they happen, this would minimize the delay. The way it is now, 90% of the time the tv viewer knows whether a challenge is going to be successful way earlier than the on-field refs receive the message and announce it. The process is incredibly ridiculous if you think about it.

    😂🤦‍♂️ yes a multi billion dollar behemoth ‘can’t’ find competent officials. That’s why Hochuli’s son is now a ref. 

    Will you all please wake up? 

  8. 8 hours ago, NewEra said:

    This actually happened in the NBA….  Let’s not act like there’s no chance there is something shady going on.  


    the conspirAcy isn’t based on nothing.  It’s based on real life situations that have already happened.  It’s happening in the worlds most popular sport.  It happened in the nba.  I remember watching the blazers vs Lakers, game 7 of the 2000 nba finals.  I was a Laker fan, thinking “can the refs really be THIS bad?  Are they really just making mistakes?  There’s got to be some bs going on.  There’s no way the lakers should’ve won that game…..if not for the refs.”  I was right. We then saw the refs he’ll the lakers win the 2006 nba finals.  Donaghy also said the 2002 kings and 2006 Mavs would’ve been champs if not for officiating.  

    Now, I’m not saying that this is 💯 the case in the NFL.  I’m saying that there’s chance that there is some shady stuff going on.  There is evidence of wrong doing with these outrageous calls/non calls.  If you want to be so naive to think there is no chance of collusion, wake up.  Or stay asleep and get hit by the reality truck one of these days. The world is full of cheaters. In all aspects of life.  Including sports


    The average person simply cannot accept this because sports are deeply intertwined with their personal identity. And I get it. Like people have asked, why tf do you still watch and engage if you’re certain it’s scripted. Well, because I played football for 10 years, my family is from Buffalo, I wanted to ***** be the next Jim Kelly, and I lived and breathed the Bills for a long long time. I get it. It’s in our blood. But I guess many people are content living in denial. That’s really what it is. 

    13 minutes ago, Reks Ryan said:

    Stop hanging out with New England fans.  It will improve your life

    McDermott is an actor, just like all coaches. Have you ever wondered why the same garbage coaches somehow get job after job? Like there’s no new blood out there? Well, there is, but not the right blood. And not those who understand the reality of the NFL and are willing to be embarrassed on a major national stage if that’s the script, to be lambasted by your hometown media and fellow citizens, hated even. Maybe they’ll give you a title if you do right by them, maybe not. You’re still getting rich, you’re still a public figure. You’re still involved with the GAME 99% of us have to give up by 18 or 22 years old. 


    • Agree 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Billsfan1972 said:

    Now I see....  Only 13 posts.....  All to say it was the right call?????


    I didn't (as well as most people) say it was a conspiracy.  It was a lousy non-call on an obvious penalty!!!! 


    But yes I asked your opinion on the other plays I sited.

    Yes because ‘conspiracy’ is just so IMPOSSIBLE 😂


    You are trained seals. You all deny logic and basic human nature in favor of coincidence. It’s embarrassing. Conspiracy makes more sense in most situations sports or otherwise. It’s simply two or more people coordinating or planning an agenda of some kind. Why is that so damn impossible to you all? Seriously. People plan and work together to accomplish their goals all day every day. They scratch backs, they trade scratch, and the world goes round.


    Coincidence theorists—the majority of you—don’t even realize how stupid you are viewed to those that know how things actually work. What’s hilarious is none of you know my background and what I’ve seen and been involved with. You just assume. I’m trying to wake you people up, to help you. It’s only your pride that makes you angry with me. Be humble. I didn’t know what I know for a long time either.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 11 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

    It’s entirely your prerogative to be mad at bad referees. But if we’re being honest this was just your garden variety bad and no-calls. The last time I got truly upset about officiating was the Texans wildcard game.

    ‘Bad’ referees lol. Yeah they’re just incompetent 😂

    5 hours ago, LABILLBACKER said:

    The NFL will determine when we're allowed to win. If Josh's playmaking adds eyeballs and advertising $ to games, we'll start getting the "Jordan rules" love that Brady has enjoyed for 20 years. Once the Brady/ Belichick narrative finally ends, the NFL will have to find new money makers.

    I’ve been saying, get the stadium done and make it expensive and impressive, and we’ll all of a sudden not get *****. 

  11. 2 hours ago, The Red King said:


    Bebee was out of bounds on the long TD.  The overtime interception was defensive PI.  Loved the game, loved the outcome, will be the first to admit the refs screwed the Oilers.

    Certain players are chosen to fulfill certain roles. Reich also has the biggest college come back ever at Maryland right? Or close to?


    Its actually beyond hilarious if you dig into these players’ backgrounds. Brady especially. I mean, do any of you know his ‘dad’ is worth roughly 3.1 billion? And also did significant work with NFL films as far back as the 60s? How many interviews and docs have their been about tommy and pops without this being mentioned. It never comes up. He’s basically presented as a Josh Allen type, yet his dad was filthy rich and worked for the NFL.


    Mac Jones is equally interesting, which is why I knew the slightly better than mediocre Patriots would ascend to the top by the end of the season. 

    Don’t dismiss and talk ***** if you haven’t put in any time and effort into learning anything about this league and their players and the powerful people who run it.


  12. 31 minutes ago, KzooMike said:

    Most of you are probably aware of this but in college football pass interference is a 15 yard penalty. I like that it's a 15 yards penalty. I do not trust the referees ability to judge PI in real life and do not want the risk of a penalty being called that is undetermined in length. If you object I imagine it's most likely out of the fear defenders will start tackling open WR's downfield. I used to think that way, never happens. I can count on one hand how many times I have seen a clearly defeated college player decide that committing a penalty is better than not committing one. No player can react that logically with something so instinctual, in real time, and those speeds. It NEVER happens. 


    15 Yards, good idea, bad idea?

    It’s another way they adjusted to help them

    steer outcomes. All their changes have been for this reason. The extra point being moved to 33 yards is the most obvious shout out and also helps them steer outcomes. You have to stop taking this league at face value, assuming that like any other business, they’re attempting to make their product or service better. Obviously the NFL is not doing this. It’s all for other reasons, actually to the detriment of their product, and very few of you seem to want to accept this.

  13. You’re only confused because you still operate from the perspective that the NFL is legitimate fair sport. It’s not. It’s Entertainment. The Bills were a feel good story last year, which the NFL was fine with considering the amazing fan base we have and awesome ratings and energy. But that didn’t trump the desired narrative last year, which was is Mahomes the successor to Brady/the older legend facing off against the young new top superstar qb. That’s why they allowed the Chiefs to mug our wide receivers with almost no repercussions.


    You’re confused about this year? We’re not part of the desired outcome. The refs have literally taken 2 games minimum just on their own and you can argue the Pats game as well w Knox in the end zone with that call putting us at the 1 as it should have if i

    the flag were thrown.


    You all wander around this site and forum confused about all these things some of are simply not. It’s obvious. You just don’t want to accept it. You’re right, that lack of defensive penalties against us is impossible—if this were a fair sport not WWE.


    They didn’t need Buffalo screwing up their plans by still being better than a slightly improved Pats team. A lot of you don’t watch the Pats games, which is good. Because you’d probably go fully insane seeing how far it swings in their favor every game. It’s actually embarrassing that team is the number 1 seed. They are 6-8 seed imo if this were a real league. 

    Everyone is trying to figure out ‘what’s wrong’ with the offense lol. It’s literally just this. We were getting normal calls last year. This year not even Diggs, the friggin best wr in the league last year, can get a call. You really can’t figure out what is actually happening? 

  14. 17 minutes ago, NewEra said:

    this is where the disconnect lies.  You’re insinuating that people think there’s a conspiracy based on one play?  It’s just one of many plays…..yet your focusing on only one…..and saying that that one play is what has us convinced.  Your line of thinking is flawed…..IF the bolded is actually true and not just drivel.  There have been hundreds, if not thousands of plays that have convinced a large contingent of the nfl fan base that there is something seriously flawed with the state of nfls officiating.  

    people had been saying about the nba for years.  Then Tim Donaghy got caught. The “conspiracy” turned into a reality.   And then there are people that think the NFL is beyond such corruption…..as they lay in bed with the sports books.  Wake up yall.  The world is more corrupt than it is lawful. People are cheating in every aspect of life.  

    I’ve literally posted massive piles of evidence neatly and coherently for these clapping seals to review, and they will still say ***** like this. They’re programmed dimwits. They refuse to accept that what they’re seeing (scripting) is happening. That would open up the scary scary question of if the nfl is scripted wwe bs, then what else in life I think is real is actually scripted?


    That’s just too scary. The comfort of lies is much more palatable for most people

    Just now, OP Blue said:

    How does one respond with substance to conjecture and conspiracy?  You make fun of it and move on.  When you have some facts, come back and I will review them.

    Haha I’ve posted many times on this. And only a Fraction of the evidence out there. You’re disingenuous like most people. You’ll ignore all that routinely and then post this type of comment. You’re the one living a lie and idolizing grown men you don’t know. 

  15. Just now, OP Blue said:


    Okay, I missed out on this conspiracy.  I will get the foil hat out immediately.


    Haha you realize your ‘tin foil hat’ response is programmed into right? You’re literally parroting something w no thought behind it. Same with ‘conspiracy theorist’ and ‘qanoner’ 


    These terms are created so you don’t have to ever think and respond w substance, you can just spit that out and post a 🤣 like you actually refuted the point made.



  16. 3 minutes ago, Limeaid said:


    Be hard to generate revenue when fans do not want to put up money anymore on flawed product.

    Except no one will stop doing that to an extent needed to make an impact. Plus they keep bringing in the fans they want: dumb casuals who like how the NFL is half soap opera half kind of sport and of course pushes bull#### social ‘justice’ lies. They don’t want real football fans, Bc real football fans know what real football is supposed to ***** look like

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