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Everything posted by BassToMouth

  1. Definitely. I think offense is adjusting to the model of New England chameleon style adapting to opponents weaknesses and being able to execute whatever style is likely to give us the best chance to win. We’re just not running on all cylinders doing that yet
  2. Honestly one of the coolest things ever that Reid and Blake Ferguson are both nfl longsnappers
  3. Hopefully the nfl wants us to make it
  4. Jeez that’s bad energy to put out there in the world. Gonna come back to him. Not cool.
  5. So the refs don’t see it but throw it when a dolphins player informs them of it hahaha
  6. 😂 I love how you all think they’re doing anything but calling what’s buzzed into their headsets
  7. I honestly am fine w motor And moss as our backs. They’re both talented and capable and fairly durable. Our oline needs addressing and like you said proper movement on run plays that plays to their strengths as rbs
  8. Moss has a good run it’s more Moss Singletary sucks! Vice versa it’s Singletary is the #1 Moss Needs to stay on the bench and so on hahah
  9. You guys are so bipolar with our rbs so
  10. That’s simply impossible for me to believe. They want you to think this way, but there’s legitimately no reason a multi billion dollar entity like the nfl would have anything but the best full time highly paid and trained officials. Instead they have part time people, many are sons of or related to long time refs. Not choosing the best of the best, but a tight group of puppets who make the calls they’re told to when they’re told to.
  11. Yeah I just saw it happen in another game recently almost exactly the same
  12. But i thought there’s no way any fixing and rigging can occur in the nfl?
  13. No they haven’t that’s just flat out incorrect
  14. ‘Idiot refs’ ? Hahaha when are you all going to accept the obvious
  15. The nfl has an entertainment license, only other two pro sports w that are wwe and roller derby. But no, fixing is impossible. Vegas has no influence on the league
  16. Never believe that the nfl is scripted mainly through the refs…impossible right? Haha its so obvious
  17. I agree with that, but I think we at least keep it contained to our little world and don’t lash out at them publicly to try to embarrass them. I think the difference is we actually care about our players as people too whereas some fan bases, maybe the Chief’s, almost use the players as a means to an end—feeling better about themselves through their team’s performance. So they can go from #1 fan to #1 hater play to play. Again, I think the difference is we keep our bipolar behavior and reactions in house. I haven’t publicly seen a Bills fan deride or embarrass a player, but clearly other team’s fan bases do sometimes.
  18. The amount of terrible calls that affect the betting lines at critical moments is interesting to say the least
  19. Same, that’s how I see it. It’s super sad that ‘clout’ which I guess is a combination of influence and money and visibility is so important today. Almost a new currency. Pride vs humility at war and pride is taking the cake. Not a surprise given how hard it’s pushed. You nailed it w the neediness aspect. People don’t put as much importance anymore on what they think and feel about themselves as what others think and feel about them. Maybe this was always the case en masse, but I think it’s worse than it ever was. Plus social media was built using the same techniques as casino games, dopamine hits with every ‘like’ and retweet or whatever. So it’s an addiction essentially. It’s releasing the same chemicals as some drugs and just overall feelings of ‘good’ do. Kinda scary tbh
  20. I am just so glad the Allens are in Buffalo and not the Mahomes Honestly that is what it is, but they consider it a good thing now apparently. So it is pretty confusing for people like me and I assume you who aren’t tuned into that specific little world. Just attention seeking, skill or talent or being interesting isn’t required at all anymore. Very bizarre. I have no social media despite being in a similar age group. To me it promotes narcissism and is a total distraction.
  21. Didn’t mckelvin for a simple muffed kickoff? I would absolutely expect he has at this point. Especially given the sentiment just within TBD on what Cole should and shouldn’t be doing and saying
  22. Lol I love people like you. No need to have your conditioned knee jerk reaction and call for backups to help you ridicule. Just wait until the end of the season. Have a good day.
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