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Everything posted by AuntieEm

  1. Also post draft there be some vets cut if their team took a cb rookie.
  2. Mike Gllislee?
  3. No whipping needed when you bring home a lombardi.
  4. Well problem solved Bills will just win the Supwler Bowl setting the new undefeated standard to a 20 game win streak so we can put an end to the Dolphins having only undefeated season and taking over that record. Icing would be to beat a Brady led team in the title game and let von miller give Brady the unfinished business he mistakenly thought was to add to his SB record.... instead it will add to his sb losses record.
  5. Good I hope they do help Brady to the super bowl where Allen and Bills can beat him and he'll really retire.
  6. Plus with less games played after he became a backup primarily again he took less wear and tear so when he does decide to retire he may be healthier with that healthy bank account. And really that's even more valuable than the $$. Which is why.... I think Brady is gonna regret playing another year. I don't believe Brady will be favored as much by refs as has in the past. And as a result when he gets hit solidly even some of the legal hits will be harder for the 45 year old body to absorb no matter the name on the jersey being considered the best to ever play the game. Last I checked neither Father Time nor Mother Nature give 2 figs who a person is. Which is why I also hope Fitzpatrick retires. If he still wants to be that mentoring guy in the qb room he can s ign on as a qb coach or assistant with a team with young qb.
  7. Hogwash there's pets who are loved and cared for and then there's your take on owning another living being for some form of status symbol. While technically yes pets are considered property most pet owners don't consider their pets property.
  8. Sanders did slow but did get his first ever playoff TD from Josh. Think Sanders will retire and I'm sure Buffalo is a preferred destination for many FA wrs, if there's a match between skill and compensation it'll be a FA. With Josh spreading ball around easily even a talented rookie speedster could thrive. Plus I'm sure the last 2 games of playoff tape he put out there is of a qb any top wr would wanna play with. Any top wr will thrive with Allen and he's put the proof on full display. If they held a vote today for next years pro bowl I could see Allen getting the most votes across players, coaches, gms and fans or being near the top amongst each groups vot getters.
  9. Why would they have any say in the coaching staff? They have as much say in coaching hires as the Loch Ness Monster.
  10. Yea it reads as if they are opposed to every team having their own medical people examine the players rather than just one staff to do physicals then give the results to each teams staff. I personally think Buffalo has generally had a top notch medical staff, largely because WNY does have some of the best medical professionals in the country. So I much rather the Bills staff conduct their own physicals rather than just getting results formulated by some generic staff the combine puts together.
  11. Lol I never said endorsements would be a distraction I only said I prefer him focused on the other things he does, his training with palmer and oshei hospital. He has alot of free time and can choose how he wants to use it like anyone else. You chose to assume that I was against Josh looking for those deals, I really don't care either way if he does any or not. He has no financial need so I guess he isn't all that interested. When something that appeals to him comes up I'm sure he'll take it until then I like he is doing what he enjoys on his downtime.
  12. Well players may prefer some other way to break ties. How about settling ties by duelling kickers -- longest fg made wins and you could even make it player safer by just having the holders and kickers involved no ST attempts at blocking the fgs. Start at a distance of say 50 yd fg they can keep increasing distance until one kicker fails the winning kickers team is game winner. The game decided by how good your kicking game is. It doesn't expose your star players to any injuries maybe the kicker but with no ST it would be the same risk as just practicing fgs.
  13. And you seem to be promoting a 'if he's not in the same number of TV commercials as athlete x y or z then he can't really be good since the majority of fans don't put him on the same tier as x y or z. I don't need Josh to be viewed as the best qb by other people for me to view him as the best. Josh has preferred to go play golf at Pebble Beach which he and his family were fans of as its a local event for them basically. Doesn't mean I will suddenly fear he will decide he rather take up a pro golf career should he start to excel in his golf game. Bo Jackson managed to play pro football and pro baseball at the same time. He was allowed some leeway by Al Davis who was a fan of his baseball skill as well as football skills. So I would think Josh could pull off football and some golf in off season if he focused on that if he wanted to. Much like if Kyle Williams decided he wanted to give pro golf a try he likely could as he's quite good and if he isn't quite at a pro level he has that work ethic that he could succeed at it. Only Josh knows what he wants or feels he needs to focus on. He seems he has stated in interviews quite plainly that playing football is what he enjoys most and so his lack of endorsements seems to be by his choice moreso than any other reason. I don't care about those players they come up short to me simply because they are not Josh Allen. Whether or not they come up short and why they have I don't care except in that myself prefer they play their A game against the Bills even if it means the Bills lose. Not sure there are many fans who would begrudge him doing endorsements. Even if he got an endorsement for a product a fan doesn't care for say Pepsi I doubt Mafia fans who prefer Coke are gonna revolt . Well maybe you would, seeing as you seem to take his lack of endorsements personally like its needed to validate your fandom.
  14. Hogwash! Plenty of people in history have been exceptionally talented in several areas. There's even an era named after a set time period when it was pretty common for people to pursue multiple interests. Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the most famous of that era they named the Renaissance. Josh Allen could add endorsement commitments and not have other pursuits suffer in any way easily. . The fact he doesn't have any major national ad deals yet tells me he hasn't made that a priority because he's been trending upward long enough for there to have been preliminary discussions with his agent I have no doubt. There can be a number of reasons he has yet to land a national endorsement deal. Maybe some offers were not for products Josh wanted to promote so he declined regardless of the price they would pay him. More than likely it is that Josh just isn't looking for deals and that's why I chose to prefer his focus is where he has it as I'm fully confident that Josh Allen knows what he wants to be doing in his off seasons. He has plenty of time in his future to cash in on endorsement deals and as he improves his skills the price they pay him will increase. Basically whether or not Josh Allen has any major endorsement deals does not matter to me and if it matters to Josh than he will take care of that in the same way he takes care of working on getting his passing game where he feels it needs to go.
  15. And the bonus to all football fans regardless of their affiliations is you get to witness wonderful games when the better talented teams meet and push each other to the limits. I expect Allen will be ranked among all time greats when he hangs up his cleats.
  16. Option 2 all day long. And I don't think Allen ever could become Wentz but then I never really thought Wentz was the reason for his own success. If Trubisky took over after a injury to Allen then the team wins the SB I don't even think Nick Wright would suggest the Bills lose the better QB when he's signed away as a FA.
  17. Plus when your team is solid and is good season in and season out then you always have a chance for playing in the SB that year. Each team that has ever reached the SB has had some element of luck to get them there in that season. So give me the team that always gives itself a chance to be in the SB each season. You require less luck with that team and not everything has to fall just right, increasing the likelihood of success. If you are gonna hope to hit the lotto as some put it.... well don't you still prefer the best odds?
  18. I actually prefer Josh focusing on things more important than getting endorsement deals. Let him work on his game where he feels it needs attention and his work for Oshei and the Patricia Allen Foundation. As well as just relaxing getting refreshed for the new season. The improvements and investment he put into his family's farm will secure their future income sufficiently that Josh can pick and choose what if anything he chooses to endorse.
  19. Has Peyton ever expressed interest in coaching let alone walk on first time ever into a oc position? Yea Peyton probably is as good a oc as any candidates out there but does he even wanna do the long hours during the football season? I mean he gets to watch football chat with various players in the league with his brother with the Manning cast and gets paid well no doubt. So Peyton only an option if he expressed interest in coaching.
  20. And failed attempt they still kickoff with 13 secs. Yea think they should have gone for 2 pts and gotten it. If they fail lose on fg not much different than the ot loss.
  21. Yea Josh's play still going up. He's really becoming an ice cold Mafia hit-man. Next time with 13 secs left when u kick extra point instead have Josh attempt the 2 point conversion but have him run to the opposite 2 yd line then give himself up. Don't know if by rule the clock runs off during the 2 pt attempt run to the 2 yd line. If by rule there's still 13 sec left I like our chances stopping them from a fg try to win from their 2 yd line with 13 secs to go. If you are that afraid of a ST return to hill you do the 2 pt fake attempt to kill game clock for potential comeback. Just gotta look within rules for way to prevent what you fear or better yet become fearless because you keep making your plays and the other teams are afraid.
  22. He may hire a competent OC and not oversee the offense that heavily. BB praised Daboll as being qualified to coach numerous position groups. Offense and defense which I'd place Daboll as likely able to oversee a team capably but allowing his coordinators to fine tune their units. We shall certainly see, we know he has a capable gm so he'll get players with skills he requests. His staff hires will be what makes or breaks his start there. He's considered a players coach in that he really cares for them as people not just an x or o in his gameplans. I'd expect he'd have a staff that mirrors that.
  23. Well until he actually isn't on a nfl roster opening day 2022 I'm not gonna rule out the possibility that he's just doing the retirement route so he can get released and maybe get 49ers to sign him. Maybe AB rubbed off on TB12 somewhat? Of course, it's very possible and probable that Giselle is demanding he retire. She obviously has the final say in that relationship. Brady credits her with her witchery with altars and whatnot -- all she'd have to do is say she won't do her voodoo stuff and now that he's drawing PF for whinging at a non-call RTP that had his lip bleed he doesn't wanna be taking the hits at 45 after all. Playing when the refs got your back is totally different than when they may let some borderline stuff go. I could see either as being what transpires so until it actually happens I really don't even care either way. I'd have liked to see Josh win his first SB by just outplaying Brady on whatever nfc team he plays on if he isn't really retiring. I'll enjoy all Josh Allens playoff success even if his Sb wins aren't against Brady.
  24. It could be as simple as his kids are Bills fans and Josh Allen in particular, kinda like Manning sharing his son wears Allen Jersey in his league. So when they asked Santa for Bills playoff tickets they got them. However a decision to get into coaching would be likely very successful for Fitz. He played for almost half the teams in the league so he has plenty of contacts as well as respect amongst all owners. If he hasn't played for them I'm sure he was at least considered for a qb opening with exception of teams with franchise in NE well they may consider him now to work with jones if he wanted the full circuit of AFCE teams. And again first has Fitzpatrick ever expressed desire to pursue coaching? I know it was pretty much known that Frank Reich was leaning toward coaching for after playing days. I've never heard his thoughts on wanting to coach or if he wanted to use his degree. I mean he uses his degree just for his own investments I'm sure after all he likely finished high in his class. Then again I never checked his academic record. I mean it's like the circle of FitzMagic is known. Sign as bridge/mentor to rookie qb yada yada yada....
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