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Everything posted by AuntieEm

  1. Lol that's all she knows how to do. Only reason she has what she has. She's just a media ho literally. Obviously it hasn't made her happy as she's still crying for more. If Poyer ever smartens up she will be left with nothing, but as that is what she's earn well then thats okay by me. Any players that want to be paid top dollar better be putting in that level of play. At the moment all the Bills who are producing at highest levels of their positions are on offense. The defensive rankings are More a product of the scheme moreso than individual elite play. I hope Tre White can get back to his previous level. I know he will put in the work so if the rehab goes well I expect he'll be back to being a top nfl corner. And really even White isn't irreplaceable in our defense. Poyer is a good solid player as are many on our defense, but not until we signed Von Miller did we have a true difference maker. Tre was limited somewhat as other teams avoided his areas whenever they could, which was often enough that Josh had to carry the team more than he should. Any of the defense wanting big raises better be making the plays that deserve the big bucks. Otherwise they are welcome to cash their checks at a new location.
  2. Oh I don't blame him if that's his personal choice. He's the one putting in the work and will suffer any of the physical tolls that occur. Frankly the only concern Rachel has is for the cash I think she'd trade Poyer in for someone with more money.
  3. Don't tell that to Rachel Bush she seems to think he should be paid elite money for solid play, but hardly irreplaceable with our scheme. Our defense doesn't need to be dominant while we have Allen and the offense humming. Yes moving on from Poyer may result a lower ranking but nowhere near enough to offset our offense so Bills win with or without Poyer up to him if he plays out his deal before moving on. So by her reckoning we should get pick 10 for Jordan alone giving them 25 too is just icing on the cake.
  4. If he's not happy in Buffalo I'm pretty sure slot of it is because of the Mrs being so demanding. Hope it doesn't cause him to relapse from his sobriety. If he is truly underpaid then let him seek a trade that he likes and with tangible assets traded to Bills to move on to next man up. It's not like the defense has played stellar in the playoffs and is why we went further than Josh could carry them. He'll get paid what he's worth to Bills and if he needs more he'll have to get it elsewhere. I like Poyer and will like him as a Bill or as an ex-Bill and hope he does well except against the Bills if that happens. Can't say I'll miss hearing about Rachel's Twitter rants if he gets traded. Pretty sad that she almost tips the scales for trading poyer to be well worth it.
  5. Plus I think if a player has played well and deserves a pay raise but it's not a bump the Bills can pay I think they do work with player to get best deal in a trade with no hard feelings and happy to help a deserving player. So Poyer will get to decide if the deal he can get with Bills is acceptable or if he has to get what he can. Either way Bills won't try to keep him f f om getting what he is worth.
  6. Or possibly the Whaley quote was a designed PR statement to draw eyes to the situation. If it was its a pretty brilliant marketing ploy. It also shows Whaley still clinging to values he trained under in Pittsburg as he's interviewing for GM. Maybe they prefer that trait in their GM?? So the PR could be equally beneficial to each parties interests. If the Bills are pulling off such good marketing that's just increasing the Bills value. Lol I wouldn't be surprised if they trade for Treyvon Diggs to beef up the cbs while White gets back to his top abilities. Gotta keep the boys happy!
  7. Just my take and I think pretty much a possibility is the Bills will end up with one of the top receivers of this draft class, but it will be on a second prove it contract once his rookie deal makes him a free agent after spending his rookie deal with sub standard qbs throwing to him. In the mean time they get interest from any FA receivers looking to join a winner because we have Josh. He is a creature and other creatures wanna join him. So I don't worry about which direction they go in draft they seem to hit on the biggest moves to building a core that can sustain some plug and play with the defense. No one puts the loss on Josh as defense lost it, and yet even them caving had Josh had another go I think a good number of general nfl fans wouldn't be surprised if Allen didn't impose his will driving for a GW TD with a 2 point conversion. So whomever they draft is fine by me.
  8. Also, possible added perk of being a top contender mixed with players who grow to love the team and fans, he could opt to hang out on PS to be a in shape but fresh body in the stretch run of the playoffs. During early season he's keeping in game shape with practicing. He can be helping coach up the younger guys as well then if they more at the tail end if season, he's got his motor revving at pace to help take out whomever survives the AFC to have the honor of falling to the eventual SB champs. The Bills paid him well over his career he's earned it as well both sides won no reason can't mutually decide to do above situation. If the young guys break out with Miller drawing attention as he will then having Jerry as unused insurance at a minimum cost while Jerry gets to keep in shape hanging out with his guys, would earn a SB ring as member of PS squad does it matter to any Mafia if his contributions took place in practice setting? Dunno if he's a player inclined to coaching post career if he is could be a way to intern so to speak..... I'm inclined to think that going forward may see more players opt to do these types of deals. They don't earn top $$$, but they also aren't taxing their older bodies and can contribute if the need arises down the stretch.
  9. Well I imagine if the qb2 was the holder it would be for every fg attempt not just when u wanna run a trick play.
  10. None of us will know what the underlying reasoning is. I have a number of speculative possibilities and in the end it doesn't matter the why. I don't think any team in our division will be a significant threat in the near future. I do believe that KC considered the Fins being in our division gave them an edge providing the rest of trade compensation was similar to any other team. Just my opinion don't need you to be like minded about it really the why is irrelevant the trade has been made and we will see how the effects play out on this as well as all the moves. It certainly has been a freewheeling offseason in the NFL.
  11. Fear no other teams, but RESPECT every single team no matter what, even if the talent is lopsided in favor of your team. I'm sure the Chiefs did this trade more to ensure the Bills have some competition for division and not a cakewalk for the 1 seed which I personally believe the Bills will get quite handily as they further convince all other fanbases that the Bills are the best team in football while Josh is our QB. I really think the Bills are why the trade was made to try help the Dolphins.
  12. I'm going to say I believe you will be wrong. However the 'next' Josh Allen hasn't been born yet and we will see if he chooses to follow in his dad's footsteps and play QB in football or maybe he decides he wants to become a doctor and help kids at Oshei Children's Hospital after growing up accompanying his dad visiting kids at the Patricia Allen Recovery Wing.
  13. The Cleveland fans have every right to choose to withdraw their support for the team. For arguments sake -- I am not saying this will happen but what if in Cleveland he gets caught engaging in the same types of situations. Obviously at that point it would be very apparent he is a very sick person and should be committed to a psyche hospital at the very least and then the NFL decides it will suspend him permanently and his guaranteed money is distributed by the civil courts to all his victims and he basically loses much of what he has now. If it causes financial losses for the league or just the Browns that's on them and certainly serves them right. If he is indeed a sexual predator he not gonna stop so he'll get caught just depends how well he can cover his tracks now that people are watching closely as to how long before he slips and gets caught. If he's innocent he won't have future incidents but he will have to live with the publics perception of his guilt/innocence.
  14. First there's little similarity between the Ruggs drunk driving accident which killed a woman and her dog and I'm pretty sure there's alot of evidence that shows Ruggs being the one responsible for the accident. I also do not recall Ruggs proclaiming his innocence. So I have no idea what you expect the OP to take a similar stand as the Watson allegations. I also am not sure why you are asking me where the ops stand is on that case I have no clue what his take is on that. I'd assume that provided he got proper legal council in his trial then justice prevailed as much as it can considering in that case the wronged party lost their lives due to Ruggs' actions. There's never been any question as far as I know that Ruggs was drunk driving and speeding slamming into the other car. If there was a ny improper procedure in Ruggs' trial I certainly expect the OP ( I'm assuming the OP is the he you are referring to otherwise I haven't a clue as to as who that male person is), I'd think he would also would expect Ruggs to have the right to a fair trial and appropriate punishment when he was found guilty. Are you implying that Ruggs was unjustly convicted?
  15. I have 0 problem with the fans boycotting the Browns over this. I do not judge Watson innocent or guilty the allegations are ugly and there is the whole I did have some consensual sex with some does put into question what occurred. I could just as easily find some of the claimants just as questionable as to their honesty and or motives. However to guarantee a full contract like his for that amount is totally crazy. I could jump to a conclusion that it's perhaps a payoff. Let's say Watson is and always has been innocent but the allegations were an attempt to keep Watson in Houston and at a substantially lower cost due to the damage to his reputation. Maybe Watson has some evidence that is just as believable as the accusers stories that makes it very likely the Oilers were engaging in underhanded tactics. I don't put such occurrences out of the possibility whenever there's that much money involved. Any future masseuse approached by Watson would be well within their rights to insist on having another person in the room for safety. If Watson is an innocent person he's gonna be perfectly fine with that may even be his requirement. If he rejects that as a condition the masseuse just declined the job no harm done.
  16. It sure seems like they are. And if there are no offsets that can nullify the guarantee then Clevelynd Browns should be held just as accountable as Watson.
  17. Lol don't know about anyone else but it kinda looks like Watson is ready to give Baker a kiss in that photo. If I'm cleveland and guaranteeing his contract I sure hope they included offsets that protect them. Like Watson can only have massages conducted at the Cleveland training facilities, or stipulating that the masseuse must be a male or the massage session can be taped and if there's no claims by the masseuse then the tape is erased without any viewing. I'm thinking Watson is gonna have more incidents in future whether of not he is guilty. If he Is a sexual predator he won't suddenly be abstaining and that will increase the allegations that come forward. If he is innocent there will be some lowlife that will try to target him to get some of his cash. If I'm an innocent person being accused of such conduct I'm sure as heck taping my sessions fully and that will prevent any future charges that are without any merit or at least have proof the allegations are false. If Watson is found in future to be a sexual predator beyond any doubt then Cleveland Browns should be held accountable if they did not include any specific ironclad offsets to the money being guaranteed. Giving any predator that amount of financial stability is in itself criminal.
  18. I think he's saying a person that hasn't been convicted in a court of law should not be ostracized by the society to where they can no longer find employment. That alone would cause more problems as desperate people (some totally innocent but being punished unjustly) start behaving less civilized in their attempts to just survive. Those that truly are guilty aren't suddenly gonna turn into angels though of course there will be some cases of redemption from among the guilty. End results likely adding to the pool of people that prey on the law abiding. The United States prison system doesn't seem to really focus on rehabilitation but just segregation.
  19. Well that doesn't mean he is planning to continue to play. He may very well test his hip see if he can still play then decide if he wants to still play. He has made a decent amount in his career and his degree is in finance I believe so he likely has investments set up to keep up his current living standards. If he chooses he could easily get into coaching if he prefers that to wall street.
  20. As do all players. Lol I can't understand why so many fans go so ballistic and really denigrate players after a bad play as if they should always be perfect. In any facet of life and enterprise the true winners are always those who respond to the failures with renewed effort and move on from mistakes hopefully with better awareness for avoiding the bad in future.
  21. Those scrub players may have won a ring but chances are good many of those rings get sold for cash when that player runs low on cash. Now those 0layers who took care to set aside some funds will maybe keep their rings but I'd suspect that's not the majority.
  22. Never know maybe Kromer coaches Cody up into a decent guard for the Bills. Sometimes the scheme/coaching isn't a good match but with a different one he may find his game at the nfl level. If not they can release him after preseason no harm in giving him a opportunity to salvage a spot.
  23. Or maybe Williams gets signed back but at a more acceptable pay rate for a guard that's not at top of position rankings.
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