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Everything posted by AuntieEm

  1. Yea even having gone thru the rehab before he still needs to get over the fear factor as it's natural to favor an injured area until it goes through the routine bumps and bruises of your activity. As he gets back into form it will likely be noticeable improvements each game as his trust builds on the injury being stable in its healing. And it's pretty much the Bills put themselves in the position they may need to win out, sounds like we could be in for a wonderful run. We certainly have the talent on both sides of the ball to pull that off and it would not surprise me. And yes they could come up short as well, that's what sports is about to get the best out of yourself in whatever sport you pursue. As well as it gives one of the younger healthy guys a breather so they aren't tired and then more prone to injury due to fatigue.
  2. As they should be as a players health should always be prioritized over a game.
  3. We have a QB that can deliver the ball to practically every inch of the field if given enough protection and the weapons to spread out a defense. You add in a running game and yes at right times Allen may go for a little jaunt. Not many defenses can do that for a whole game. Spread the ball all around everybody gets a ring. .
  4. I give him all the time he has in the NFL. I'm. Only saying I don't rule him out as ending up as possibly better than Kelce. He has the talent to go as far as he wants to go and it's up to him where he ends up. Kelce might not be Kelce if he had a different QB his career to this point. I don't believe Gronkowski who's likely getting HoF consideration when he becomes eligible would have that if the Bills drafted him, even if he still played as a top TE he wouldn't have the post season success if he had been a Bill.
  5. I see him get down as he's being tackled often in a safe way like he's taken martial arts kinda like he's learned best how to fall given his size. As for stretching out and sort of diving, If that's what u mean by superman dives, well maybe he does enough in practice and games where his torso is beefed up enough to weather that, much like some people who walk alot barefoot will usually have tougher soles of feet and they withstand more rough surfaces than if they didn't build up the toughness.
  6. Well why can't Kincaid be as good or even eventually be better than Kelce? Might be the two flip flop future years as 1 and 2 TEs in the league. Both have an elite qb to feed them the ball and both do require their teams to be playing well to get their chances.
  7. I expect the bounces will go the Bills way in the 2nd half.
  8. Maybe but it is not gonna hold up as it will be easily tagged as an edited picture so it will have no validity. Probably easy to retrieve the actual original photo as well.
  9. I can guarantee the deer will die at some point whether or not the accident is the underlying cause Iis the only thing that isn't certain.
  10. He's no spring chicken and frankly does he even care about winning? Seems he is just looking to get as much as he can in his bank and he really doesn't care how well the team does.
  11. As well if the players really are about winning then we should see it on the field. If they keep this just going through the motions, we are just running the plays as they are called mindset then they really don't deserve a place at the table with the grownups.
  12. Yet you never know how the ball will bounce in a playoff game. The team has underachieved as the favorites; maybe with lower expectations and maybe even being written off completely may spark the teams ego to shut all the naysayers up. They have the talent to do it if the lucky bounces fall the Bills way in post season. We are due some bounces to get them back to the mean. Do I expect it, at this point this team only has earned a show me what you got. They will earn what they deserve either way.
  13. Could be a chant to put in Kyle Allen no?
  14. Johnson and Johnson, 2 top candidates to fix what ails this current team. Aren't Bandaids a Johnson and Johnson product? Seems to be a sign.....
  15. Well it also give an easy excuse for when the team produces some more Bison dung and leaves it on the field. I don't think anyone in the organization knows how to actually take responsibility of the results they are getting on the field. Team seems to be very fragmented in little groups and doesn't seem like they try to work together but rather they seem to be all just trying to deflect any of the blame from themselves. Defense is decimated by injuries, and those still able to play aren't gonna go all out when the offense isn't putting in the same effort. Can't risk injury to Josh or season is lost. Can't ask defense to keep losing players to injury as the offense does not do their part. Doesn't look like any players have each other's backs though they all mouth the same cliches about believing in their teammates. It is very telling they needed to call a player only meeting which doesn't seem to have done anything but seems to have driven a wedge deeper into the various player factions this team has. Guess it's the new version of Bickering Bills. Whenl they figure out how to play as a team then they will have a chance at winning something. And frankly they don't deserve to win anything the way they have been playing.
  16. So Father Time needs to be fired..... Tough sell as Father Time us undefeated and will remain so.
  17. WEll that just means he can only run in one TD per game he just has to have the rest as passing TDs. Let each receiver point when they score so just spread the ball out to different receivers to max the pointing.
  18. Lamp-y ?
  19. But it's a great perk for us military to get to a game while serving in Germany and other bases in europe.
  20. I rather the team just play solid on bothe offense and defense and not have to have any last minute strategy other than when tò sit starters with a comfortable lead.
  21. Yea but sometimes it's nice to see how your game plays against players u aren't facing everyday as well...
  22. Did you know you always find a missing item in the last place you look for it?
  23. This. It also has the added benefit of giving K. Allen. Reps against a decent defense so if he ever needs to fill in to finish a game for Josh if the Bills get to a comfortable lead and want to let Josh sit rest of a game. If K. Allen has more reps in practice might slow game down enough to be as capable bu qb for Josh.
  24. Did you know it's all about the ....... .
  25. Hoping part of the reason Giants couldn't do anything was that our guys had things covered enough to disrupt the Giants offense. If they aren't all that taĺented on their offense can't hold it against s inst our defense that the did stop them when it mattered.
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