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Everything posted by AuntieEm

  1. Yea I don't think he'll retire as in his mind he earned that money when he got hurt on the job.
  2. Well as BLM is claiming that blacks are targeted here by the powers that be or the police, let these concerned players go see how police treat blacks in Africa. Large continent there are various regimes in countries that make up Africa I'm sure there are pockets of racial equality in some areas and some pretty gruesome conditions in other areas. Just saying that ok if you think ìts so bad here go see how it is in another part of the world. Africa being chosen as the place to start comparison because Black people originated from that continent. Actually if the theory of evolution is accurate all humankind originateđ from Africa. And we are all black if we could trace our origins back to everyone's common ancestor I'm pretty confident that it would be a black person.
  3. I don't see anyone here claiming Terry is a Saint. They certainly hold him in high regard for keeping the Bills in Buffalo but that's not qualification for sainthood.
  4. No I would never say that because I know that there will be white guys who maybe only hold racist views against blacks. I also could see the alleged statement made to this 3rd party as actually being something like this possibly....q. Well if the players are so concerned about how they are treated perhaps they should visit Africa and see how Black's are treated there. And as it was in a conversation about BLM so the players of any race supporting the kneeling political protesting on the football field should perhaps go see how conditions are in another part of the world as a comparison.
  5. No but he's being portrayed as a racist. Typically racists aren't selective over finding other races inferior. Their very nature has them believing their own race is superior to any others. And frankly I don't believe Terry ever said any such thing so he didn't tell the players to go back to Africa either.
  6. I ant ßee Terry saying it. I also don't believe Terry is a racist. Racists typically don't marry a person they would consider to be of a inferior race and then have inferior offspring with that spouse. And yes one of his daughters did date Jason Croom a black player. Racists also typically will raise their offspring to hold similar views so that also kinda decreases the likelihood that Terry is a closet racist. I think this trotter guy thought he had a sure fire way to get promoted to becoming the newsroom manager and he play the race card because that was easier than actually earning a position he coveted.
  7. We don't need Super Josh no because there is no real superman. Unfortunately think Josh has become addicted to the accolades he gets when he pulls wins out of losses. I'd rather he become Clark Kent digging thru the tapes to uncover opponent tendencies to exploit by just being himself and not Super Josh. And he should be using all his cc weapons equally and not try to force the plays to Diggs. Diggs will get his because he gets open and makes plays when targeted more often than not.
  8. Then he needs to do more in practice on staying in pocket. Once he finds the open wr he can shift if he feels a bit of pressure from either tackle spots. However he needs to know which wrs is open also then get the ball to that player.
  9. Can't catch throws that are never made. Josh needs to spread the ball out to all his weapons not just Diggs. That just gets Diggs covered and having to make contested catches which he certainly wins a good percentage but that also opens him up to getting injured more likely in the rough game of the NFL. He can get his touches and awards easily once the defense doesn't blanket him as the likely only wr getting thrown to by Allen.
  10. Might need to to free up some of the cap he is taking up. I mean they will need to bring in another bu qb unless they got a couple on their ps.
  11. Nah y I u just need to send him a milf the night before you play him get him off his game of football as he indulges another game I. His life...
  12. Yea Josh didn't run any screens today those are always good to frustrate a pass rush and slow them down. I don't know if Josh just doesn't like screen plays but if that's the case he needs to learn it's not about what plays he likes to run its about what plays will work against what he sees the defense doing but without film study hes not a ble to identify what plays will work to get the defenders to vacate the areas on the field he wants to run plays to.
  13. Not so much good coaching as being good at being coached and following directions. I remember in my sophomore year in high school a teacher gave a test and you had to just follow the directions exactly to pass it. First question or direction on it said to read all the questions 20 of them. First. And it had silly things to do like rip off the top left corner of the paper, next was to count out loud to 3.... the very last direction was to just print your name on the test paper and hand it in and to not follow the previous 19 directions just the first telling you to read all 20 before actually going through them 1 by 1. Don't think any of us did . So we all failed that lil test to get us to really read and follow directions properly. Human nature we all wanna think we can use Che s t codes to get things done and MN an, times they can be but usually they aren't done properly or done to the best of a per s one ability.
  14. No he makes himself play for 2nd and 12 every drive because he won't wear out defenses by drinking and dunking all around the field they aren't protecting.
  15. I don't think Daboll is some great oc. He is capable but I don't rate him as the reason Josh improved after his first year. I certainly don't think Josh is working on his game as diligently as he did the first few years in his offseasons. It's all about celebrity golf tourney now and just having his fun. He certainly earns a vacation but these guys get like 5 months off. Plenty of time to have fun yet putting in the effort to improve whatever weak points he has in his game.
  16. Yea not watching film he's getting confused by what he sees on the defense. Police study your opponents even if they will play you differently than tape of similar plays, but there's only so much deviation in how a player plays so learn theirwill be better than his deer in headlights tods tendencies so you have a general idea of how they are fenders more accurately cause he didn't look like he knew gonna attack. Even if they make slight changes it will let him do a better job of reading the defenders cause he looked lik8e he didn't know squat on how to attack the jets defense.
  17. Yea wouldn't hurt if he did work out a bit to build up some muscle and what was up with his stumbling over thin air that one snap. I mean come on.
  18. As the franchise QB they defer to his wishes too much. He's the important piece yes but he has to run the plays the oc calls and deviate only when absolutely the called play won't be good against the look Josh sees on defense. Its like Allen is trying to win mvp for year. Play smart and cut on the hero ball and he can have more of the perfect games like vs ,NE. He does that regularly and he'll win everything he wants to.
  19. Football is a young man's game why I didn't worry about facing Aaron and all the hype that was being tossed about.
  20. Let the media spin it as Bills gifted a win when Rhodes went down. That will delay the media crowning the Bills as the SB favorite like last year. I rather the Bills be the underdogs who cannot possibly beat what team emerges from the nfc.
  21. Well it's fine to switch and bait the defense by changing plays they aren't expecting but wanna really wear the defenders out a tad more before going for the killshots.
  22. I think they give Josh too much latitude to extend plays and he just has to calm down and take the short stuff. Might not be as thrilling compared to deep completions but you will wear out the defense then you can have the long ball open as the defense is sulking wind.
  23. Well at the moment this is their best as old man got hurt quite quickly.
  24. And without a trusty notebook too.
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