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Everything posted by AuntieEm

  1. Indeed the talent you have available will be the limiting factor in how well your t we am performs but it also can be how well the coaches prepare the players and get them working together on various plays.
  2. That or he poaches his friend to be part of his coaching staff if he gets a hc gig. Having Josh Allen as a QB should give the team the best available oc candidates whenever there is a opening. So I don't worry too much on who they hire to be on ataff. Generally think they get good staff.
  3. Or just remove every players acls. Level playing field that way.
  4. The nfl does not have not for profit status. They have a exemption from anti trust monopoly laws. The NFL teams pay taxes they just don't need to compete in a free market for player services as they would if there were competing pro leagues signing top athletes.
  5. Chan Gailey with Jish Allen would have ended the drought and his offense would have been tailored around Josh's strengths. And I think Chan would have brought home a Lombardi with Allen. And I don't consider Chan Gailey a great coach but he knew how to get the most from his players on offense.
  6. I agree with the caveat that it's should be if any person hits another especially someone with a relationship that is based on love (romantic as well as family like brother sister mother father) with any force that can cause injury, should be in treatment maybe locked up in a psych ward until counseling is effective. There are cases where the abuser is the woman, and family abuse can be generational.
  7. As well Von beeds serious counseling as well. Dropping the charges if there's video that shows abuse would be criminal. Was he coked up or maybe he had a spiked drink? Or maybe he was on some of his meds for his injury and it reacted to a little alcohol. We have to hear the facts as well as see what the blood tests show. I won't be surprised if he had some roid rage. Abuse long term leads to bouts of rage. Has to be properly investigated as if there is any evidence then better to be over cautious than letting anything slide.
  8. Well not wearing glasses does fit in with how short-sighted he was by getting coked up while having some family drama. Now whether the video evidence that prompted the charges to ne filed has to be clear there was no actual assault. Course it depends on who reviewed the video footage that was reported.
  9. Depends on how much she was getting in support from Von. He does own a large ranch in Texas raising chickens. Seems like he can afford child support just off his ranches income.
  10. Well if she has it recorded and the DA felt it warranted charges then it doesn't bode well for Miller nor should it. And yea likely he was under something. Drugs like coke or steroid use or alcohol could be what set him off. Pretty scary as he always came across as a high character guy.
  11. I had the same thought, while we wait for any facts to be verified. Might be ring video footage out there, or maybe he has a alibi that is airtight that disproves any claim of assault. Without being cleared with solid evidence he may find it hard to be employed by any nfl team in any capacity. I always thought he was a decent guy and not one with no self control. Then again maybe he has used steroids just was good at knowing how to mask it. Gotta see what the facts prove.
  12. Well other family members being the children of Kim and Terry -- gotta assume none of them are prioritizing Bills over concern over Kim's recovery. For all we know she maybe still has final say over anything Bills but she prefers to keep out of public eye as she recovers.
  13. I understand somewhat how it can be annoying. My solution is I set the definition of "Billsy" to mean generous as in being the good neighbors Buffalo is known for. So if someone is using the term to suggest some definition they attach to it, I still maintain my definition. It works for me. maybe give it a try using any definition you want to keep the term in your good graces.
  14. You wanba reconsider giving up so easily?
  15. Last I checked the game isn't over yet plenty of time to gri d out a won just run 8t till we take the lead with no time left for a response. I have no beef with wanting a new mindset at the HC position if it's a coaching change of Coach changes his phosophy a bit to account for his players abilities.
  16. Nah, I refer the Bills get the we are running the football try and stop us as the better response to blatant cheap shots and ref bias.
  17. Don't really even care what any players role and contribution is...... provided that the end result is win I can care less if the only player that scores is player x or player y. If Gabe only blocks but it helps the team score that's fine by me and I daresay the players. Any players that don't feel that way are the players I want purged from the team going forward.
  18. Well a man his size and strength I'm sure the brace he used was solidly sturdy to impede his flexibility and his game was always based more around his flexibility than anything else imho. So the brace being removed may be a noticeable difference in plays. We shall soon see if this might be the case.
  19. Or they just decide to rotate rbs. I mean why pull someone if they did a great job the previous game. Still enough games left to give them all some playing time leading up to the post season.
  20. The Bills can just have Josh theiw a hail Mary from any spot on the field and added bonus if it gets caught by one if our guys could be a quick easy score.
  21. I Well According to irsay he had just had hip surgery so that would be a valid reason that he had difficulties in walking as well as passing the sobriety tests. It is clear that he should not have been driving in that state. Why not hire a chaffuer to drive him around after he had his surgery likely could have got a far more comfortable ride as to coddle his recuperating hip.
  22. Did irsay post his oh woe is me I was a victim before Stephen A Smith brought up the old 2014 arrest. Seems like alot of social media gets used to promote agendas.
  23. I don't think you should mix God with anything even resembling hate. I personally pity privileged people as they have disadvantages due to their wealth.
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