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Everything posted by AuntieEm

  1. Without a doubt he has the talent and skills to rebound very easily. It's whether he will play the boring dink dunk as long as necessary to win game and let the deep routes become open as the defenses are gushed repeatedly. If he won't play the boring method then we might as well just flip a coin for a w or l each week and skip the game play altogether why risk injury to any of the dressed players. That would be so fun right? Got to wonder if the injury to his pal Aaron that's taking him out for the year and possibly ends in Aaron retiring after he grabs any of his guaranteed $$ makes Josh realize he could be back on the farm in no time. Course he has a nice bit of cash in bank to go play all the golf he wants do I get questioning if Josh is putting in the needed time to be at his football best. If he is he's not doing a very good job of it..
  2. Yea not a huge fan of Favre. Don't hate the guy just don't think he was that great. Lucked into being on the right team at right time and every thing clicked.
  3. I hope that the team as a whole just decided they'd let the Jets game be a sacrifice bunt so to speak let dcs think Josh is easily rattled into 4 ints losing games.... don't worry about the tes he won't take the easy dink dunks so why waste their dbs on those when u can surround the player the ball will be going to increasing ur pick potential. If the team is playing chess then sacrificing a game to have opponents thinking they do this and Josh will cave and instead Josh starts drinking dunking to his new te bookends and it is unstoppable then the one loss to Jets is not gonna hurt the team. It may have dcs thinking we just need to rattle Josh into mistakes we win. If they can't rattle him then the Bills basically win easy. So I'm hoping they decided as Buffalo good neighbors to give the Jets the first game to cause this new speculation that Josh just doesn't have what it takes he just luckedvinto wins before on the strength of element of surprise rathervthsn talent. For someone who is of above average intelligence to be so stubborn about not learning the fundamentals is just unfathomable so I'm gonna chase to think this was just to throw future games DC plans on the wrong path to make Bills wins to be much easier.
  4. I think it's that he knows Diggs will do all he can to get the ball so he doesn't hesitate to throw to Diggs. Everyone knows that too it's not a secret.
  5. In this regard its a coaching problem. There's too much that is catered to what Josh likes and dislikes. That has to stop if he wants things only his way then let him start up a flag football game with his pals every Saturday in his backyard when they are playing at home on Sundays.
  6. Only thing I am hoping for is that they already decided as a team strategy to look like Josh is the bust that the draft gurus were right that he is just a strong arm and not much else. Well he did make people notice he was more than that. Now he has to build on that and help team win a sb. That requires alot of work and start to wonder if Josh is getting bored of being so focused on football. Not many in the top of their professions whatever it is ever need to make a statement about being focused on that profession. I mean I don't think you will see the best brain surgeon in world up at a podium in a conference with his peers talking about suddenly being all about the latest brain surgery techniques.
  7. I think he's understanding he can't keep playing the Hero ball the dcs have figured out how to stop him and get him rattled. It may be a good strategy to bench Josh a play or two after one of his turnovers. Have him watch the team matriculation a few plays then put him back in to continue that drive without the hero ball. If he keeps going into that bag then you keep p benching him for longer stretches until he grasps that you hurt the team you sit, no ifs ands or buts. If he has to play his way then he should earn enough money to buy his own team he can be coach gm and qb1 oc and all.
  8. I don't even believe Diggs us out there demanding he get all these throws. Diggs wants to ein and he will do whatever he can to help the team win. If that means he's running decoy routes to drag dbs away from where another player can have a easy play he's all for it imo. Unless the other player is say just being nonchalant and doesn't catch a ball that should be routine. That's when Diggs maybevtellung Josh if no one wiĺl catch it, I will do all I have to to get the ball. So I'm thinking Diggs is trusting Josh to play smarter and if nothing is open then he has his back. I hope Diggs and all the open receiversvget on Josh in film room breakdowns and demand better decisions. If it re a zines them benching Josh for a game to drive the point home then have Kyle start a game see what he does by taking the easy throws. If Kyle wins as part of a TEAM effort maybe then Josh will realize it's not the Buffalo Josh's it's Buffalo bills.
  9. This is why a number of fans call Josh selfish and it certainly is as a team leader you should always choose what is best for the whole team not well I don't like this and I don't like that. Then after your contract is up go grow your melons and leave the game to those who are serious about wanting to be successful as a team. I'm not a Brady fan, because he was on the wrong team. He always did seem to put the interests of team above his own. Easy to demand better when u do your part as well. Josh wants to recreate things he's already done. The reason those plays were WOW in the first place was they weren't done before. Just like I have flown in airplanes before so I wouldn't be excited as if it were my first flight. Now if I somehow did something that warranted getting say a chance to go up in a fighter plane that I worked on as a airman in air force you bet I'd be excited about that even having flown in other pksnes before. Just different. But yawn on any other standard flight. That's where it is up to the coaches to do their job. The coaches are responsible to the entire team and can't cater to Josh irregardless of him being a major reason the team is successful. Josh gets his rewards in getting a kings ransom in pay and he basically could ask for a free meal anywhere there are any Bills Mafia.
  10. Sometimes fear is direction toward the smarter reaction than dismissing the fear and plowing into disaster. Except if Josh gets hurt he hurts the whole team not just himself. Well imo if he refuses to change for what's best for the team then he isn't a good enough team leader PERIOD. When you play an individual sport golf tennis go ahead do as you want it only effects u winning or losing. If it's a team sport what you do impacts everyone on team.
  11. Which tells me he is not studying film well. If it's a new wrinkles then they should be able to get a idea of what the defense is doing and maybe offer Josh a few plays to see what works against it. But if he is having issues with say Jets that he's seen before but they just disguise it a tad then that's concerning.
  12. I see exactly the same. It was like that game last year where Singletary was laughing at how Josh just laughs when he gets hit like that was some badge of honor. Or when Josh is being taken down and he in turn proceeds to grab the defender to ensure he goes down with him like dude why take a chance at having a arm crushed awkwardly under a 200+ weight not like the other player will be able to avoid hurting you if the angles the fall at should not be good. A broken arm may not be serious but it would knock him out for a bunch of games. It's the very reason that taunting is a penalty. As well as risking his health doing that extra physical toughmsn stuff he could cause the other player injury so I can see an opponent taking extra hard hit on Josh as repayment. Tempers can flare in heat of battle and football can be a battle if you let those things slide. Josh also is reportedly a big trash talker on field. All well and good if you are buddies with all the players u trash talk but there will be some that take it wrong. Ala when cam Newton was talking trash near Oliver in a old clip when we practiced against carina back years ago. You need to be smart as well as imo not be obnoxious. The opponents are trying to win the game too so they aren't gonna hold back if you take shots at them either. Qb get protections by rule taking some shots at opponents that can't follow suit is asking for payback someway somehow ...
  13. Prob hit reply on wrong message. I was commenting on the person who said trotter wasted he was getting a new contract when I read in the complaint he was only talking with a hr person who said they saw no reason he wouldn't be offered a new contract. So I was stating he wasn't given a new one then had it cancelled. Basically I see Mr trotter as trying to extort some money or position in exchange for silence in not giving the nfl a bad look. Kinda like amber turd trying to make Johnny Depp the abuser when she was more abusive he just maybe got verbally abusive to the turd she is. My opinion on that only u may hold different view on that.
  14. Maybe he's a doppleganger. Better be careful, if anyone says they saw you where you weren't it may be he's stalking you to take your place.
  15. Didn't think we had one I didn't see much run defence.
  16. Groot needs to take up yoga to become more flexible being as tall as he is flexibility would help him alot imo
  17. Well I don't think he was told he was getting a new contract. I got that the hr person he spoke with had no reason to believe he wouldn't get a new contract but then not all hr personally are privy to the decision makers and how they make those decisions.
  18. We might need to get a decent backup qb so when necessary they can have Josh sit on the bench when he gets too antsy and starts chucking the ball everywhere hoping that it is caught by one of the Bills players.
  19. While I would love to see them win the Super Bowl to be honest they don't have to for me. To be the best you got to beat the best To be the best you got to beat the best but you also have to play your best as a team. That means each player doing their job and that includes Josh where it pertains to keeping the football out of harms way when there's no need for some miracle play to survive.
  20. No the sky isn't falling but when you keep making all the dumb mistakes over and over again it gets old. I can care less if Josh doesn't enjoy being patient on the football field taking the easy stuff he's given. If he needs his sugar high plays he can save those till after they build a big enough lead they can cover any bone headed plays.
  21. Don't think beane has any input on McDermitts choices for his coaching staff. As GM his responsibility is player acquisitions not coaching hires.
  22. Maybe he should spend more time with his offensive weapons and use that time working on plays not his celebrating handshakes with each of them.
  23. If it were on a zoom wall that the other person heard it on there'd be a record on the zoom tape.
  24. In a place they require payment out of your own wallet to close any land purchase.
  25. Agree. The fact they don't have adequate protection should not cost Aaron his money. I'm not even sure he took anything more than a simple standard tackle just his foot caught on something in turf to cause the injury.
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