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Everything posted by AuntieEm

  1. Yea it was a low budget movie likely from 1955 1965 timeframe. Quick googke it was 1963 film was directed by a Herbert strock.... maybe he was frank Herbert's grand daddy on his mom's side.... I just remember I snuck downstairs to watch it late night TV as a little girl. Helps that my dad was a baker so he worked nights. Not sure where my mom was that I got away with it as I'd guess I was no more than 5 if that. After 58 years I'm just happy to remember the name of that movie. Dang now I'm gonna have to find it too to see what imprinted on my young memories that it survived decades of burial by trivia overload.
  2. Roll. For some reason that just brought to my mind one of the earliest movies that scared the bee Jesus out of me 'the crawling hand'. Then that brings to mind the teleplay To Serve Man about the alien race that came to earth and they were taking all the earthlings on their belief that their credo to serve man was as benevolent savior to mankind's population problems,, when it turned out is was their cookbook and they were just picking up groceries. Talk about getting the wrong impression of a obscure title.
  3. Ah signs of early dementia I see. Glad you are flattered but honestly if I did hit on you you'd not need to assume it would be very clear. I wasn't raised to be coy and I wouldn't bother playing games.
  4. Lol okay not sure what prompted that as a response to my prediction. Unless it's getting you excited for the game.
  5. I'm gonna go with Bills 51. Commanders - 7 1 point for every state and an extra 1 to give the District of Columbia a point as well. Only 7 for the Commanders in homage to commander Tom who was a on ch 7 in buffalo He did weather on channel 7 so that ties in with the weather aspects possible in this game. Don't think there's a chance to shutout teams. Our defense isn't that outstanding though the weather could factor in to help a shutout.
  6. Seems to make perfect sense to me. Last year Bills were impacted by some weather related games. Now they may flip the script this year with a solid trio at rb that will secure this game and its wild weather impact on the game. I can see Josh letting his rbs carry the team to a victory while our d feasts on passes that get whisked off target for a Washington qb desperately trying to keep up and again with less time to do it às þhe Bills decide they will be hogs in a stadium that has been known to have a soft spot for hogs in the football realm. So when we e win despite bad weather be another excuse opponents will cling to as the media refuses to credit that the Bills can win without Josh carrying the team on his back.
  7. Lol vegetarian except for chicken is like saying he is great at limiting his mistakes as a oasser because all the ints he's thrown were delibritately thrown to each defender thus his completion rate should be graded higher as well.
  8. I understand Josh is spinning the disappointment of that first game to try to control the criticism but if he truly uses the negative of bad results as his motivation than the 13 sec fiasco and bad taste should have easily motivated a better result to last year's efforts. However even Josh cannot overcome injury to himself or those of his supporting cast on offense like the lingering high ankle sprain of Davis last year. However if the 1st game was impacted by a possible concussion, seems very likely that Josh knows he was effected by a hit that had him spiral away from what was working albeit not a quick method to be patient and in his muddled mind felt he needed to get the team on his back as more errors derailed the Bills. This is where a dominant oline would give a competitor like Allen the confidence to say hey I'm hurt and the game being an important divisional game let the bu finish it. It's not likely that any backup to Allen will pose a challenge to his roster spit for many seasons unless he fails to çorrect the miscues. This also includes knowing when he can hurt the team because he's not right. I often wonder if keenum left his backup spot because Allen refused to take a few games to rest his injury where it may have benefitted his play in the latter portion of the reg season and in playoffs where stakes are higher.
  9. Also it's Adam's way of deflecting critics of his teams lack of ability to even compete with the Bills. It's easier to claim the Bills won because they take cheap shots than to admit they were totally outclassed in this game.
  10. It isn't a bad way to deflect attention in social media it's always constantly churning as the attention span of people that cannot form their own opinions is pretty short. Anyone with even a shred of common sense always can come up with some valid points that cast doubt on things that are not totally cut and dried facts.
  11. The look alike in the photo was the suspect not the guy who thwarted the robbery. So Diggs has criminal look alike. But then everyone has look alike out there it's just not everyone ever runs into theirs. In basic I remember we had 2 young women who were from totally different areas of the country but they looked like close siblings not quite identical twins but you'd have sworn they were sisters. They became close friends and I wouldn't be surprised if they remained so to this day based just on their mirror images. L even with all the possible combinations there's only do much variance that it's not all that uncommon given the world's population. Even when you havecto account that only a fraction of world population could develop your twin seeing as some ethnicities have widely different characteristics. Not likely to find a twin among say oriental ethnicities if your bloodlines are 100% European. And so with the criminal being his lookalike Diggs may opt for a ĺower profile as to not have his twins out their forging checks in his name. And it might have Diggs refrain from his shouting I'm Him on the sidelines should one of his twins be wanted by say fbi and his mug shot being posted on every new broadcast during that manhunt. Just saying.....
  12. In their dreams. Some people do gave difficulty with separating reality and their imaginations. I can imagine many wonderful scenarios that are not likely to be seen in reality. I can still be entertained by my imagination and the wild wacky I never would expect that plays that do occur from time to time are sufficient for my imaginings to be quite acceptable as likely to not occur.
  13. Jack Nicklaus and Jack Nicholson are mixed up on this message board but Jack Nicholson would be aneven bigger name drop for the football commentators to talk about. I'd also imagine with Jack being a big basketball fan any grandchildren of his likely would pursue basketball more likely than a football career. Now Denzel Washington has a son that played pro football at the nfl level for a time don't think he still plays as he wasn't a standout star at the nfl level.
  14. Plus it may be Klein is very good at helping to coach up young teammates so he may help guide Williams in how best to play in Mcds system. I imagine AJ could be leaning toward coaching post playing career so this may be the way he is pursuing that goal if it is indeed where he is heading. I am just assuming it maybe as I don't know him on any personal level and I don't follow him on social media if he even dabbles in it.
  15. Haha. Well done.
  16. Only nick oleary is his grandson Herbert is not related to anyone famous. They would be name dropping it all over in games he's playing on national broadcasts. And with golf being such a favorite pasttine for many nfl players they wouldn't be quiet on a jack Nicklaus connection. Besides Jack only had 1 daughter to 4 sons so if there were 2 with differing surnames they'd still have to be at least half brothers so broadcast teams would be bringing up Herbert's being the brother if nick oleary even if nick just had a cup of coffee in the NFL in terms of career length and inpaxt.
  17. Hope he doesn't. He only played full steam and it took its toll on his he a lot so I'd rather he enjoy his retirement and hopefully his future health doesn't take a really bad turn. It is hard to tell how much his current injury history will impact his future health no sense gambling on it.
  18. I would love a Luke keuchly but I also don't want to see Luke play pro football again as he be really pushing his luck health wise as us he likely will have issues as he gets older and the effects of all his concussions come on to roost on his brain and neurological functions. Much like Andrew Luck decided the wear and tear of the game wasn't worth the extra $$ in his bank balance compared to the quality of life being degraded. Only so much you can buy with money and Luck and Luke made plenty to retire comfortably so why take more punishment for little to gain?
  19. Well talent wise perhaps, but there is also very little learning curve for Klein so in any emergency break glass he can be plugged in very easily as he knows the defense barring any little tweaks and study of opponents. So it's not a bad idea to have him on ps.
  20. No it was another player that is a former bill and it was a receiver that didn't wear gloves. I can't remember his name but it was like 3 4 years ago he was on Bills.think he was a Bill pre Josh because he was probably better than the guys we had at wr te when Josh came aboard. I went back to tyrods time to get rosters and found the real grandson. Of Jack Nicklaus. It was. Nick Orleans that was the grandson. He's the son of Jack's daughter Nancy. Google jack Nicklaus grandson nfl for confirmation. In fact I bet o'leary was named Nicklaus as his first name for his grandfather. I'm just guessing there but it's a reasonable assumption to make with just the limited info I have of their family.
  21. You can have the greatest rb in league history and none of them will get much with bad oline play. You get good oline play and even barely competent rbs can get 1st downs over 3 downs when oline can keep dlinemen occupied long enough foe 3.5 yds a pop which isn't gonna get you any wow plays but will move chains and kill game clock. Theoretically if one team has an oline that is unbeatable then they could hold the ball for almost the entire game save the time the other team gets the kickoff to start a half. But once they score or have to punt the dominant team could lock down the ball to never give it back. They could basically score just enough points needed based on how well their defense plays. Qb protection on that line would make any qb look at least competent. That qb would never need to risk any pass that wasn't a absolute gimme to a wide open receiver, and if the oline is that dominant then any competent wrs are gonna spring open at some point for a never harried qb that is never stressed about getting hit behind that line. So even if your star qb is out sick with the flu your backup is not gonna lose the game with great protection.
  22. No so drought won't be alleviated for his franchise with him at center. l nicklaus grandson was on Bills for a bit can't remember his name but iirc he signed with Miami after the Bills cut him. Think he was a te or wr. As for the potw that Jimbo got. Guess someone missed counting some of his early awards before he lead the Bills to super bowls. That or they are counting any awards he won while in usfl perhaps.
  23. Yea I figured if he was related it would have been widely known by now.
  24. And if they can't stop one thing we can pepper them with that to win the game.
  25. I read it someplace but to be honest I don't thinki it is true or we'd have heard it on game broadcasts aþ least once by now.
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