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Everything posted by AuntieEm

  1. And will help keep his head on a swivel so he should have good field vision. And running after toddlers will keep him quick to holes as kids will have you jumping every which way...
  2. Yea but I've been retired since 1991 so I get plenty bored do always glad to use up some time on even small matters.
  3. Yea and it's always the smarter ones too thinking they have a way to beat the system. And these days I could see some of their media leading to a 3rd party getting wind then taking advantage. It just primed to someday be the basis of a movie of the week.
  4. Ìm thinking if he was in delivery room as his son was born we may see him breaking some tackles as his wife's water broke prior to delivery. Will help to finally show Bills Mafia the baby end of this season. Lombardi will be the baby's name of course... or one of them at least.
  5. Devolve is like to collapse under some pressure usually related to evolution like we evolved from apes and we are devolving to the birds meaning values are being reduced to being meaningless and just gone with the wind.... at least that's how I interpret it but then I'm no Webster and I long since forgot þhe dictionary definition which I know I looked up several dozens of times. At one point I likely could have quoted Webster verbatim from memory.
  6. Why us James Cook known to be a pothead? Or was that true s vis Henry? He got in trouble with law didn't he for some drug related stuff iirc? Google it was cocaine trafficking. I have no issues with marijuans I do partake myself but I'm otherwise staunchly anti-drugs to include any driving under influence of alcohol.
  7. I don't mind my rambling. It's how my brain works and I find tidbits of insight that leads me down interesting avenues where I have found some good information that allows me to keep my brain working well and as your get older that is more important than other abilities. I may get around slower as I age or be less tolerant of cold weather but I know I can figure out how to avoid them. Better than being in early stages of dementia where you know one day you may lose all ability to recognize anything. Why I never blame any of these guys when they hang up their cleats early to avoid more injury. It really should return to being a young man's game and fewer players playing once they lose a step.
  8. Yea Tua and his fun to watch offense isn't gonnabe so fun to watch as the cameras close in on them sitting their benches watching their d get worn out. And it will be because we outplay them and not asking the sun to wear them out.
  9. Only stat that matters to me.... Edmunds team record after two weeks. 0-2. Bernard's team record after two weeks 1-1.
  10. I do get to rambling it is one of my faults.
  11. We all do it so I don't really hold that against anyone. I only hope I catch myself more than not to limit some bad takes. Yea maybe a better fun jab would be to say maybe he attended a too SuNNY school that he had spotty vsion.
  12. That is always possible. But the problem with that is it's easy to be targeted by a independent thief as they may casing such a store.
  13. That's more of a back to the future vibe to me with Marty mcfly and biff tannen. Tannen. Groundhog Day just can't escape the repeating carousel. So you'd never even reach a casino to place your bets. Gotta use the tech available at time of film. No mobile apps to bet with at the time. And I don't know if they allowed the betting in casinos quite that openly think the nfl still was with the. Gasp organized crime elements... another gasp.... known to some as Mafia..... is this yet another sign this is the year we do win???
  14. Never had a problem getting beer if we wanted to have a lil party my parents would buy us some beer if asked. My sisters and I were all pretty responsible so we never got totally wasted or anything. I never liked beer so I rarely even bothered having a sip even. And never liked any strong whiskeys and stuff.
  15. Conception occurred 9 months ago so it was after season was over for Bills. And for all we know maybe he and his missus watch film to get in the mood. I don't need to know so I don't ask. He scored is the only important fact and I don't need the x and o details when he scores on the field for the Bills either. I'll just chalk it up to his taking family business seriously. What's not to like Mafia?
  16. Heck if he just adds 1 more with the same baby momma he has Travis beat and makes him a better daddy as well.
  17. I wouldn't do a trade now. But if they trade him for Diggs after season ends so Diggs brother can win his first SB to Stephons 2nd it might be good then. Of course they'd need to add something from their end to that trade but maybe some of their ol depth?
  18. Which is why no one should be reading their phones while driving.
  19. Was thinking in the predict scorec t head that I'd like to see the bad MOJO of our 90's SB losses to be cleansed this year. So. We needed to win our reg season matchups against those teams by the same scores they beat up so. That left me wondering how to score the Cowboys game. If we added both the sb losses it came to 82 Bills vs. Cowboys 30. Would love them trashing çowboys 82 - 30, but was thinking it be difficult with their defense. However I hate this injury to Diggs younger brother. He is after all stephons family and as such I wish him all good things except against the Bills.
  20. Reading too fast then assuming wrong point was being made.... I always reread if something strikes me as on opposite sides of my observations. I don't hold my opinions as infallible truths just how I'm reacting initially. Upon further reflection I will modify if it's merited by a valid point I initially may have overlooked.
  21. Lol I got drunk on slow gin fizzles at tech school once when we snuck some alcohol in our dorms. I ended up puking as I hugged the toilet and in my drunken state only thought oh I'm bleeding internally while I calmly just went back to my room sleep it off..... Was first time I ever got drunk in my life I was still only 17. As I joined air force at 17 due to being so bored at school that I dropped out to go into air force earlier and at least do something useful at that time.
  22. I am still thinking my first prediction wins as first thoughts generally are correct but I am gonna have a second score prediction. Being a big believer in what goes around comes around. Seeing as we are playing every team that beat us in SB in 90s we gotta cleanse that bad juju before claiming our rightful Lombardi. To begin we beat the Commanders by the score they beat 90s Bills in SB. Bills 37 Commanders 24
  23. and big bill Murray film was groundhog day so means we can expecta repeat 8f last week's gameolan on and on and our opponents won't be able to wake up and change it. So we are seeing the Bills recipe for a 16-1 regular season and in playoffs when a top opponent comes up with the plan to shut it down viola instead of getting home blitzing Allen we see him bombard their empty backfield and his biggest reads will be which wide open receiver to throw it to. And we won't be playing wrs that got beat up throughout year as the rbs will have taken alot of pressure and just the hits off the wrs and tes. It will be on Sunday when u toast every play the Bills run as they are gonna be groundhogs in the old hogs old stomping grounds. Fitting to have such a game to cleanse the 80s skins SB loss when they fielded the more talented team.
  24. I love old movies. I even Credit my memory to one. The original Born Yesterday with William Holden and Billie Holliday. Billie played a dumb blonde chorus girl to Broderick Crawfords gangster boyfriend who hires reporter holden to smarten up his dumb gf. Then when she tells William she didn't understand something he wrote he simply told her to look up any word she didn't understand. So I started looking up every word I read in books until ì ĺiterally knew most words backwards and forwards. I also credit my writing ability to that movie because once you own words completely it's easier to manipulate them to anything you need written. As an adult I'd never would have put in the same èffort I did then. Cause even as a child I spent alot of time reading so when I started looking up every word I really did put alot of work into that. Which is why even after my stroke I think my memory didn't falter much only due to the countless copies of redundant trivia I packed in it as a child. And in my roundabout way it leads me to the reason I am so big on beefing up the trenches as the foundation to prolonged success. We give Josh proper protection he can be slinging the ball when he's Bradys age. Given his higher athleticism. I have no doubt that Josh Allen ÇOULD not guaranteed as still needs a team effort overtake any of Bradys records including SB wins. Very unlikely as it's ñot easy to get that much talent on one team for so many years, but a solid foundation is always key to such lofty possibilities.
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