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Everything posted by AuntieEm

  1. And they impact our season more than what Edmunds does on his new team.
  2. Yep I did look up the roster in tyrods last year to find his name.
  3. I'd tell them think if that as your payment share for tax payer funded stadiums. I'm don't support them in this quest to line their pockets deeper. Let them inventvir discover something that truly benefits everyone. I don't and if they continue they will find th a twin people b can live c without their entertainment they need new writers for their scripted outcomes.
  4. That is hardly a ringing endorsement I can think m of so many that I consider incompetent that still would be better than some we had during the drought they were so bad. And then even they continue to be hired and being paid well for the incompetent work they put out. It is a big reason why I do tend to believe the nfl is rigged to the extent the whole lot of coaches and even top players have these unacceptable lapses in wu a lity of their work. I understand things happen in sport totally unexpected as in any profession in life. We all have had moments of how did that happen when those things happen. It just happens with too much regularity to be occurring at natural intervals to not be deliberately staged. And yes easy to say someone would expose it. They got their network of insiders cashing their paychecks too busy to kill their golden goose.
  5. Yes I also find I have lot of typos using phones small keyboard and I don't catch all in my post editing after I reread and spot the most glaring ones. Curious if he's thinking of returning to play in the NFL.
  6. Ño I don't even know what chatGPT is supposed to be for. I agree that the past he has a record of are a bad look and that there seems to have been some disconnect in meeting out appropriate punishment at the time he committed those acts. Simply learning to speak well years later doesn't erase the negative and it reflects badly on the nfls good ol boys network that allows for these guys to prosper over people who have lived by impeccable standards. Biggest problem in researching older incidents. There's so much info u can pull off internet and some is even deliberately incorrect. Bienemy certainly has learned to be well spoken to easily hide his past transgressions. Seems it would be interesting to hear how he present himself caught on a hot b Mike ala the glad incident recently put out there. But then that's getting a bit to. Big brother is and society is already far too into that mode already with all the cancel culture they use to try to modify people's opinions and thoughts. I'm not sure how future generations are gonna save any ability of independent thought and respect for every per a on individual rights. It certainly allows me to be glad that I'm closer to the end of my natural life than I v I was just beginning m g to learn things. We already lost alot of important knowledge on how things were in the recent past let alone all the ancients knowledge. Inca and Mayan had some fascinating knowledge once you got past some of their horrific treatment of their people and their enemies. And I'm sure there's many groups of cultures I never even heard of that might be critical losses of human knowledge. Hopefully he can avoid any tricks they try. I'm not certain his players will be able to keep up regardless of how well he can matriculation past the cookie monster and hoping to leave buenemy at a loss for words as his true to explain their loss after Sundays game.
  7. Xea ì did Google after to check c k if xou were talking about st oetersberg fla and if d l was part of us at civil war it was but was a bit too southern to have seen any major battles. Then saw there was petersberg va. So I guess I gotta dIve into the civil war a bit more. I've also not researched the ww1 as much as ww2 which Rea I y is why ww2 happened by creating the malcontent that was Hitler who could rile up the crowd with that eras version of social media. Should serve as a warning to this generation of twits and Instagram addicts. Curious how well the schools even broach the world wars I don't remember learning much at school I hadn't already learned of ww2 from the stories I learned as a çhild interested in it from their first hand as counts or even from various Hollywood movies about them. I'd expect they don't do a thorough job as likely enough with doubts. And so many Americans never travel abroad to learn other cultures.
  8. Nkt sure I get the reference to that date.
  9. Yea let them come up with something original to josh. Not sure what they'd come up with but could span to include his wyoming college career as well. Just not sure how to make it clear any mention of Cowboys is not related to dallas.
  10. Sometimes it only takes a few lucky bounces to get to the next game in past season. It's often not the best teams that season that get to the big dance. Healthy us a good bounce to start with and wh? I like the 3 headed rb room we got. If one goes down even for just the rest of one game we got 2 other capable rbs that can carry on for the remainder without a big dropoff. Saquon Barkley is out Giants got nobody to pick up the slack same with the other injured stars that are taming some contenders down a tier for as their chances go. I'll be pleased as punch if we manage to remain healthy this year while other teams deal with some injuries that effect their capabilities. Let their fans cry about their lack of luck. I'll be as sympathetic as they were when Josh got hurt and all the other injuries we got last year to derail our season.
  11. Indeed those who dont study history are doomed to repeat it. It's why all lives matter and you can't not speak on behalf if those being persecuted unjustly because there be no one left to speak up for you when they get around to wanting to get rid of you.
  12. This was a fter the war not sure the years as my mother was like 11 when war ended and they lived in post war Germany before France near Paris then to the states. My mother mainly went to school in France she spoke French as well as German and of course English. One of my fathers sisters got nabbed by Germans in Poland and got shipped to Germany to work as a farm slave when she was like 16. My grandparents learned when in Germany she was captive the farmer let her write to them. So they left to move nearby in Germany during the war. At the train station as they were leaving my dad who was prob like 7 or 8 at that time actually got bustled onto s train headed for Auschwitz and when they located him there the German soldiers did allow him to get off and rejoin his parents. It could have gone badly as they considered poles to be as inferior. Don't know how much pull my grandfather had but he was pretty connected with polish intelligence of thT time period. Stalin had sent some of his goons to assassinate my grandfather and he had relatives in the wny area that emigrated sometime earlier. The polish paper at the time reported he had been killed and so after the war the relatives in wny were very surprised when he got in touch with them. I don't remember my paternal grandfather he passed when I was a toddler he was quite the alcoholic drinking a quart of vodka daily. He was only in early 60 when he passed going by his being born 1898. I'd have loved to hear his stories though from what I'm told he once thought of writing a book but decided it was too dangerous to divulge much of what he knew.ldo he burned any notes he wrote when he started writing it. Likely knew about Russians killing all the polish officers in the one forest in Poland. My dad saw Hitler a few times when they moved to Germany at some of the parades they'd have. He saw alot a young child shouldn't witness but he was surprisingly very hard to be riled up into anger and was a great father. He grew up close to treblinka which was used as a concentration camp primarily filled with Russian pows. Though it housed jews they ga r here from that region as well as they deported then to the birken auschwitz camp for final solution. I did visit Poland in 1994 and did go to see auschwitz. It's really quite chilling to see the mountains of various items that were collected from the jews they killed. A mountain 15- 20 feet high of toothbrushes is kinda shocking to see up close. The people who try to deny the holocaust need to go see what was saved as a historical record of such brutality.
  13. My mother went to school in France near Paris at a polish school that madame curies granddaughters attended. My mother was born the year madame curie passed away so her granddaughters never knew her capt for what their parents told them.
  14. No a smart man settles down with the mother of his children and raises his family in a loving and protective environment. Smart men also don't need to learn how to treat a little girl they should already know how to treat women of all ages. He has siblings and I'd expect he was raised by both his parents. If not that may explain his lack of commitment to his current significant other and child/children I'd both his children are from same mother. I don't think they share the same mother so looks like he's on the Travis henry path of fatherhood which raises some flags for me.
  15. Well he's not married and his latest child is a girl so not sure how it will work next game.
  16. Yes it can be though if he's just having kids with different women sla tr as vis Henry then he better have a good plan to keep them all well fed and to be a good father. As someone said in another thread with the clip of Cook talking about learning how to treat a daughter has some a bit of a twist that doesn't seem to generate alot of trust that he is a good and involved father. Curious if he was present at either of his children's actual birth to witness the effort of his children's mother or mothers if they are not the same woman.
  17. Much more history than that. In fact I think Thomas Jefferson and some early constitution was heavily influenced by pulaski and Kosciusko. Poland was ruled by a democratic elected senate made up of Polish nobility. They elected their king and any issues of law were voted on in polish senate of that time. However any single noble in the senate could veto any proposed law thereby it promoted a very easy way to prevent any legislation that was beneficial to polish interests thru corruption and bribery. Which is why us required majority of senate to pass legislation. It's still doesn't negate corruption but it's not as easy as just buying 1 vote. It takes a lot more effort to corrupt and prevent beneficial laws in the US. So don't know that I'd classify Poland as a doormat to the US currently. Polish people have always been supportive of independence in large part being oppressed by Prussian empire on one side and Russian oppression on the other.
  18. Yes it was my father was the 2nd youngest of 13 children. His father and mother had their first child at 15 my grandfather s there age and my grandmother was 13. My paternal grandfather was born in 1898. My father was añ uncle at 3 months old.
  19. Maybe give Milano some flour so he can bake more cookies. Can never have too many Milano cookies.
  20. I actually lived in silver springs MD for a time and had I took more interest at the time to civil war battles I'm sure I wouĺd have checked it out. I skimmed over much of American history due to being more interested in my polish ancestry and that history.
  21. Actually I googled it seems Petersburg VA was a major battle of the civil war. I never invested as much interest in early American military history. I have a great uncle many times removed that was a polish general alongside Pulaski and Kosciusko who came to fight with the American revolutionaries when they lost Poland fight for independence from Russia and Prussian oppression. My. Uncle chose to go to the Belgium Congo instead. So I guess my ancestor chose money over ideology. I tend to be more of an ideology supporter over money so I don't think id get along with that great uncle. I'd have to try to see what impact he made in the Belgium Congo of that era to see if he turned to being an oppressor in the Belgium Congo. I've never researched it probably because I'm disappointed he didn't come to America then for the just cause of independence that they failed to secure in Poland. But if he had come to America then it's likely his brother my direct ancestor would have joined him which would alter my family's history that I'd not be here. So can't be too disappointed in his choice.
  22. Let's see how Elsm.plays when he us active on a GameDay and actually is in the game. He may be sent in to play his man coverage on a specific 0layer mcd feels he matches up with best. That could be Hill or Wsddle guess it depends on what look the Miami offense gives. We will see if mcd activates him in any of the next few games.
  23. Petersburg? I'd say more like Gettysburg. Petersburg sounds more like Russian revolution than the civil war.
  24. Bienemy is putting it out he knows Frazier and mcds defense and that's why he holds Milano in such high regard as he's a great fir for the d mcd runs so I'm saying he's telling ncd he better throw some surprises aka wrinkles in his gsmeplans cause bienemy is expecting to outcoach mcd. I'm saying mcd knows bienemy equally well and will have more wrinkles and as he is a readhead and Caucasian Hisham fewer active melanolytes which are what determines people's skin tone and their natural protection from sun ultraviolet light. I have higher active melanin than my 2 blonde sisters but only half are active compared to a person of black or Indian, Arabic ethnicities. Redheads have higher instances of skin related issues from sun damage and have to be more careful as they will have a higher wrinkles rate from. Sun damage on their unprotected skin. Only being somewhat serious on bienemy passing cheat codes to mcd as all nfl coaches are pretty familiar with each other's tendencies. I mean these guys are all part of the same boys club and many have been on the same staffs to the point the nfl if it were considered a big happy family it is a heavily inbred family which probably explains all the wtf bad coaching we get to see each season in games that should not be decided as they are. The lions beating kc to start the season. 13 seconds and any of the how did you lose to X team we've all lived through during the drought where we had the talent to wax team x yet we got pummeled with the 'bad coaching choices' instead. P
  25. I saw the Twitter message posted on how the sf team has scored 30 each game they've played. So it will be a 31 30 Bills SB victory with what I imagine will be a last minute fg that dinks in off the right goalposts to purge the wide right loss to the Giants In the first sb that was supposed to be Bills 49ers until they let the giants beat 49ers to wreck the 1st Bills SB.
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