Bengals scored a TD on their first drive then completely ***** the bed on offense.
Didn’t someone start a thread that we aren’t supposed to use the word “Billsy” anymore?
But what is it supposed to do in that situation? It’s alway about half to a full second before the snap. Is it some kind of silent count thing? I don’t remember seeing it throughout my years watching football but now it seems every team does it.
Embarrassed to ask this as I feel I should know, but why do offensive guards often do a quick almost stand up and point (almost always seemingly just pointing straight ahead) before the snap?
edit: and why isn’t it illegal motion/false start?
Why? It’s a 5-4 team vs a 3-5 team. Pretty vanilla game for MNF.
The Bills 2 years ago when you could at least expect a high powered Bills offense? Sure. Now, with Josh fully neutered by Ken? Snoozer for everyone outside of Buffalo or Denver.