Dolphins are losing.
Houston is losing.
steelers are losing. (That game won’t be good for us no matter what unless it ends in a tie.)
so far, not seeing this as too bad.
Now that’s just a good QB and a great (insanely fast) WR. How do you defend that? Oh I know - you hold them to 4th and long. Which the raiders did - then a BS holding call.
So, they started him when they knew he was injured.
That’s definitely not the best look. And worse they didn’t even list him at all on the injury report. Their upcoming tank might not be fruitful if the NFL has any balls and takes action.
Not sure why some are reacting with the disagree emoji. This is a very valid observation.
Dude has had it relatively easy. Make no mistake, he inherited a team already on the rise. He is a decent coach. He is not a SB winning coach. Things finally aren’t coming up all rainbows and sunshine and he’s cracking.
Clap less. Do more.
Everyone is saying wrist injury. You think UCL? What makes you think so (sorry not being an #######, honestly curious since I didn’t see any of the first half)
As much as that fractionally helps our pitiful wild card chances, that sucks. Injuries suck. But as they say, it’s part of the game. And if there wasn’t any risk, would any of us watch?