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Posts posted by stevestojan

  1. C'mon guys, he put his idea out there no need to rain on his parade. I don't think it's all that bad.




    I really didnt think it was all that bad at all. Honestly.


    The reason that i ripped on him was for the deep ironty of him calling people losers for sitting on the computer all day.


    I really didnt think it was all that bad, really... his reaction to critisism was priceless, though.

  2. I tried, but i couldnt leave this gem of a post alone.


    Listen guy, do you SEE the irony in your posts?


    You took your time IN FRONT OF A COMPUTER, making one of the most rediculous things i have ever seen.


    You bring it here, we tell you that my dog could eat crayons, and then crap them out on paper and it would look better, and you start crying about how we spend too much time on the computer?


    The irony is so thick its hard to breath.


    Why don't you get a life, loser, upgrade to Photoshop, because the "creation" you made with Microsoft paintbrush fugging blows, and get a little thicker skin...


    wow, if i ever had a son and he turned out to be this big of a pansy, I'd take him out back and put an end to him.



  3. i go to school in fredonia (south of buffalo) and i was at a bar here lastnite and josh reed, lee evans, and terrence mcgee were all there till close. Arent they supposed to be in oakland already, or does mularkey have a new system?




    Rolly, what bar?


    Muldoons, Heenans?


    Sunnys? <_<

  4. Quit being smart-as_es in hopes of making friends, get off your computers and get a real life, then you will have friends.





    HAHAHAAHHA! This is too good.


    A guy sits in front of his computer, and for whatever reason wastes his time making a craptacular new "logo" for the Bills, throws it on a bills WEBSITE, we tell him the obvious (that it is an eyesore), and then you tell US to get a life?


    Irony is beautiful.

  5. because we be scared of roller coasters"


    ~Stewart Scott.


    (if you saw tonight's episode of SportsCenter, you know what i mean, if not: if was a clip on the show about a couple that got married on a roller coaster, and of course stewart scott talked about it)


    Are you fugging kidding me? Stewart is about as much as a "brother" as I am. Honestly, this might sound un-PC, but if i was an african american, I would be so embarrassed of Stewart Scott i can't even tell you. Wow, he is fugging awful to watch.


    I might become exclusive to ESPNews. I can't take Sportscenter anymore.

  6. we may see Posey tag in as an extra DE more often than not this game. Let Fletcher and Spikes take care of business in the short middle, and hope our DBs can get a TO or two. I really dont think we will get much pressure unless we use our LBs wisely. Occasional corner blitzs wouldnt hurt either. Too bad that would leave Coy Wire to make a play.

  7. does this thread imply that people are already sick of the running game? Folks - when your team is awesome on defense and lacks something on offense (see: The Buffalo Bills), even the games you win will be close, simply because the Bills probably wont be scoring more than 24 points this season at all. But, that doesnt mean we cant control games. I for one would love to watch boring (boring to outsiders) games that run the ball 40 times, and score 17 points all game, so long as the defense holds for 60 minutes. So yes, I hope Mularky has something big planned: a win.

  8. weird... when i click on it i get:




    item numbers must have changed or something... ?????


    anyone else?


    And T80 - you only live once. If you want it, and can still buy groceries, BUY IT... dont be thinking 2 months from now "Oh, i should have bought that!"

  9. "We better kick this team's ass...They are one of the weakest teams in the league IMO... "


    i do, however like the avatar of the guy that goes by the name of "jossjeff"



    can i also say i am SOOO glad SDS limits us to a small avatar and that's it? How !@#$ing annoying

  10. I will root for them every week, but our schedule is just sooo damn tough, and like i said before, there are only 3 teams in the ENTIRE AFC that dont have a legit shot at a wild card. The crappy thing is, Jacksonville is one of those teams that will have a shot.


    And with the wild card will be either 10-6 or 9-7, (Im betting 10-6, will all division winners being 11-5 or better) a tie break is gonna be crucial.


    Man, I would love to see a playoff run, but our schedule right now and at the end of november is tough!

  11. I usually don't bother with your stevestojan, but since you felt the overwhelming desire to respond to my post (you must be stalking me, since you responded to my post) I thought it was only right that I respond in turn. It is quite amusing to see you try to defend yourself. You have not been doing a very good job, but at least you are trying.



    I havn't ONCE in this thread tried to defend myself. NOT ONCE. Where are you getting that from? I have done nothing but respond in jest.


    So, Oakland -3 or what?

  12. Well if you took a few minutes went to an agents office, you could probably get renters insurance for a few follars a month to cover all your stuff.  But you might have to turn off Teletubbies for a few minutes.  I know it's hard for you to stop looking at the purple one, but do it.  You might actually meet some other people.




    I, of course, have renters insurance. Like i said, you can't feel bad for people who live down here and don't. I hate paying it, especially since my house is fuggin concrete, but i guess its one of those things.

  13. So, what you are telling me is that you don't care about people dying, and that you own nothing. How pathetic.




    If i got upset everytime some one in this world died, I would be nothing but deeply, deeply depressed. I wish i had the time to mourne for every death. No one does, no one can.


    Death happens. It sucks. I hope mine comes later rather that sooner. But you never know. So take things one day at a time. When hardships come realize that this too will pass, and tomorrow is (hopefully) another day. Like so far in this thread you have called me pathetic, said I don't have a backbone, and other potshot insults. I have yet to say one personal comment towards you. But that's fine. Because this argument is hilarious. And if i worried about what some guy on a message board thought about me, I wouldnt be able to enjoy what's left of whatever time there is (between one second and 50 years or so).


    And own things? Yes I do own things. I have renters insurance. With pictures of everything in a safe. And even if they got destroyed, I have a savings account.


    But no matter what I say, Its mainly just to keep you coming back, because to me its funny that you bother.

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