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Posts posted by stevestojan

  1. Absolutely incorrect. LA will get an expansion franchise (if they get one at all) once the stadium issue (i.e. replacement for LA Colisseum) issue is resolved. This has been talked about for several years.


    Al Davis still claims territorial rights to SoCal and has threatened to move the Raiders back down since they can't sell out in Oakland (witness 15K short attendence this past sunday)


    Other rumblings have had the Chargers moving back to LA (they started there in 1960) since the Jack is prehistoric by todays standards.


    Here in the Bay Area even the 49ers mgmt have brought up a move scenario since they have failed to get a new stadium to replace the stick (financed by the local tax base of course).



    Ok, so with this idea, there is 1 division (out of 8) with 5 teams, and the rest have 4? This would be a nightmare for playoffs, and for having to play each team in your division twice. a team would have to MOVE to LA.

  2. could you imagine having your father own a team for so long, doing everything he can to make it a success, pouring his heart into the team and the league, and then telling him (and the press) that you have no intentions of keeping the team when dad kicks the bucket?


    Im not even talking about as a fan (obviously, it would be a dream come true for any of us to be in one of the Wilson kids' shoes), but as a family member.


    Bunch of spoiled brats.


    I mean, I know the tax on a gift that big has to be huge, but with the lawyers, etc, Im suuuure they could set it up where he could sell them the team for $1 or something rediculous. Even if not, they could show some hard work, and make that money from the tax hit back in a few years.

  3. Hey Steve weren't you the one who posted just last week that you're going to take it easy and just enjoy the season?  Hell give it a break.  It really isn't worth it.  Life goes on whether they win or lose.  Get a girl friend you can trust and love and devote your energy to making both of you happy.  It's much more fulfilling than following a stupid football team.



    eat a bag of dicks.

  4. The funniest thing is when someone corrects another's grammar, and the grammar being corrected is absolutely dead-on right.  For your information, stu-peed-oh, saying "Don't deserve even this team" has a completely different meaning than "Don't even deserve this team."  The meaning I was after is the one I expressed.

    Please add yourself to those in South Florida (you mistakenly forgot to capitalize, Mensa Man!) who don't fully grasp the English (you mistakenly forgot to capitalize, Mensa Man!) language.

    Your post has made an ass out of you.  I don't want to be redundant.



    "you don't deserve even this team" is !@#$ing retarded. Even if that's what you meant, which you didn't, if someone ever said that in conversation, you'd look at them like they had two heads.



  5. Did we hang on too long? Marv said once you start rebuilding you never stop in Free agency.  I  think that is what we have done.


    I am a fighter and never like to give up. But sometimes taking a couple steps back could mean a huge leap forward later.  Things that I might have done different this offseason if I were TD...


    1) cut bledsoe and start Losman. New system, New coaches, why not? Buffalo fans could have handled a year to let Losman develop.


    2) trade Henry.  Yeah yeah I know, but if we are going to do this....then do it. Put it on Willis and let him develop.


    3) trade Moulds. Yeah trade moulds. Go with Evans, Reed, Shaw etc and let them develop WITH Losman.


    4) Move Mike Williams to LG and start Price at RT.  Why not? Now is the time to make changes.


    5) draft a DE.  Cut Denny.

    So now we are looking at starting 3 rookies and letting them develop together. Possibly upgrade the OL by position changes and no pressure on the new coaching staff at all in it's first year.

    But hey we are where we are and that is that.




    Interesting thing i found on the internet...


    It's nice to see someone has his head Out of his ass! You guys are fuggin pathetic. Go find someone else to root for. in the mean time the rest of us non bitchers / Non quitters will find the REALITY of yesterdays game wrapped up in this article...




    Here is a great quote...


    Starting 0-2 is all too familiar to Bills cornerback Troy Vincent. Last season, Vincent played for a Philadelphia Eagles team that started out 0-2 before getting to the NFC Championship game. The Eagles had difficulty scoring in their first two games and many experts believed their season was lost. However, the Eagles rallied after their bye week and beat the Bills on the road at Ralph Wilson Stadium and they never looked back on their way to an NFC East division title.



    Do we have problems? Yes. Was this predicted? Yes. When are the playoffs made? NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER.

  6. its posts like this that make me scratch my head. ICE, honestly, what did you see yesterday (besides 7 sacks, a goaline stand that got us nothing, a play where Moulds was in a QB, a go-nowhere double reverse, a turnover, Bledsoe getting pressured non stop, Bledsoe firing the ball roughly 90 MPH for no reason, or at the receivers' feet) that would make you think they will win.


    I have NO problems hoping they win. I know 3 pats fans down here who i would love to be able to verbally abuse if we won.


    Question is, WHAT did you see, or the rest of you, that would make you think this team can or will be the World Champs?


    Im not even being a smart ass, i really want to know how you can really think that.

  7. I would be proud to be Drews brother so  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



    Dude, settle down. We're not attacking Drew Bledsoe the man. We are not attacking his character. Nice sentiment you have here, but NO ONE feels bad for a multimillionaire who continues to make millions even when his job performance has plummeted. His first couple years at NE he was great. He's simply not anymore. It happens to QBs. He'll make a decent back up for someone. But stop making the attacks on him seem personal.


    For example, see my signature.

  8. bashing he recieves from the fans and the media......


    Drew Bledsoe is now on that list......

    I dont care what the bills do from this point....you want to bench Drew fine....you want to can him all together....fine...another team will pick him up quickly


    Lets just go with Shane Mathews and live with it until JP Losman is healthy.....let the fans find another whipping boy....Drew is too high a charactor guy to deserve this crap.......





    Awwwwww.... poor Drew... Maybe he can take a $100 bill from his $5 Million from last year and wipe his tears.



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