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Posts posted by stevestojan

  1. Oh well, get over it, no one has any problems our Bills or Bills Beat Writers or the guy at Stadium Sportswear. 


    And I could care less if any of you agree with me or not.  But christ, it's not all one guys fault.




    i knew what you meant. i gave ya the wink smiley!! come on!





  2. MY whole point of the post was to QUIT ALL THE DOOM

    Good grief it is just 2 games and the first one was ours until 6 seconds left. I'm looking forward to the next game. We have way too many good players to Suck every week.  They just have to LEARN how to WIN. Get their heads out of their ASSES and QUIT HOLDING.


    Good grief you don't have to have played football to know that you do not Grab and pull down someone who doesn't even have a chance of catching the punt returner after they have gone by you.


    Frustrating team - well hell yes it is but I'm a Bills Fan.  Many here post only negative posts about the team.  Goof Grief.  It's a GAME not life. Yes, they get paid more that we could think of making but WE can not control the outcome of the game. Some posters should be in the hall of fame with their should have done this coaching. Eleven more days until we see them play again.  Maybe it would be a good time for a vacation.

    stevestojan the move to Florida comment was because you said


    If you can be optomistic about this season so far, then I want to hang around with you if the apocalypse comes. 

      Didn't think I could get you to move closer. :blink: :blink:




    see, now didnt that feel good to get some of that out??? :P anyway, i take it back, if we dont have at least one person with constant optomism, i dont know what will happen.


    Here's to the build up to the NE game... at least the build up is fun :lol:

  3. Ok, stevestojan I gues you are right.  I'll NOT renew my two season tickets.  I'll give up and move to Florida, cheer for Miami and count the number of time I have to leave my house and pray it's still there after the weather clears.



    Ok, that doesnt even fit with our conversation, but OK.


    If you read what I said in my first reply, I do still get all psyched for the games, I get excited by Friday, and cant sleep sunday morning. I cheer as much as possible during the games, and I wear my Bills gear. I never said someone shouldnt be a fan.


    But, by being a fan, and the overwhelming joy that WILL come one day when we win the SB, we also have a right to show displeasure.


    When a team with Drew Bledsoe, Travis Henry, Willis McGahee, Eric Moulds, Lee Evans, Bobby Shaw, Josh Reed on it cannot score more than 10 points, something is VERY wrong.


    So, no, I dont think you should give up your tickets, or move to Miami.


    But, I just dont think you should expect the rest of us to say "I know you boys tried your best" and put on a smile after the awful play they have showed...

  4. Does that send any positive carma?  Does all that negativity help you in your personal life.  Maybe I'm wrong to have a smile on my face everyday and try to get the most out of life each and everyday.


    So stevestojan  yes you can come join me any time :blink:  I'll be the one smiling telling the players that there will be other games, thanks for trying your best.(even if they sucked)



    First, about the negativity and helping my personal life. Its my football team. They blow goats. Im pissed about it. I wont fake happiness about it. Especially when there's NOTHING to be happy about except the punter's few bombs. I try to get the most out of life too, but pretending Im happy with the Bills situation wont do it.


    As far as smiling and telling the players there will be other games, and thanks for trying their best? Wow, what is this? Little League T-ball? no offense #89, but these grown men need a kick in the ass, not some fan telling them to "keep their heads up". I mean, if its a 5 year old crying because he got out in little league, fine, "you tried your best"... problem is, I dont think that's what these players, as full grown adults, want to hear, or need to hear.


    I know you're all about being positive and being the #1 fan, but there are times when this team needs to realize this ship is sinking and they better do something - quick!

  5. Holy stevestojan. Something we agree on. But you know as well as I do that Bledsoe throws deep much better than he throws short. He always has. I'm just saying to try to spread the field a little to open up the "box" and create some more opportunities.




    Ok, now that we can stop bickering for one second, i do agree with you. The issue is, I think he would need to roll out in order to get time for Evans to get down field.


    Evans runs a 4.3 40? or close to it? So, if we are talking long ball, Evans needs to be at least 20 yards down field before Bledsoe launches it. Thats ONLY 2 seconds. To hit Evans in stride 40 yards down field, two, maybe 2.5 seconds is how long Bledsoe should have it before throwing it. The ball is in the air the remaining 1.5 to two seconds.


    Anyway, we can assume if Evans lines up wide, a blitz will come. That is where rolling out comes in. So, if he rolls out to get him self a solid 2 seconds, he needs shelton to pick up an outside Blitz. Maybe even Henry too.


    I dont see the problem with this.


    Why cant we line up 2 TEs, 2 WR, and Shelton in the back field. You now have 7 guys on the line to block, a FB in the backfield to block, a decoy in Moulds, and Evans should be single covered with Maybe a safety cheating towards him. But Bledsoe should have time.

  6. The biggest problem with the Bills organization is that they refuse to change. 


    Donahoe refuses to shake things up when there is a problem.  It was obvious last year that Williams should have been gone durring the bye week.  Would we have made the playoffs??  No, but I think the team would have played better in the second half of the season. 


    We have refused to pay big money to bring in a head coach that we know could get the job done like a Joe Gibbs (I know he wouldn't have come here) or someone like that.  We keep training coaches on the job while our performance continues to suck.


    The Bledsoe situation is another thing.  He would have been benched in the 3rd quarter of that game by a lot of coaches.  Yet he continued to take sacks and suck up the joint and we still lost.  Refusal to change is killing this organization and it starts at the top with Old Whitey.  The guy just can't admit he made a mistake on things.



    As much as I'd like to see some change, it would be awfully tough to bench a guy who is making $8.75MM for some vet minimum guy.

  7. Steve, you don't want Bledsoe to do good. Then you'd have absolutely nothing to talk about on this board.  :blink:  :P




    belive me brother, not having something to say has never been an issue with me. Bledsoe could shake hands with Christ before next game, and I'll still have something to say...



  8. and give Bledsoe some time to hit receivers DOWN the field rather than five yards out we're going to get killed every game




    Have you seen what Bledsoe has done with passes 5 yards in front of him though? He threw three at receivers feet, two over their heads (one so hard through henry's out stretched hands that he could have broken them) while the receiver is in the middle of the field (just begging for broken ribs). Lets get those 5 yard passes close to the numbers before we launch the ball.

  9. When we can score more that 10 points in a game, call me about the playoffs.


    Until then, Ill still get excited on saturday, wake up earl on Sunday, watch every play of the game with my Bills jersey on, and cheer when they score.


    But please don't tell me when I have to be optomistic, or even positive. Because this team has given me nothing on which to do that with this year.


    Oh, and to answer your question: I'd rather be 2-0 after scoring a ton of points and thinking Super Bowl. It was at least fun while it lasted.

  10. Dude shut up.


    You made your point 100 posts ago.


    You hate Bledsoe.


    Go route for the patriots or something.




    The thing is, if we didnt want him to do good, we wouldnt be here. The reason we keep bringing up the different aspects of his sucktitude is because we WANT him to do good. But that just isnt going to happen. If we weren't Bills fans, we wouldnt care.


    Its the ones that aren't concerned that you should ask about their fandom.

  11. I spent all day Monday trying to get out of Montreal airport on standby.

    Then yesterday at work I tripped on a piece of carpet. Spent 3 hours at the ER, fractured my wrist, sprained my ankle and lots of bruises (hard floor).

    I'm achy and cranky and my Bills are 0-2.  Whine, whine, whine. :blink:



    you fractured your wrist? yikes!


    you ok aussie?


    how many weeks you out for? do we need to put you on IR?

  12. See, I TOLD YOU all we should get some Colon-Blow (or something similar, which is what this product seems to be):


    "Most people who eat the standard American 'goo and glue' diet have about 5-10 pounds of matter stored in the colon. It's said that, according to the autopsy, John Wayne had 40 pounds of impacted fecal matter in his body at death. Elvis reportedly had 60 pounds."




    Ok, guys, a WOMAN wrote this in to the site, as a testimonial:

    I do not feel miserable. I am not bloated. Neither are the other two in my house. We all have more energy, clearer complexions and are having awesome adventures in the bathroom, which, I might add, we share with one another to compare notes. My tummy is flatter, and I don't have that sensation of something flipping in my tummy (what I thought was gas). I've lost 13 pounds. I sleep MUCH BETTER than I have in years. My diagnosed ulcer seems to be gone. I'm not searching for worms, but have had some eliminations that I regret not taking a picture of, cuz you wouldn't believe it just by hearing it!!!



    Oh my God! The Testimonials on this site are too much!:



    Even as a child my whole family would cheer if I’d have one bowel movement a week.


    Yes, I too have passed some awful things. Just yesterday, I passed something that looked exactly like the colonic plaque


    “I experience anywhere from 14-20 bowel

    movements per week”

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