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Posts posted by stevestojan

  1. Mead'll have to do since it'll be a couple of days before he gets threatened by another hurricane. Then he can turn the attention to himself and MEAD will just be flushed from his system.



    Paco, buddy... listen.


    I wanted to know how Mead was holding up. He asked for advice the other day, and people told him TODAY would be the worst. I guess i should have PMd him, but i know many were wondering about him (As we often do here).


    Since you have joined the board, I guess there was nothing I could have done that would have been OK with you.


    But, if mead can read through all the garbage in this thread, maybe he can give us an update. Its something ALL of us are gonna have to go through sooner or later, and today was supposed to not be fun... wondering how he is doing..


    simple as that.

  2. So you pimp Meads situation for attention ?




    and no, not at all... i really wanted to know if the day before was as bad as everyone said... i guess i should have just bumped the other thread, but i did want Mead to see it. Everyone said it was worse the day before. And all i got was "im off to eat lunch, thanks alot", etc...


    So, to get this back on topic: Mead, how ARE you holding up?



  3. Hey stevestojan, is it part of your master plan to post thread after thread after thread so people pick on you, and then when they DO pick on you, you jump out from behind the curtain and say "Aha, I got you!!!"???





    I think you finally got it.


    Too bad most people are too smart, and realize it. They only pay attention to posts where Im being serious. But luckily, I have you and a few others that continually play along...


    just like you're about to ... riiight NOW: (go ahead, hit reply, you know you want to)

  4. My Dad died of Colon Cancer 9/19/99. Lets hope mead's ok. If you care that much, maybe PM him next time. You really are amazing stevestojan.



    Im truly sorry about your father, but I get heat for this, when EVERYONE spent a full day talking about this (and joking about it in several ways) two days ago? That thread must have had 100 responses...



  5. If he PMs him, then only one person would be paying attention to him. If he starts a thread about it, then everyone can jump on him and then he can tell us how the people who have met him think he's a great guy.


    It's his thing. It's what he does.



    alright! Paco, i pulled in whopper with you... I had AlaskaDarin, but he was catching on, and started to just respond to my normal posts. The __Bib__ gave up on my. Now you are following me around? GREAT. I thought i was at a loss... Woo hoo! another person to follow me around and make comments. Thanks, you make the day go by so much smoother.. . .



    Its funny that you seem to think you know what Im up to, but FEED right into it... ahh, i love it.

  6. Hoping not to rub things in, but one of those 25 buck propane-fueled camp stoves I mentioned a while back is still a good idea for making hot food, or even boiling water if you have to. K-Mart etc. sells them.



    brother, i thought about your advice last storm. . . Afterwards, i actually posted about it (told someone in the path of IVAN that the grill is the one thing I REALLY wish i had). I bought two of them. One small with those small green propane tanks, and one that runs on charcoal.


    I had friends who made coffee (boil the water in a pot on a grill and dump it through the filter) and eggs (in a pan on the grill). I mean, they ate like kings.


    good advice.

  7. Un-friggin'-real, is what it is.  I've given up on trying to forecast this hurrican season.


    BTW, did you hear about Ivan?  It's back.  Came ashore in Alabama, went a thousand miles inland, then turned around, went back the way it came, and is now back over the gulf reforming and predicted to hit the Texas coast this weekend...



    yeah, Ivan is a badass... i just hope Jeanne stay at 105MPH. i can deal with that... i think.

  8. So, last week, we kept an eye on Jeanne... then that B word starting making a turn north.


    Then apparently that whore made a FULL loop in the middle of the atlantic, and NOW?




    So, this gives me 3 days to prepare, completly unaware that she had a chance of coming here. Lines at the gas stations and home depots are already retarded.


    When can i come back to Buffalo?

  9. Ok, we have people that are on completely opposite ends of the spectrum here. The Bledsoe supporters vs the Bledsoe bashers. We all know where I stand.


    Which is what makes me wonder WHY the Bledsoe backers have this unwavering love and support for him. Sure, you can blame the Oline, I've heard it before.


    The fact is, in the last 16 games, the buffalo bills have scored fewer points than ANY other 16 game stint in team history. This includes 3-13 and 2-14. And there is a reason the QB takes most of the heat. Its easier to replace him than the other 10 guys around him.


    Anyway, do you remember Bledsoe as a rookie? People were REALLY excited about this guy. His rookie FB card was one of the most valuable football cards of the 'new' collecting market. He was good. When the thought of him coming to Buffalo came up, I was so excited for it that I didnt want to jinx it by saying i thought he might actually be making the trip to Buffalo. When he got here, it was like the second coming of Christ. People took off of work to see him land at the airport. It was BIG.


    And that is why I think people STILL support him. Because honestly, why else would they. They don't want all that excitement that surrounded him to go to waste. He is the first "big name" QB to play here since Jimbo. It was exciting. But stats dont lie - he is at best below average now.


    Do i think he is a great QB? Absolutly not. WAS HE a great QB? Yes. But the sad thing we must realize is, is that he has lost it. He simply doesnt have it anymore. And please dont compare him to John Elway, hoping he might make the miraculous comback John did. Because that's a once in forever deal.


    My main question is, if it wasnt for the "big name", the excitment when he got here, his history as being considered great, etc, etc, would he have any supporters? I dont see why he would. His numbers are awful. He got sacked almost 50 times last year, and is on pace for 64 this year. He threw only 11 TDs last year, and 12 INTS. Compare that with the 1997 Pats, when he threw 28 TDs and a mere 15 INTS (which was preceded by the 1996 season where he threw 27TDs and 15 INTS). And even compare it to Doug Flutie, who threw 9 TD's last year; all while starting FIVE games. Bledsoe has 8 good games as a Buffalo Bill (the first 6 in 2002 and the first 2 last year). But folks, just think, what if the name on the back of that Jersey was "Johnson" instead of "Bledsoe". Would you still have this un-dying love for him?


    I say: DB = RJ.

  10. I see your point Steve but did Oprah pay to fly all these people to the show, put them up in a hotel and provide them with food? I hardly think so. I'm sure these people aren't living in poverty. If they can't afford to take out a loan for a few thousand dollars to pay for a FREE car then ultimately they probably won't be able to afford gas, insurance or anything else that comes along with owning a car. I see both sides of this but don't think it's UNFAIR for the government to expect to receive taxes. Like I posted earlier, I thought Pontiac was picking up all the taxes.



    Good point.


    Oh, and Pontiac picked up local taxes only. Not the "income" tax for receiving the gift.

  11. ...I've been enjoying the friendly debates over the last few days. I look forward to hopefully meeting you and having a beer at my mom's place next time I bring my family down to WPB for a visit.



    Thanks bro. Always good to have an argument where someone doesnt get called an assclown! :blink: Question for ya... what home games are you going to? I know some here are going to the Halloween game, and I will be flying home for that one. Should be good times. Beers will be drank in mass quantity.


    Edit: And one more thing, what was the name of your moms place again, and what road is it on?

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