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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. So… everyone that was judging those of us doing the math to back into the playoffs because “we just need to take care of business,” how y’all doing?
  2. Let’s hope Josh is watching NBC.
  3. We are actually cursed.
  4. Everyone caught that Tennessee game, right? I mean I’d prefer we’d be up by 100 but we’re in the playoffs.
  5. Dorsey would have never had the guts to call that off-the-helmet pop fly.
  6. Hyde didn’t even try to make a tackle after his buddy Poyer got juked out of his Depends.
  7. Oh Von Miller. Why the ***** are you on the football field?
  8. Josh just playing 4D chess.
  9. That was better than an incomplete pass at least.
  10. The screen worked!!! Not because it was set up right, but I digress.
  11. It’s ok to admit Josh ***** up.
  12. Well that lack of DPI cost us. But that was hero Josh. Bad Josh.
  13. Do that every time. EVERY TIME
  14. Thanks to the Titans, my entire outlook on tonight change: I think the bills win by 20+ with the pressure being about 4.3 billion times lower. I’ll be able to eat. I will still hate if they lose, but I think we’re point favorites in Pitts if that happens. * This is wrong and 80 of you told me this already. Sorry, it’s been a day. But if we lose, I still think we beat Miami next week. No way they beat us twice in a row. Go bills.
  15. The ONLY one who might not know is Jake Fromm but I think the let him out of his bunker and I also am pretty sure he’s not on our team anymore. But in the fantasy land with all comms cut off? Hell yes you tell them. So much less pressure and that makes them play better. I think by clinching, the bills dominate tonight. It’s ask gravy at this point. (Really good gravy, but gravy nonetheless).
  16. I’m sure this has been asked and answered so forgive me, but now it’s: Lose and we play Miami again next week. Win and we host Pittsburgh. Is that 100% now? Thanks
  17. Rightfully so. Glad it worked out that way.
  18. Best $250 I’ve spent in a LONG time. Y’all are welcome.
  19. Said this in another thread but: Bills players say they don’t scoreboard watch. Since that is total horseshit, I feel like they will play so much looser tonight and crush the fins. Bills 42 - phins 15.
  20. Bills players say they don’t scoreboard watch. Since that is total horseshit, I feel like they will play so much looser tonight and crush the fins. Bills 42 - phins 15.
  22. One stop and we’re in the playoffs. So, defensive holding coming up?
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