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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. Ed Oliver everywhere already.
  2. I will never sign that contract. I can’t help myself and my therapist quit.
  3. As I said in the pregame, our safeties will get cooked multiple times tonight. It’s a given and we should accept it. We need to score 35+ to win. That means we need another Superman game from Josh. And for a guy who fumbles every once in a while, that glove scares me. Also, we really need Basshole to kick the ball out of the end zone every single time.
  4. This is an uncomfortable amount of love for Josh on the pregame.
  5. We need to score at least 35 to win this. Our safeties are going to get absolutely cooked tonight and I’ve accepted that. It’s all what we do on offense. And by that I mean “will Josh once again be Superman?”
  6. But it’s just mean tweets! Oh wait; it’s actually uneducated MAGAs with less teeth than brains calling people sand monkeys. I wonder why they suddenly feel ok to be so openly full of hate? Despite the fact that they are disgusting white trash racist hillbillies, I 100% believe them that there is a van of Haitians driving around stealing cats for food. My question is: since Biden and Harris are just handing these folks thousands ands thousands of dollars, couldn’t they at least upgrade to some more exotic pets? The fact that we’re having this actual discussion is exactly why all normal people sit and laugh at the Trumpers. They are all his marks but they’re literally too stupid to see it I mean look at and listen to those people.
  7. Where’s your next tweet? EVERYONE is waiting to hear your next thought!!
  8. Sure am! How do you think I afford to live in California? Can’t wait til you close that million dollar deal (so proud of you!) so you can get back to pasting your Twitter feed here!
  9. Ooohhhhhh! A million dollar sale! What a big boy! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Oh man, you’re better than reading Trumps mindless drivel on Truth Social (stock price at $16 today by the way!)
  10. Hahahaha! And he falls for it again! My point, Cletus, is that these hillbillies will eat up anything orange man tells them. And by the looks and sounds of them, capital gains are not a problem any of them will ever have to deal with. I do find it adorable that when you run out of adult words you resort to “commie.” It’s fantastic. By the way, it’s now been ten whole minutes since you shared your Twitter feed with us. Get back to it! We’re all waiting with bated breath for the next tweet!! Dude, you need to get out more. You’re just going to the mainstream illegal immigrant dog bakes. The deep state would have you believe it’s dachshund season.
  11. All the weirdos must have a large manangerie of pet geese. 😂😂😂 I live in California. So you know I have to walk through piles of illegal immigrants and fentanyl just to get to the coffee maker in the morning. Today, I woke up and saw my dog in a bath of herbs and spices.
  12. And yet here you are! You can’t help yourself! No wonder you’re in the weirdo party and love that orange tub of goo. don’t you have another tweet to post here? It’s been 5 minutes!
  13. Uh oh! Is someone upset? That’s a lot of words to call yourself out with! The key phrase is “Stevestojan used to.” Then I turned 20. Ahhhhahahahahhahaha! But PLEASE keep posting every tweet you find mildly interesting. Those of us on the left need more fodder for laughing at the weirdos! I bet you’ve even tried painting over that wood paneling at some point! 😂😂😂
  14. Those are the same people who are worried about an increased capital gains tax. 😂
  15. Again. Sorry for striking a nerve with this one! 😂
  16. Do you ever see a tweet or have a thought and decide “maybe I don’t need to spam TBD with it?” You know we all have access to Twitter - we don’t need your personal feed re-posted here every five minutes. When’s the last time you went outside? Side question: Anyone know what dipping sauce goes best with golden retriever?
  17. you called it after I posted it; Someone is feeling self conscious…. 😂😂😂 Sorry I hit a nerve. I’m off to call my mom: if she murders me today I want to make sure she doesn’t just call it a 528 month abortion since those full term babies are just being killed left and right. The entertainment from that orange clown just never stops!
  18. Sure does! How’s the wood paneling? Still sticking with that in 2024 huh? Off to go have some BBQ dog paws! Oh your candidate and his followers (see: you) are the laughing stock of the world this morning… again! Serious question: have we ever gotten to the bottom of which is worse, a boat battery or a shark? 😂 MAGA! 😂😂😂
  19. And that petulant child tried so hard to act like an adult. He really did. You could almost see the smoke. He lasted exactly those five minutes you mentioned. I mean for god sakes, how many advisors had to have told that doofus “do NOT fall for the crowd size taunt?” He literally can’t help himself. I do 100% agree the moderators overstepped which is a shame because she needed no help destroying that giant man child.
  20. So you’re the mark! I should have known given your literal non-stop posting here, but this comment seals it! Wait, where’s my dog? Do I smell mesquite?
  21. Trump “spoke facts.” Which was my favorite fact? Was it: That my neighbors will eat my dog. I live in CA, so you know every other house is chock full of dog-eating illegal immigrants - the other houses are just stockpiled with fentanyl, since, ya know, California. 😂 Or: There are doctors throughout the country just murdering newly born full term babies and calling them elective “abortions.” Trump got beat like a dog. But I really wish the moderators would have shut up. She didn’t need their help making him seem unhinged. What prime time TV! 😂
  22. Question: is “the machine” the same as the “dEeP sTaTe?” Or are those different? 😂😂😂
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