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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. Holy crap, that's actually the exact town I live in... Vail, AZ (suburb or Tucson). I like to refer to it as hell on Earth.
  2. The fact that the source felt the need to write a VERY lengthy explanation on why they printed his name should let you know something is not quite right there. He's a minor. He did something really stupid. And it was during the national anthem. But you internet tough guys need to realize that most companies Google search before even moving a candidate on in the hiring process. In 8 years when he's looking for a career.... well, Google cache doesn't go away. Now this teenager, who pissed in public during the national anthem has this on his "record" permanently. Absolutely ridiculous to print a minor's name because (based on their logic) everyone in that Podunk town might already know his name.
  3. This is fantastic. Waaaay better than Pandora, which is saying alot. Love being able to pick the specific song. Thanks!
  4. Sorry for pointing out my disgust with our awful QB. I don't know him personally. The only reason I give a rats ass about him is he is potentially the leader of the football team I've rooted for since birth. So, when I say "!@#$ him" I mean it and don't apologize for it. Its cool, I guess, that you saw him at a bar, but the "its just a game" crowd needs to realize that this game is the ONLY reason I know his name or give two ***** about him. That said, he is awful at this game, so.... !@#$ him.
  5. Awesome. He's a good dude. GREAT story, but !@#$ Edwards.
  6. Not sure why, but I actually cracked up when I read that line. It's just like every other decision that's been made in the last 10 years.... no matter what "options" are being referred to, we as Bills fans surely won't be happy with the ridiculous decision that gets made.
  7. Its still early, but that's the post of the month.
  8. "Confessions of a Superhero" Seasons 1&2 (the only two seasons) of "Dead Like Me" and of course "The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters"
  9. That being the most specific detail I don't want to discuss
  10. I say we should put a nice comfy blanket on the ground, play some enya, and let the cow enjoy a nice glass of wine before slamming a metal rod into its brain stem. That would make everyone happy, no?
  11. When I drive down the road every day that takes me to the I-10, and I see the cows, I honestly think of how many delicious steaks could be made, and what type. And yet, I come home, and let my dog lay on the couch next to me and don't necessarily consider if he would make a nice center cut fillet. Maybe I should buy a Vick jersey. I'm just like him.
  12. New song, in todays "new country" that most hate, but Zach Brown Band a GREAT song for chilling with a beer called "Toes"
  13. Absolutely just a matter of personal preference. Cnet just did a prize fight with with the incredible vs the iPhone 3GS. Incredible won.
  14. Not knocking the incredible, but now that I've had the droid, I will always need a real keyboard. I use it 95% of the time.
  15. Decided to just shop some prices today. First, a pawn shop. Offered me $1500 for it and then said "that's cause I have a vault of diamonds and in this economy, people aren't buying" He went onto say "But, here's what you should do: put it on craigslist. You could get at least $3000 that way. And, because its a decent amount of money, don't give any of your contact info. Use my store to meet. I have enough guns in here no one would ever attempt anything. If you sell it, toss me $50". First time at a pawn shop. As interesting as I could have imagined. I then went to a real jewelry store (a local one, not Jared or one of those chains). Offered me $1800. I think I might go the craigslist route, but it just sounds like a pain in the ass.
  16. When you lose your wallet, the terrorists win.
  17. Exactly. I'd be happy to get 33% at this point. I just want the thing gone.
  18. Thanks. I do already have it appraised, but perhaps getting a more recent appraisal wouldn't hurt.
  19. Not a bad idea at all. I actually purchased it from a local jeweler in Batavia, been around for decades. I think I'll call and beg for 40% of my investment back.... oh, what a return!
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