Decided to just shop some prices today. First, a pawn shop. Offered me $1500 for it and then said "that's cause I have a vault of diamonds and in this economy, people aren't buying" He went onto say "But, here's what you should do: put it on craigslist. You could get at least $3000 that way. And, because its a decent amount of money, don't give any of your contact info. Use my store to meet. I have enough guns in here no one would ever attempt anything. If you sell it, toss me $50". First time at a pawn shop. As interesting as I could have imagined.
I then went to a real jewelry store (a local one, not Jared or one of those chains). Offered me $1800.
I think I might go the craigslist route, but it just sounds like a pain in the ass.