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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. I must have listened to Nirvana's MTV Unplugged CD over 1000 times in HS.
  2. Details continue to come in to prove he is in the top 1% of scumbags. From CNN's "Breaking News": Interpol document: Joran van der Sloot faces charges in U.S. for trying to extort $250,000 from Natalee Holloway's mom.
  3. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/ga...has-the-story/1 http://deadspin.com/5555714/this-is-pete-r...nterstitialskip
  4. Verizon just got great material for a new commercial. Now I know this was a wifi issue, not necessarily a network issue, but the only reason I switched from the iPhone was reception. I got 0-1 bars at work with AT&T. I get FULL bars, never had a problem with VZW. Steve knows VZW is superior. When one of those "reporters" yelled "VERIZON!" he gave a nervous "yeah, I know... I get it... AT&T sucks" chuckle before letting us know it was of course a wifi issue.... not a 3G carrier issue.
  5. Just confessed to it. cnn.com
  6. I pay for the minimum netflix package, $8/month i think. I don't have any netflix movies at my house, i pay that $8 solely for the streaming. I use my PS3 (which, incidentally, is the only reason I use my PS3 now). I've really considered canceling cable because of it. But being the lazy American I am, that thought scares the **** out of me.
  7. I'm so pissed I ever posted in this disaster of a thread, because every time i log in I see a "new post" in a thread I posted in. And 99.9% of the time its this nonsense. Well played idiots, well played.
  8. I've recently fallen in love with fat tire. good stuff.
  9. you're on. Philly has won their last game this year.
  10. Joyce indicated in a brief interview with reporters that his family had been targeted. MLB officials wouldn’t confirm whether any specific threats of harm had been made. “I wish my family was out of this,” Joyce said, still teary-eyed some 12 hours later. “I wish they would just direct it all to me. “My wife is a rock. My kids are very strong. But they don’t deserve this. I’ll take it. I’ll take it. I’ll take whatever you can give me. I’ll handle it like a man. And I’ll do the best I can.” Joyce didn’t specify what “it” was, but he said, “It’s a big problem.”
  11. For god sakes, I'm actually kind of on your side here, and I wasn't even referencing you, ya paranoid freak.
  12. Man, if the last 24 hours don't make you think "finally! for one day baseball wasn't about millionaires and bull ****" nothing will. Today when Galarraga handed the lineup to Joyce, and Joyce started to tear up, I thought "this is one of those stories you see that happen in HS sports that you WISH would happen in the big leagues". The guy messed up, sure. And to say he didn't mess up at a more important time than, say, the 3rd inning is clearly asinine. BUT, to compare it to a major screw up in the workplace is far more asinine. "If I put a staple through a document that says "do not staple" at work, nothing much would happen. But if that document was the original Declaration of Independence, I would get FIRED!" The fact that he has to live in a world of morons calling for his job/life for the rest of his days is punishment enough (actually, far more than enough). Fire him? For one really bad call, at a horrendous time, after 22 years of excellence? Yeah, that's reasonable.
  13. In all fairness, Galarraga's perfect game will possibly be the most remembered ever. There were 2 this year already and as I'm not a baseball fan, I have no idea who threw them. But holy crap I'll remember Galarraga.
  14. It sucks that he seems to be an all around good guy, but when you allow for a flyers avatar, the terrorists have won.
  15. Simple yet brilliant. Reminds me of me.
  16. Beat me to it. My all time favorite movie
  17. That's the funniest video I've seen in weeks. Seriously.
  18. Exactly! An all around lesson for message board posters everywhere.
  19. That's not safe for anywhere.
  20. Things like this make me so happy. !@#$ with an animal for no reason other than entertainment, and you get everything you deserve. Well, I guess I mean "Mess with the Bull, you get the horns."
  21. I have no real comment on the story, however I just wanted to say job well done on this post. The article, some pictures, and a video. Beautiful thread-starting my friend. Rookies take note.
  22. Why don't they just pick up the ball. Seems like that would do away with some of the boring. Oh wait, that's Rugby - a real sport. And yes, I will continue to enter every soccer thread and bash the sport.
  23. Unfortunately for me, its only the Bills and the Sabres. I never got into baseball or basketball at all really. In fact, I've only been to one MLB game in my life, and it was the 2003 World Series, Marlins/Yankees when I lived in Florida. Never been so bored at a sporting event. The only NBA game I've been to was floor seats at the Miami heat, in 2003/2004 - seats literally on the court. That wasn't boring as we had a waitress bringing us drinks. In fact, my marketing coordinator at work last week offered me 2 "dugout seats" to an upcoming Diamondbacks game. I'd probably go if it wasn't a 90+ minute drive to Phoenix from here - but I refuse to make the drive to watch a sport where a 70 year old coach is required to still wear a full uniform. Instead I sit and wait year after year to watch this pathetic football franchise, and this "win in the regular season, choke in the post season" hockey franchise. That's what I get for being born in WNY i guess.
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