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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. I eat like a god damn rabbit during the week so that Fri-Sun I can "pig out". Problem is, I rarely do. Normally some wings on Friday (there's a bar out here owned by a guy from Cheektowaga, so they are good wings) and then by Sunday I'm normally grilling chicken again cause I feel gross. But my weight does fluctuate throughout the week.
  2. Certainly seems like Apple knew about this problem since they are selling a $30 rubber band that will fix it. These have been on sale since release. http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC597?mco=MTcyNzk4NDg
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0PuqYB0_UI
  4. no !@#$ing way is that guy 46.
  5. five dollar.... five dollar footlong. Sadly, with 12 hour days, and 15 minutes to go grab lunch, its the only "fast food" that can be somewhat healthy. Its boring, barely real food, but it fills me up, for $5.
  6. OK, how many of you have been to a party where someone got shot? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say none of you. That's literally tens of thousands of parties over your lifetimes. Things like this don't "just happen". He's guilty of nothing right now other than associating with scum, which to me is reason enough to never want him on your football team.
  7. This just might need its own thread - more people need to see that. Outstanding.
  8. Good video that explains offside in soccer, for those of us just trying to get into the sport. that said, it's the most ridiculous rule in all of sports. Don't want me to cherry pick? Defend me. Maybe you'd have more than 2 goals total more than 1 in 1000 games.
  9. Any song I want, immediately. Any song I want immediately, on my cell phone, no matter where I am; for 10 cents a day??? SCREW THEM!
  10. Except this year, OJ didn't kill his wife and Ron, which immediately took over our pea brained american attenion. Go through my posts, I was/am always the first to bash kickball, but this year seems different. I'm probably wrong, so be it. But comparing soccer to gymnastics.. really? There's still a ton about soccer that is ridiculous. Mainly having to lay down and cry to get a penalty called and that offsides in soccer is like holding in football, whereas you could call it on every play. But I argue that this is the year many of us got sucked into this game.
  11. I'm not talking about this year. What I'm talking about is this WC has gotten people really interested in this sport. More interest, more money, more players, more talent. That all leads to yet another arena in which we dominate the world.
  12. Ya know, people have to be getting pissed. Now Americans are really getting into soccer and getting good at it. It's soon going to finally be one more sport we !@#$ing dominate in. Sucks to be from anywhere else.
  13. Good highlight video for those of us at work today. http://soccernet.espn.go.com/report?id=264...5901&ver=us
  14. Had to bump this thread again. This service is awesome. I was just thinking about a song today and went there, it loaded in maybe 3 seconds, and there it was.
  15. Now, how many of us would have the same reaction he did. But holy !@#$ing ****, yes, I would.
  16. The OJ one was good for the fact that you didn't realize how much of the sporting world we missed because that waste of flesh was driving around with a gun to his head.
  17. I hadn't played a video game in years. I have a PS3 for the blu ray and Netflix streaming. However, a friend told me "you have to buy Red Dead Redemption". The game is simply unbelievable. Rare to say a game is worth every penny, but this one is. HUGE wide open world, great storyline (or you can just play around shooting the **** outta people if you're bored). I really can't say enough about this game. Go buy it. One of the coolest parts if you can decide if you want to be a good upstanding citizen and earn the honor of the people, or be a total prick a earn the terrified respect of them. In fact, if you do enough heinous things, you actually can get rewarded for it because people are scared shitless of you. Just awesome.
  18. Are you saying I'm not supposed to take it with me when I'm done? People always ask why my wallet is so full - It's all those dumps I've taken.
  19. Are pissed off black chicks harder to handcuff that pissed off white chicks?
  20. Rule of thumb: Go with your instincts around here. I'm just happy to see peter pan man has branched out to other colors in his wardrobe.
  21. I'm no gun expert, but I think if you shot him in the face with four .30 cal bullets, there would be some blood spillage.
  22. That cop had every right in the world to punch someone who was putting him in a compromised position; threatening him - be it girl, man, dog, black, white, or purple. But if a police officer cannot easily restrain a teenage girl, he needs to be put on paid leave until he can get into better shape. I'm not kidding. What good is he if he is truly that weak?
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