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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. Two More Words: Your're a scumbag - that being said, I'm thinking things like Bills in NYC sharing a pic of an awesome tailgate outside of McFaddens, peoples wedding pics, the amazing Genny Cream Ale neon sign I saw at a bar in the hell hole of Tucson AZ I live in, Alaska Darin's Igloo (see: house), etc. Was that actually more than two words? My bad.
  2. One of the reasons I love TBD is the lack of being able to load pictures into your posts, HOWEVER, every once in a while, it would be nice to load a picture from your HD, cellphone, etc onto a post instead of having to use one of the hosting sites, etc, etc. Since we all hate tons of pics posted, I would suggest the following rules: Only those with 1+ years of TBD tenure can post Limited to 1 pic post per 60 days (to ensure its really something worth sharing) Only posted on Off the Wall. If it is inappropriate, same rules as any inappropriate text posts would apply First post would require a $5 donation to TBD for the server space. At 6 pics a year per poster maximum, that would MORE than cover, but also get those who have never donated to buck up. In other words, if you want to share a pic, your donating $5. This might be the only pic you ever want to post, but with 1+ year of tenure, you owe Scott $5 by now anyway most likely If you hate this idea, which I'm sure most will, let's hear it. But I think it would be nice to see some things in the lives of TBDers; whether it be funny, serious, etc.
  3. Funny you posted this now as Monday night I called Sirius to cancel as I now have XM (with best of sirius). The reason I switched was Sirius' poor customer service, which was based in a foreign country. I called Monday and the person, clearly American, and told her I needed to cancel. I knew she would try to "save" me, so I told her it was the economy, and I was canceling everything except the bare essentials. She did try to save me, but instead of offering half price, etc, she credited, immediately, $50 to my account, which covered 3+ months. She told me to call back any time before that to cancel, or she would cancel now if I really wanted to. Hell, 3 free months, why not.
  4. So long as Shane Falco is the QB, I'd be happy.
  5. I looked down and there was a maggot on my leg. Was it Disgusting? No, you !@#$ing idiot, it was awesome.
  6. He's a Bills fan. Hasn't he been through enough?
  7. Just a quick idea for ya (not recommending, just explaining that 3k is outrageous) 52" Sharp Aquos 1080p, $1150 http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/product...f0fp36044c0s441 or, a 65" (great reviews) for $1799 (FREE Shipping) http://www.onestoplcd.com/productdetail.as...p;refid=froogle spend an hour looking around the net and you'll quickly find that for 3k, you can buy a great TV and an awesome new leather lazy-boy to watch it in.
  8. No need to spend 3k on a TV right now. Also, always check slickdeals.net people from around the web posts daily deals they find. Great for TVs and other electronics.
  9. Well, it was fun while it lasted. This last !@#$ up by the refs in the Germany/England game just pushed me over the edge. I'll see ya in 4 years.
  10. The timing of my post was unfortunate. I was referring to the penalty about 5 minutes before that.
  11. How was that not a penalty kick? Ill never understand this game.
  12. Hell on Earth. The locals call it Tucson, AZ.
  13. Funny, it's 8:00am here game starts at 11, and Im having the same "problem". I think I'm going to the bar as I love the atmosphere.
  14. His Filipino girlfriend. No need to call the man out.
  15. I'm 245. Then again, I'm 6'6".
  16. Shocking how many people are missing that key point.
  17. Weird how it only protects the antenna that cannot be touched or you may drop (more) calls.
  18. I eat like a god damn rabbit during the week so that Fri-Sun I can "pig out". Problem is, I rarely do. Normally some wings on Friday (there's a bar out here owned by a guy from Cheektowaga, so they are good wings) and then by Sunday I'm normally grilling chicken again cause I feel gross. But my weight does fluctuate throughout the week.
  19. Certainly seems like Apple knew about this problem since they are selling a $30 rubber band that will fix it. These have been on sale since release. http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC597?mco=MTcyNzk4NDg
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0PuqYB0_UI
  21. no !@#$ing way is that guy 46.
  22. five dollar.... five dollar footlong. Sadly, with 12 hour days, and 15 minutes to go grab lunch, its the only "fast food" that can be somewhat healthy. Its boring, barely real food, but it fills me up, for $5.
  23. OK, how many of you have been to a party where someone got shot? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say none of you. That's literally tens of thousands of parties over your lifetimes. Things like this don't "just happen". He's guilty of nothing right now other than associating with scum, which to me is reason enough to never want him on your football team.
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