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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. Sleep. Lots of sleep. When I feel like getting up, take my fully air conditioned golf cart to the course and golf all day, or for an hour - whatever. Go drink lots of good beer. Eat whatever I want as often as I want (as I can get whatever woman I want due to my extreme wealth - even if I gain 100lbs). Repeat.
  2. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d8194...for-his-cowboys
  3. Since my first move in a fight is a groin kick, followed by a throat chop, probably. Fighting clean is for sober idiots.
  4. The assumption here is this treehugger ever stops tripping.
  5. Why the !@#$ did you do that?
  7. I'm the most negative Bills fan you'll meet, but I am in no way bitter because of the SBs.
  8. Since they are the pioneers of everything tech (I say with sarcasm, however typing this from my macbook), apple should pioneer TESTING THEIR EQUIPMENT before putting it on the shelves. Leave it to apple to figure out a way to call beta testings (or even lab testing) something they pioneered with iPhone5.
  9. Exactly what I was thinking.
  10. If, by continuing to sell said item, it takes away the usability of that item from your previous customers, yes.
  11. Then here's my problem with that. If they know its too much data making reception ****ty, why not immediately stop selling smartphones, which you know will cause more network deterioration, until the have more capacity? Wouldn't that be a responsible thing to do? It would be like a cable company realizing that for every new subscriber it gets, the surrounding houses lose a tiny bit of their reception quality and continuing to hook up new TVs.
  12. The only two days of the year where not 1 major league sports game is played (of the big 4, NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA... soccer doesn't count). The day before and the day after the MLB Allstar game are the two days every year where this happens.
  13. Not a Yankees fan, but that voice will never be matched. And Jeter is a class act for keeping him "alive" in the stadium.
  14. Are you kidding? If we drafted a hometown kid who singlehandedly turned the bills around, but didn't win a single championship, we'd be calling for his head after 2 years, not 7. Buffalo > Cleveland > Detroit > Tucson
  15. So, Spain doesn't want to win?
  16. Vick not allowed to leave Pennsylvania. Doesn't that fall under cruel and unusual?
  17. Bob Dylan. (I always assume "tonight" is his night, so we'll see if he fits this topic tomorrow. If so, my post will make sense in saying that he is simply amazing. Beautiful lyrics, absolutely awful voice, and 3 scoops of weirdness to make him the best. Fine, my answer that fits the topic? Stevie Ray Vaughn
  18. Seriously? I just watched 20 minutes of Sportscenter about how a guy that plays basketball leaving your city will impact the economy of the city? Holy ****. That's !@#$ing sad.
  19. 92 Million VZW customers 87 Million ATT customers VZW is already handling more customers. I don't get the argument. Just build a better network AT&T. I know, easier said than done, but VZW has already done it.
  20. Let me be clear. Are you implying that the network issue is due to VOLUME of users rather than lack of towers?
  21. Dave Matthews Band at Woodstock 99. Best concert ever? Tragically Hip, Woodstock 99.
  22. Gilbert needs to put down his purse, take of the heels, get his panties out of a wad, and quit being a little B word. LaBron's a douche, sure, but Gilbert is a friggin owner!
  23. and that's the whole point! No matter where I've ever been - VA Beach, NYC, San Diego, NJ, Long Island, Frederickburg, Lakeland FL (middle of nowhere), Tucson, Phoenix, etc, etc, etc... I've NEVER had a problem with Verizon. It's great that you get good reception in San Antonio, but it doesn't justify the fact that it doesn't work AT ALL in many small cities, and very spotty in places as big as NYC and SF!
  24. Going to get my EVO tomorrow. I have a droid with Verizon, but having gigantic hands, I'm thinking the EVO might work better for me. I have 30 days to decide to keep it or give it back. I'll be able to compare the 2 for a month. You literally couldn't pay me to use AT&T. I mean that. If someone said, here's an iPhone and it's the phone you have to use, and I'll pay the bill and give you $100 a month, I wouldn't take it. I had the iPhone 3G and, silly me, I got sick of having to place a mark on my desk in my office where it HAD to sit to get 1 bar of reception. It's 2010. Verizon and Sprint have figured it out. Does AT&T not realize that once the iPhone is not longer theirs exclusively, they are !@#$ed? They better do whatever it takes to to keep that deal with Apple. Just unbelievable that people still put up with it.
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