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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. I know. I threw a smiley in there for god sakes!!!!
  2. "(she) knows more about the Bills than anybody I’ve ever known who is not paid to cover the team."
  3. They wouldn't. Unless, as Fez said, you get into an accident. And then, if you get into an accident, and sign a contract saying you wouldn't leave the country, guess who's paying for all the damage? But then again, if you're not planning on getting into an accident, you should be fine.
  4. instead of their neighbors dog, Bubbles?
  5. No, but he enjoys killing women in vehicles.
  6. you're slipping... the line is "no coconut for me".
  7. No, not somewhere. Duffs. Don't fall for the "Anchor Bar Trap". Their wings suck. Duffs. Or if you are drunk in Angola, the very best wings on the planet: Castaways. But since that is unlikely, I repeat: Go to Duffs.
  8. Dude, its a bit early to be ripping on Ted Kennedy...
  9. Mallow cups (stored in the fridge) dipped in peanut butter.
  10. Guarantee that guy is a good time at a party. For some reason he reminds me of Ghandi
  11. 36. Alcohol overdose(373 deaths) Not a good idea to try this one, but sometimes it is fun to teeter on the edge.
  12. You will likely get charged a mileage fee, as stupid as that sounds. I believe Enterprise writes their contracts to not charge for mileage so long as you don't leave the Tri-State area (NJ, NY, CT). I believe the contract is written for the state, meaning that it is the same in NYC (where the tri-state rule would make sense) as it is in Buffalo. One thing to note: When you go to rent a car, they always ask if you want the additional insurance. Generally, you don't need to purchase it (for Enterprise, it's $16/day), as your personal car insurance's collision coverage carries over to the rental. Now, if you get into an accident and HAD purchased it, you pay nothing for damage to the car. If you didn't purchase it, you would have to pay your deductible. So, you have to decide if it's worth it for $16 a day. Generally people do not need to purchase it. The tricky thing about Canada, however, is the fact that you cannot subrogate in Ontario. What that means is that, say you decide to not get the extra insurance, and get rear-ended in Ontario (or any accident that is not your fault). If you decide to use your own insurance, your insurance company CAN NOT go after the at-fault party for what they paid, and more importantly your deductible. All of that said, if renting a car, this is one of the rare situations I would recommend buying the extra insurance.
  13. Chef Jim waiting to pounce to thread-crap the minute after a thread started. Who would have thunk.
  14. I finalized the deal on my 2009 Murano yesterday afternoon. Already have the paperwork (which was faxed to me) and will add it to my insurance right before going in. I got ended up getting the vehicle for $1,090 below the invoice price listed on Edmunds.com. This was without once going to the dealership which I will be purchasing the vehicle at (West Herr Nissan). Mike Barney tried to compete, but couldn't come close on price.
  15. My stag (August 16th) will have no strippers. Not one of the bachelor parties my close friends and I have held/attended in the last several years have. Its a waste of time and money. We like to booze so damn much that the strippers actually get ignored (my buddy Lenny's party was the last one to have strippers -- the strippers were neglected). Go ahead and call me a fag, or whatever else, but honestly, I'd much rather have a day full of boozin and cooking out with my friends (I'm expecting roughly 100 people at mine, which will be held outside) rather than a smoke filled room with dirty strippers in it. If I was 19... hell yes. But now? I'll pass.
  16. Sounds like a recipe for retadda that went bad. Yes, I know that sounds redundant. The sad part is, I'm not kidding. I really don't know who people are talking about. Then again, I've started only reading/posting in threads I have some sort of interest in.
  17. I do think I'm in the correct mind set. I truly don't look at it like giving up something. I do, however, wonder how the pangs are going to be after a few beers. . . the exact time when it would be easy to say "!@#$ it, I'm having one". But, I do have drinks every friday after work, so there's no better time than now to give it up. I may re-read the book, however.
  18. I purchased Fighting Chance this week. However, really if you know what the idea of fighting chance is, you don't need the $40 package. It does give you the true invoice in your area of every possible trim level and option, so it saves that little bit of research. But the main idea is you get the email address for the sales manager of several dealers of the same brand. You email all of them and explain that you will be basically giving your business to the one that can give you the best price. One note that was mentioned above. Don't ever go in looking for a specific monthly payment (or at least asking for one). KNOW what the invoice price is. KNOW that they can go below that, and will. It was fun for me to email the individual dealers each others offers and watch them try to explain away each others quotes, and eventually try to beat them.
  19. I bought that book after I saw it last week in another thread. Tonight i read one of the final chapters "The final cigarette". I'm not as apprehensive to read it as I thought I would be. The book is absolutely phenomenal. Completely different that any other stop smoking method ever. My fear is I will finish it tonight and have a long party weekend ahead. A Beer without a cigarette is like an asian massage without the happy ending. I'll see how I do.
  20. I'm gonna throw that B word in the back of my SUV. It will be like a scaled down version of Knight Rider's KITT driving into the back of the semi.
  21. One thing I can say is listen to the advice I got from the thread I started about buying a car. That advice is to NEVER walk into a car dealership to negotiate the price. What I did was go to Edmunds.com, and pick the model and trim I wanted. Then, at the bottom of the screen, it will show you all the local dealers and you put in your name and phone # and any comments. Do NOT put your real phone. They have the advantage on the phone. I put in the comments "this isn't my real phone #. Contact me by email. I have sent this same message to AutoPlace Nissan, Mike Barney Nissan and West Herr Nissan. I will go with the one of you that will offer me the best price". After that, the emails fly in. I narrowed it down to Mike Barney and WestHerr. Long story short, after about 15 emails, the Mike Barney salesman said, the ABSOLUTE lowest lease payment he could get me, Tier 1, 12,000 miles, 39 months, with the exact trim I wanted, with NOTHING down but first payment, was $443. I gave these numbers to West Herr, who quoted me $413, SAME exact details. I told this to the guy at Mike Barney who said "That's impossible. He must be including taxes in the down payment. We know all their deals, and they CANNOT beat us." I called West Herr and told him that. He sent me a fax quote with the details and $413. I forwarded that to Mike Barney. Exactly 15 minutes later, the guy from Mike Barney emailed me and said "Steve! I was able to re-work some numbers and can get you in at $416. If West Herr adds ANY money to your quote, promise me you'll come to us?" (he actually said "promise me you'll come to us?") So, 15 minutes prior, it was absolutely impossible to go lower than $443 and he worked those numbers and took off $27. Needless to say, I'll be visiting West Herr next week.
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