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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. So the party of the poorly educated is more worried about arresting Haitians due to a made up story (that 5 of you on here are still so stupid/easily manipulated that you still believe it!) versus arresting those who commit inevitable hate crimes against Haitians; crimes that will only be committed because the weirdo party is so full of uneducated hillbillies that they believe the dog/cat story (😂🤣😂) because their orange daddy said he “saw it on TV.” And using “DC_Draino” as your “source” just highlights how brainwashed you - and the four others who like your spam - are. Little snowflakes on the right are soooo upset. I wonder how many of you aren’t invited to family get togethers anymore because you’re the “weird right wing uncle” and wonder why you’ve been excluded. Everyone is laughing at you, and you think you’re the enlightened ones. It’s incredible human behavior. You all should be studied like early man.
  2. Oh I just adore how much I’ve gotten under your skin. 😂 Weirdo.
  3. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  4. Hahaha! Was wondering in that pointless post when you would break out your favorite word! How to be like BillsFanNC: 1) Post every tweet you find interesting from some “freedom fighter” twitter account onto TBD. 2) Smile to yourself when you think how clever you are after using the phrase “useful idiot” for the 11th time before noon. 3) when you run out of big boy words, just resort to commie. And a “source,” you buffoon, can absolutely be the interviewee. The “reporter’s” source for his story included people who referred to Haitians as sand monkeys. You posted it. Now you’re using semantics to avoid looking like the absolute fool you are for posting that and thinking it would prove your insane point. And the fact that you still believe this is real - because some other right wing weirdo nut posted some false info on Twitter - is absolutely hilarious.
  5. Wow. And you call others idiots? 😂😂😂 Your “sources” for news are absolutely amazing. Next up, BillsFanNC will share jpegs from MySpace as proof the earth is flat. But I’m sure you’re just more worried about what the ilk who refer to people as “sand monkeys” are up to. It’s also ironic that those white trash are complaining about people getting handouts when I bet 90%+ of that human garbage is getting every government handout check imaginable. And you use them as a news source. Im starting to think there isn’t much difference between you and the trash in that video.
  6. Nah. Unfortunately I’m just a useful idiot. A communist one at that.
  7. Shhhh… he’s deep in his basement waiting to call you a useful idiot, while he supports those that call people sand monkeys.
  8. Oh, the ***** irony of anyone who will vote for that orange tub of lard calling anyone else a liar is amazing.
  9. I think it’s ok. There’s a chapter in the Trump Bible about it being cool. Get yours now for only $59.99!
  10. Glad to know you don’t even take the weekends off spamming us with your inane Twitter feed. But they’re just a bunch of “sand monkeys” anyway, right?
  11. ⬆️ Justifying his “source” calling people sand monkeys.
  12. So you’re denying the video of these “citizens” calling other humans sand monkeys? well you posted the video so no, you’re not. You’re just back to sharing known lies because you can’t think for yourself and just aim to get thumbs up reactions from the other four usual suspects of the weirdo party on this board. Hope Tommy’s thumbs up reaction gives you the serotonin boost you needed today. I’m sure the “sand monkeys” will feel better too. the right is filth.
  13. Your sources call people sand monkeys and you’re ok with it. It’s ok to admit when you’ve been duped. I mean you’re going to vote for Trump. It likely happens daily. But keep sourcing people who scream “sand monkey” at their neighbors. Filth.
  14. The weirdos won’t trust “mAiNsTrEaM mEdiA” but the toothless hillbillies who refer to other human beings as sand monkeys? Those people they take as gospel - their posts include a meth head at a counsel meeting, random screenshots of text messages, and Facebook posts. That’s the bastion of truth. I can’t wait to see the spin on the photo of the man holding the goose that in reality was road kill he was removing and they fell for it being a “sand monkey” stealing a goose. Doesn’t matter; anyone who questions this obviously false story is just a commie. I’m sure BillsFanNC will see this and apologize for posting a fake photo in his initial post…. Oh no, wait. He’ll find some “Freedom Fighter” Twitter account that tells him that the OH Division of Wildlife is just a bunch of commie liars and can’t be trusted. Trump really did know which party to pick to find the easiest marks.
  15. Are these the same witnesses that - within the first 30 seconds of the video you so proudly posted - called Haitians “sand monkeys?”
  16. Yes. I’m in California so it won’t sway things but for reasons I’ve mentioned several times here I will never vote For Trump. His latest - basically goading his insane followers to hate Haitians - was another nail in the coffin. His rhetoric will get someone killed or innocent Haitian Americans attacked. He is a terrible person; and it’s beyond “mean tweets.”. My biggest area is abortion rights, and “giving the choice back to the states” doesn’t help women who live in some of those 1800’s states who can’t afford to just “pick up and move” to a state that respects them. It’s an easy cop out for the orange creep. That said, I truly wish both sides had better options. How we got here is mind blowing.
  17. Bomb threats at elementary schools and that disgusting orange buffoon continues to goad his base about this at a rally today. There will be dead Haitians out of this; even his most loyal disciples know that. He’s just a disgusting human and why I’ll hold my nose and vote for Harris. And the video floating around “proving” the pet eating thing is real - one with the toothless hillbillies in it - has one of them calling the Haitians “sand monkeys” in the first 30 seconds. Give that group of inbred uneducated trash just a bit more encouragement, you fat orange conman…. JFC
  18. Awful. Shameful. I won’t be waving any Kamala flags or celebrating my vote for her. If the right had just nominated anyone else. But alas, here we are.
  19. And yet no one will ask her the most important question: would you rather take on a boat battery or a shark? Lazy media not getting to the true issues Americans are facing on a daily basis.
  20. I’m in California. It’s fentanyl! They actually built a fentanyl shed in my side yard. At first I had issue with that but then they opened my eyes when they mentioned “fentanyl has never leaped off a table and killed someone. Fentanyl doesn’t kill, it’s the people selling/using fentanyl are dangerous.” I then realized if I just sent thoughts and prayers, no one would get hurt from that drug again!
  21. Im not sure. It’s $37/hr per man. And of course I hire immigrants. Why wouldn’t I? I could wait for a toothless MAGAt to apply to do the job but 1) they wouldn’t be able to do that type of work for an hour and 2) they’re too busy in Springfield referring to other human beings as “sand monkeys.” But I’ll be sure to share a picture once the Valencia tree is planted so you can check their awesome work! Here’s your reaction emoji, for quick reference. 🙄
  22. My beagle smelled like rosemary this morning. My gardeners were here earlier. I never asked for their documents upon hiring them. Now that I think about it, I did see Miguel (the head guy) wearing one of those lobster bibs and trying to start my grill. I’ll keep you posted if Doug (that’s my dog) makes it through the week I plan to have them come plant an orange tree. Send your thoughts and prayers for Doug!
  23. Oh thank god! I was worried we were going to go more than 12 hours without seeing yet another thread with BillsFanNC’s entire Twitter feed! Phew! We can all rest easy now that we’ve seen a copy/paste of all the whackos you follow. Quick favor: can you start also posting your Truth Social “re-truths?” 😂 We simply can’t wait for to see what goes on in your social media accounts. The people are demanding a 2000 version of stevestojan with every passing thought you have posted onto this website. Keep it up bud! Signed, A useful commie porn loving idiot.
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