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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. What everyone seems to be forgetting is that the chick was Canadian. If a Canadian gets hit in the middle of the road, and no one is sober enough to remember who did it, does it really matter? THAT'S the question that needs to be answered.
  2. Point him towards medical school so he can do some real good instead of wasting more money on "fun projects" to fly to Venus or Jupiter (which is where I'm guessing we'll waste 1% of our total budget by the time he's old enough to be an astronaut). Please save the post listing all the things that NASA has given me. I love how people point to the fact that its ONLY .8% of out ENTIRE budget. Ridiculous.
  3. Tater, whacking down three 30 packs of Genny Light and a 12 of Coors Light at GrandView does NOT constitute breaking 100.
  4. I cannot count the number of times the word "Irony" is used on this board. "It's ironic that....", or "Irony at it's best!", etc, etc. Well, folks, 99.9% of the time something around here is called ironic, it is actually coincidental. At this time, I will not call anyone out (as I did a search on the words irony and ironic and have a list a mile long of those I could). However, I ask that we really start to use this word correctly. I also ask that when you spot a coincidental situation being referred to as ironic, you call that poster out. Thank you. (I know, I know... stevestojan giving advice on board etiquette.... )
  5. Shouldn't that read "Sorry girls, Billy's gay."?
  6. I've used both. The N96 has windows mobile. In my opinion, that makes it inferior to the iphone. Too many lags.
  7. I go to the gym 5 days a week in an attempt to look as frail as Jobs.
  8. I know my opinion means very little, but I did own an iPhone for a couple days. (used a prepaid account with GoPhone, switch it to the iPhone and done -- iPhone with no contract). Anywho, the only reason I didn't leave Verizon was due to service issues IN MY AREA (AT&T is still highly lacking in WNY). That being said, the 1st Gen iPhone was BY FAR the most user friendly phone I've ever used and the Internet was better than any WM5, WM6 smartphone, or blackberry. The internet is simply crippled on those phones. If you disagree, you simply haven't used the browser on the iPhone. Anyway, now that it has 3G and has GPS, I am praying that At&T can get its sh-- together in WNY. Actually, it's not bad. Its just that it doesnt get reception at work. Once that works, I'm in.
  9. eBall, certainly you were here for the Smarty Jones fiasco... the threats of lawsuit, being accused of being a cyber squatter... Fez finding out who the attorney was and following her on her morning run.... or was that Frez? Either way, it was great
  10. Sure, OJ wore Bruno Mali shoes, sure he had cuts all over his hands, sure he ran away in a fake suicide attempt, etc, etc, etc, etc,.... but circumstantial evidence is unreliable and it was up to his lawyers to discredit them, and then later for a judge or jury to do the same. I'm sorry, but if this wasn't a Bill, why would we assume the OWNER OF THE CAR WASN'T THE DRIVER????? Obviously other people drive other peoples' cars. But why would we assume that was the case? In all honesty, the thing I'm shocked about the most is that NFL agents do not REQUIRE their clients to have a "fall man". Marshawn, and all NFL players should have a friend they grew up with, who still has no money, be the guy who takes the fall for any incident. ... $200,000 and his buddy George was driving. . .
  11. Those of you saying that Marshawn wasn't driving and/or didn't know he hit someone sound eerily like the minority of those who said OJ was innocent despite the fact that all evidence points the other way. Think of it from the mentality of a non-Bills fan. Marshawn plays for the Partiots and he's guilty as hell.
  12. Much like polar bears, the loss of this guy's life means little. . . very little. If only we could figure out how to get rid of more guys like this, and find oil at the same time... damn, that'd be sweet.
  13. The guy gets drunk and drives his SUV into some drunken canadian and all the sudden he's a villain.
  14. If you take your kids to and EndZone seat, either endzone, child protective services should meet you at the exit at 4:15.
  15. I have a small living room. I'm going to order a baby polar bear rug.
  16. Born with no eyes and crippled... Unbelievable musician. The father is an amazing person. I guess they were also on Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
  17. Nope. It's Karma. The cost of Karma is eight dollars and ninety-five cents.
  18. I've sat in both endzones. I honestly thing the tunnel end is more rowdy, but the again, that was sitting with the EZC. (I'm still not sure what happened to that kids KC Chiefs hat that sat next to us.... The two games i sat in the Rockpile, I did watch the jumbrotron the entire time the action was on the far end of the field, but strangely it didn't bother me much.
  19. Not really.... the idea of betting $2000 on a 39:1 shot deserves a
  20. I lose $8.95 on a domain name? Man, that Karma is a B word... 9 bucks for taking out an entire species? I'll take it!
  21. It was a GoDaddy conspiracy! But seriously, they stop giving him steroids a month before the race to "prove he could win without them"?
  22. No, he was correct. He was saying someone tarted you. And then did it again. Pay attention. (and by the way, I told you you'd love the ITouch -- I bought a ONE CLICK jailbreak program for mine for $10 off ebay. It was just a bunch of FREEWARE but saved me the trouble of finding a good one. If you want it, PM me your email and I'll send it -- no charge of course. It makes the Touch soooo much cooler).
  23. It's not odd at all. That area is one of the worst in the country. People in that area are constantly trying to kill each other. The fact that they didn't try to help someone that was dying is not surprising. That aside, I will reiterate what was said already in this thread. The fact that people are so god damn sue happy, if you go up and try to help, and touch him, and he later dies, I wouldn't be shocked if his family tried to sue YOU for being part of his death. But I still have a tough time with the fact that they said NO ONE HELPED and yet FOUR PEOPLE called 911. FOUR people, in the 15 seconds from hit to cop car getting there (at which point I'm sure the 911 calls stopped). That, and thanks, but I'm not touching anyone's blood. Connecticut is the country's richest state per capita. This area is one of the few that evens out the bell curve a little.
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