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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. Right. So, if we're calling weed a narcotic, then so is a 30 pack of Genny Light.
  2. :blink: Marijuana is not a narcotic.
  3. I'm glad you broke the ice. Now, take her out for a cup of coffee. Keep us posted. and when you finally start dating, for all this typing we've done, we deserve a pic.
  4. Congrats. Going to one of my good friends' weddings today. Mine is about 7 weeks away.
  5. Well, I still highly recommend growing a set, but let's go baby steps here. I absolutely disagree with your actions to this point. I mean, if you didn't want our advice and knew you were going to send her a myspace msg either way, why did you ask us???? Ok, lecture over. The worst outcome out of that would have been that "friend request" sitting there forever. Luckily, that didn't happen. Now that she accepted you as an "eFriend" lets move on past the 1s and 0s and ask this chick on a date. She knows what you're doing here... women always do. She doesn't think that you just want to be her friend. You're too far gone for that. You obviously looked up her name and searched her out on the internet. That's either creepy, desperate, or potentially (and this one's a stretch) "sweet" as she might think you're too shy too talk to her and find that refreshing. But now that you've done what you've done, and gone against all reason and rationale, you've actually opened a door. You, just because you're shy, don't lack the sense of knowing when a woman isn't interested. You will know. I would take the opportunity to break out of this eFriendship and ask her out for COFFEE. I absolutely think going to a cofee shop to drink coffee is the worst event ever for me PERSONALLY. But its a great place for a first date. The worst? Movies: You can't talk to the person. A Concert: You can't talk freely to the person and what are the chances you both love the artist(s) Putt-Putt, bowling, or any competition: Don't do it. "Letting her win" is bad. Really losing is worse. Bar: You will question if her advances are true or are alcohol soaked. Going out for coffee is good because you can talk, and its EASY escape for either party, AND if things are going well you can THEN go to a bar, movie, etc, etc, etc. But if she (or you) doesn't want to continue the date to another locale, you can always "have to get up early". So, send her an email asking if she'd like to get get a cup of (horrible, overpriced) Starbucks. Tell her years later that you hate Starbucks and only went there for a good first date.
  6. I live in North Tonawanda. I live 1.8 Miles from the nearest Mighty Taco. All I'm saying is that Mighty Taco is like Jims Steakout. Perfect "food" for 2:30am, but I'm shocked that people make sober trips there and say they love it.
  7. Crap.. you beat me to it. I have NEVER understood the infatuation with Mighty Taco. The "beef" honestly doesn't taste ANYTHING like ground beef with taco seasoning. Its a glob of some substance and it's just gross. Taco Bell is far superior to Mighty Taco, but that's like saying winning the Silver in the Special Olympics is far superior to the Bronze. "Moe's" is a real taco. Honest to god ground beef, freshly made burritos, made in front of you, and all the toppings you could want or not want. And queso cheese for the chips! I get a Joey Combo about once a month. Awesome. Honestly, if most people didn't feel Mighty Taco was a "Buffalo tradition" I honestly feel only a tiny percentage would claim to love it like they do now. Before everyone says its a matter of taste, I know that. But next time you get a Mighty Taco, open it and look. Its like biting halfway through a Chicken nugget and looking inside. Neither will make your stomach feel very good about what you are eating.
  8. You really got eaten alive by TICKS? Where the hell did you leave? Inside a haystack in Wheatfield?
  9. Judge Judy got shaken... http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2008/0....judge.judy.cnn ....that B word.
  10. Have any heirlooms that are just nice? I mean, precious ones aren't the only ones that are fragile. (God, I'd kill for 75-85 degrees all year long).
  11. Of course, since no one was killed, and the story isn't as startling as ABC wants it to be, they are now asking "Is this a precursor to "THE BIG ONE"?" Way to go ABC. Way to Go. Glad everyone is OK!
  12. 1? Are you kidding? The ridiculous 5th grade hair-pulling posts about you have gotten pretty old.
  13. Per the TBD Terms Of Service: Activities that are frowned upon: Excessive Private Discussions
  14. Some French punk kicking a soccer ball into other peoples property/businesses, with the filmography of the Blair Witch Project? I thought soccer couldn't get worse. I should have never underestimated it's sucktitude.
  15. Didn't catch the ESPYs. YouTube'd his speech after you mentioned it. It was tough to watch, but at least he said "Sorry, I'm really nervous".
  16. Having a "cool" workplace works in the movies. It clearly rarely works in real life.
  17. As you all know I've worked in the business of search engines and have had partnerships with google, yahoo, ask, kanoodle, etc, etc, etc. The layout of this new site has to be a joke. Not one of the links worked and they all lead to message boards? Horrible. It looks like little ads for each site. Which its not, but why use that layout? ? ? Being different for the sole purpose of being different does nothing for me.
  18. Here's my honest advice. Grow a set. Most girls aren't going to say straight out "no", but even if she doesn't accept immediately, and uses some lame excuse, so what??? You're a bit embarrassed and life goes on. Women seem to like a man who isn't afraid of talking to them. I only give you this blunt advise because you're a good guy. And I know you can take it
  19. I had a similar problem, and my front yard was pretty much taken over with dandelions. I mean bad. To a point where they honestly seemed to grow a half inch a day. I went to home depot and picked out a bag of weed and feed randomly. I will tell you I will be a buyer of this brand for life. I used the type you spread (as opposed to spray) and the stuff work almost too well. It completely killed all the dandelions with one application. It didn't kill all the clovers so i tried again. I still have some clovers, but no weeds at all. The problem is, I'm convinced the "feed" part of the "weed and feed" is on steroids. My front yard grass grows incredibly fast. But now that I took all spring filling in the bare spots, and used the weed and feed twice, it looks awesome after I cut it. The brand name is Vigoro. Stuff is like $10 a bag and my front yard is small-average size and two bags worked fine.
  20. Since there are 7 of them, the only three things everyone has in common is Drinking, The Bills, and The Sabres. Thanks for the advice so far guys. The pocket knife idea does seem pretty nice. I looked at Zippos as well, but fortunately, no one in the group (including myself!!) smoke anymore
  21. What are some of the good ones you've gotten? Bad Ones? I'm simply trying to avoid the cliche gifts like cuff links, flasks, etc, etc. Something unique, that is something they may actually use would be cool. Looking to spend $50 or less each (7 guys in my wedding party!)
  22. Awesome! Just got the following: $25 each at Stillwater, EB Greens, Marinaccio's, and Kabab and Curry for 12 bucks! Nice find Tater!
  23. But if you steal a CD, the artist still has other CDs. I agree mainly with the point you're trying to make, but that analogy doesn't hold water.
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