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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. Like every fast food restaurant, the mark up on soda is unreal. The sandwhich probably costs a dollar and change to make for them, and they charge you, what $5? That's reasonable mark up. The cup for the soda likely costs them one or two cents. The syrup and carbonated water a couple more cents. Then they charge $1.89 or something for it? That's why they want the combo. And I thought I got pissed off quickly. Telling the $7/hr workers at subway "no thanks" doesn't kill me. I'm just glad they bother to wear gloves
  2. Tough guy? You're calling out everyone for misusing a word and you mess up two KEY words in the post. The irony is just beautiful. I'm starting to guess I'm being dense here and your initial post was a joke. In that case, I apologize. Your avatar always cracks me up.
  4. Thanks. Seems like they got the absolute healthiest man out first - I'm assuming it's under the premise of "if this rescue doesn't work for the healthiest guy, we need to start over because it will never work for someone who's ill". This is just incredible.
  5. Yes, they sent a rescuer down there. I'm guessing to show the miners how to operate the rescue pod. But what's strange is that they just finally rescued one, and sent ANOTHER rescuer down there. Interesting.... Yeah, Im just not getting this. In 10 minutes, there's going to officially be more people down there than started, with one miner already being rescued. Anyone with any guesses as to why they'd send 2 down?
  6. "First rescue worker arrives inside Chilean mine in narrow capsule and is greeted with hugs and handshakes from miners. " The rescue capsule is 22" in diameter. Guessing these guys all lost a ton of weight down there. That seems TINY. Just turned on CNN. There goes the rest of my night!
  7. CNN.com is tastefully keeping score on it's front page with a real time chart of "Underground: 33", "Rescued: 0" That aside, its pretty refreshing to see a potential good ending to this story. Fingers crossed for these guys.
  8. I actually take my weekly garbage to the stadium to dump on the ground there.
  9. Whoa, whoa, whoa!!! He's not a bandwagon fan. He's just dropping his loyalties to his team because they are playing poorly and going to start rooting for a team that is playing better. Let's not get crazy and start throwing around the phrase "bandwagon fan"!
  10. Yep. I love that they're losing. That's exactly what we're saying. Do me a favor, define bandwagon fan. I'm being serious. What's your definition?
  11. Can't believe he didn't go to the hospital. He appeared to be seizing after the hit. http://video.nhl.com/videocenter/console?catid=35&id=78234
  12. Beat me to it! Giving up on the Bills is stupid and I don't agree with it. But giving up on them and just picking another, better, team is the definition of bandwagon jumping.
  13. consider the source. Is it really?
  14. And on a serious note, from what I can tell, there's no way to make your default font the larger one than the standard one, which means you have to change it to that every time you post. That's douchy. And the last time a guy offered to have me spend time in his jungle, he was wearing ass-less chaps and a cowboy hat... but I digress.
  15. I'll only buy tickets, watch the games, and wear Bills gear when they are winning and I agree with all front office decisions. Signed, Everyone agreeing with this article.
  16. His earrings are worth a 4th round pick.
  17. !@#$ing liberals. Everyone is owed everything. He chose not to pay. That said, this isn't the same as "I don't pay for my garbage pickup so they won't empty my trash". They should have put the f'in fire out... come on. But afterwards, they should have sent him to court for all of the expenses it cost to do so, since he chose not to pay his "deductible" if you will. Edit: "premium" would be a better word than "deductible" here.
  18. Thank you. Being a Bills fan is more than just W-L. Is being able to discuss them with family and friends - defend your fandom to asshat pats/cowboys/dolphins fans, having those memories of the great days, and waking up Sunday, with your brain telling you they will lose, and your heart saying "God, I hope they win... just today!!". Lowered expectations? Maybe. But I'm a frigging Bills fan, and no one will ever take that away from me. So, to those crying and whining, you have all right to. But you're "done" with the team? I'm afraid to tell you, you're probably not.
  19. My priest will tell you he doesn't take the bible literally. That might make him a bad priest. It made me believe him more.
  20. nice! Thanks!
  21. Another "I'm done with this team thread". How original. I'm as pessimistic as anyone, but I was born in 1980. I'm 30 years old. There are posters who are older and much wiser who will tell you the 70's and early 80's were way worse than now. And ya know what? They didn't cry and jump ship. They stuck with this team because it's THEIR team. It sucks to be awful, but you can't win every season. You can't even make the playoffs every decade. But you still follow your team. When they do finally win, how sweet it will be for those of us who bitched and moaned, but never even considered jumping ship. Get over it. This team is a bunch of untalented losers. But their OUR untalented losers.
  22. I'm catching NO/Car. Flipping between Pit/Balt. Good FB on today. Just not in Orchard Park.
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