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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. Except for here in the wonderful state of Arizona where we don't do Daylight Savings Time...
  2. Especially since I do the $8.99 month netflix. I don't have a single DVD from them at my house. $9 for all the mythbusters, all the office, all the Showtime shows, and the occasional movie (including king of kong, which I can't recommend enough) and all/most in hd.
  3. The only problem with buffalofoods.com is the shipping. And that's not a knock on the site, it's just most of the things you'd buy are heavy and the shipping is often more than the purchase. But if you need some Chiavetta's you can't go wrong (Note to the fine people of Chiavetta's: you should really consider just selling the seasoning and allowing a "add your own vinegar and water" to make shipping this product easier. Just my $.02)
  4. I actually watched the first 2 episodes 2 years ago and...well... hated it. I was told YOU HAVE TO KEEP WATCHING by enough people to give it another chance. Someone told me the first two episodes were on Fox and then it went to showtime, which would explain the sucktitude of the first 2. I am only 2 seasons in. I refuse to watch anything that cant be streamed by Netflix (I own a Roku, greatest $50 I ever spent) and Season 3 is not streaming yet.
  5. I honestly can't believe some of you actually think the coach can call the time out after the snap. It takes good timing and really some luck to nail it the second before the snap. That said, the only part of this "rule" I don't like is coaches being able to call a timeout at all. The players should have to make that decision and call, IMO.
  6. Dexter is phenomenal. You have to get past the first 2 episodes, which are lame, and then it gets good... no, GREAT. 6 months ago I would have said Weeds is the best series I've ever watched, but Dexter has taken it's place.
  7. I'm certainly offended by the line.
  8. We should have never gotten rid of Edwards!!
  9. Trent Edwards is a really, really, really bad QB.
  10. Yep, we need to see if it continues, but if anything, I've seen him improve. Less and less high throws every week. But those that think (AT THIS POINT) Luck should still be our #1 pick is just not seeing the biggest need. Lack of pressure on opposing QBs is killing us - it kills your secondary, even when they have some talent. Giving a QB 6 seconds makes it near impossible to maintain coverage on top notch receivers.
  11. How long after Brady stepped in for an inured Bledsoe did people stop saying he was no good because he was just a backup? Going back to week 16 of last season, Fitz is the HIGHEST RATED QB IN THE NFL. That isn't a fluke. That isn't all "prevent" time at the end of games. We have a QB. Be happy. We need a powerhouse DE. Period.
  12. Anyone who thinks we need a QB more than a big time Defensive player to PUT SOME DAMN PRESSURE ON A QB is honestly retarded.
  13. Reasonable response.
  14. you know when it takes the official 30 seconds to explain the review, something is wrong...the official says there is no way to tell who recovered the ball. Funny, a dolphin got up and handed him the football. The strangest part is, no TD, no touchback, just a "well we can't figure it out, so give it to him at the 1/2 yard line..."????? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT2twDBUT9c http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/25/sports/football/25dolphins.html
  15. Oh shut the !@#$ up.
  16. There we'll be a trick. And its not going to catch anyone off guard. Onside kick to start the game/2nd half. Yawn.
  17. Anyone know the record for longest thread on an Internet message board?
  18. 9 months??? I don't want to hear **** from any of you again about my 18 months! And Chef, the old "cat with the clap" trick, huh? Been there. Oh and OP, it was 9 months, not 20 years. Be thankful for that, and realize once again how awesome it is being single. I'm loving life so much more single for the second time. That could be because I don't have a soul, but I digress.
  19. Block in the back should not be a penalty. Don't put yourself into a position to be blocked. Period. If you get blocked, you get blocked. Outman someone. When the offensive team is in a position where a penalty would be "half the distance to the goal" (see: pinned deep) all defensive penalties should be worth half the yardage they would normally be. If the offense only get 2 yards for a false start because they're on the 4, the defense should only get 2 yards for an offside. No fair catch. It would make the position of punter MUCH more important on the team. No, this won't lead to people dying, it would lead to more guys letting the ball go because they don't want to die, and therefore teams pinned deep. Not a rule, but it's ABSURD that we have to watch to 70 year old men walk onto the field to measure a close first down call. We're relying solely on the first guy putting his marker down in the middle of the field exactly where it was on the sideline. Put a chip in the football, use some lasers, and knock it off.
  20. The Jesus Lizard
  21. Interesting choice of words after this weekend. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/14149970/harrison-after-head-hits-i-dont-care-if-i-hurt-players He tries to rationalize it with: "I don't want to injure anybody," Harrison said following Pittsburgh's 28-10 victory. "There's a big difference between being hurt and being injured. You get hurt, you shake it off and come back the next series or the next game. I try to hurt people."
  22. Instead of run, run, pass every set of downs it would be puff, puff, pass.
  23. What was she famous for? Was she a singer?
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