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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. This game - against an actual NFL team - is really highlighting the Milano injury. Awful in the middle.
  2. Ravens have called that play about 6 times now and we do nothing. Awful.
  3. This was more fun when we were playing against awful teams.
  4. Longest run ever for the ravens. Always fun to be a part of history.
  5. Damn it. Kinkaid needs to bring that one in.
  6. Very, very quickly. But honestly, it’s just not our style this year. So I’m not upset we don’t have him. I’m upset we gave him to the chiefs.
  7. 😂😂😂 The weirdos really do live an absolutely terrified life, huh? Must be exhausting to live in constant fear of the boogie man.
  8. You…. You realize the person I’m making fun of calls everyone who doesn’t follow his right wing nutjob thoughts “useful idiots?” That guy. Yes. I’m making fun of him. 100%. On a Saturday even.
  9. Just pointing out some potential root causes of him growing up to become a full fledged right wing weirdo. Was just trying to help! 🫤
  10. What a big boy! Maybe start posting every random tweet some weirdo tin foil hat nutjob tweets and you can take over the crown of the weird from your hero. 🤡
  11. That last sentence - coming from you, or anyone who will vote for that obese orange conman - is such unbelievably amazing irony. Oh, the weirdo party is the best entertainment on the internet.
  12. You know he was shoved into more than one locker in high school.
  13. My thought is that the bipartisan bill to slow that would have been great if the weak minded losers who follow trump’s every whim didn’t kill it. Sad little boomer. Dan ***** Bongino! Using him as a source is such comedy gold how can I ever leave this cess pool? You all are far too entertaining. And you seem scared of… well, everything. 🤣
  14. He’s king weirdo of the weirdo party. And that says a lot when he’s standing next to an orange painted obese geriatric whose selling $100k watches. 😂
  15. The sad little boomer just can’t help himself! 🤡🤡🤡 Found another wood panel owner! 🤣
  16. Ah yes! One of BillsFanNC’s sad minions speaks up! Proud of you, big guy! You’re speaking for yourself, bud!
  17. Dan Bongino. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 You really need to be on a watchlist.
  18. He sits in his “den,” which is covered in wood paneling that he plans to get around to “one day” to make his home leap past the design styles of the 70s and 80s. He uses the word “commie” when he gets flustered and can’t think of any other grown up term, regardless that commie makes zero sense in the context of the conversation. You know when republicans started getting appropriately called weirdos? This confused boomer, who loves to spam us with his weirdo twitter feed - literally every tweet he finds interesting he starts a new thread with, then literally just replies to himself over and over 😂- is mold for republican weirdo. But he’s got he’s two minions on here that like every non-stop post, so he gets that little jolt of excitement when one of those other two weirdos give him that sweet sweet thumbs up. He’s literally the saddest poster I’ve ever seen on TBD, and that’s saying a LOT. I'm starting to think you’re right: he’s really just a liberal trolling all of us. Sad little boomer. 🤡
  19. I’ve loved the first three weeks, but knowing what we know about those teams now - and not based on preseason hype - we’ve beat three pretty bad football teams.
  20. Bass with a game winner in OT just so my heart doesn’t get used to these relaxing games.
  21. Holy *****. That weirdo is now selling watches! $100,000 a piece and they’re hideous. Same dolts that bought DJT stock at $50 will grab the $25 pieces of junk. Amazing. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mollybohannon/2024/09/26/trump-promotes-trump-watches-as-latest-merchandise-endeavor/
  22. Freddie. University of Arizona.
  23. Lose the TDS, it'd not funny or edgy. 🤡
  24. LAWFARE!!! Oh wait, I’m a democrat so I think someone who commits a crime should be held accountable, regardless of what party they represent. The weirdo party stands by their obese orange conman no matter what. It truly is weird.
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