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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. Cooper wears number 2. So our current #2 needs to get cut. It’s the only reasonable option.
  2. This is bull####. I didn’t even get to hit F5 a single time.
  3. The way he turned a medical emergency into the oddest karaoke session the world has ever seen has to count for something, no? His double handjob dance is my favorite. Biden is worse mentally but he at least had the supporters to convince him what an awful idea running would be. So he dropped out. Mr “sharks vs boat batteries” is using his base’s low intelligence and undying love of him to directly put FEMA workers at risk (yes, that fat turd spreading lies again is literally putting the hardest working people after a storm in direct danger.) He is a garbage human but “gAs pRiCeS wERe LoW!!” so the weirdos will vote for him.
  4. We’ve been begging for years to not lose a close sloppy game by being “Billsy.” Tonight we won a game we are so used to losing. I’ll take this right up there with any other win. They didn’t panic on that last drive like I just “knew” they were going to. I’m happy.
  5. Rapp and Davis. And I’ll give a partially deflated back to Brady for calling reasonable plays on that very last drive.
  6. This reeks of McD/Brady ***** this up somehow.
  7. Now for three long passes to kill 8 seconds.
  8. And he didn’t need to do that AT ALL.
  9. Penalties "enforced on the kickoff" don't mean anything anymore with this XFL style kickoff fiasco.
  10. Well it’s a close game and we know McDermott is a master in these, so no worries.
  11. Is this what the window slamming shut feels like?
  12. Does this team actually practice during the week?
  13. Who would want to play defense in football anymore? That was a text book tackle. Perfect. And he gets penalized for it and it will lead to points for the jets. That’s horrible.
  14. Would be nice if we had a guy who could get separation. Like, oh I don’t know, Xavier Worthy.
  15. Our defense is so embarrassingly soft.
  16. The run game is working incredibly well. Wonder when Brady’s “stop running” alarm goes off.
  17. Our safeties will get smoked either way, so might as well blitz like crazy today.
  18. Chiefs, Texans, Ravens. That’s it. That’s the list. Unless we get crushed by the Jets tonight. Then it’s the entire list, plus whatever team HeHateMe played for in the XFL, and a penal league team or two.
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