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Posts posted by DrW

  1. 11 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:

    Can you say more about this as it seems relevant?  Are the players and coaches expected to be a closed social group and kind of isolate outside practice/facility?  Or are they going to pubs/socializing freely on their off time?


    From the official policy


    "The foundation is laid with strict guidelines in the players’ own homes. They must always consider their own health, therefore showing responsibility for their team and all people. Crowds of people are to be avoided, they are to stay at home and in their own family. Just as millions of people are currently doing, they should pay attention to common hygiene measures."


    More can be found here:



    It should be noted that the policy was developed before the re-start. Since last weekend, the restrictions have been relaxed a bit. E.g., the substitute players on the bench do not have to wear masks anymore, as long as they practice social distancing. There is even talk about having some fans in the stadium for the German Cup final at the end of June. I do not know if the relaxation of the restrictions also addresses the social life of the players and coaches.


    Interestingly, some players see it as advantage to play in an empty stadium. Joshua Kimmich (Bayern Munich, German National Team): “The positive thing is you can speak to everybody and maybe the focus is more on the game. It’s not like a show.”

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  2. 1 hour ago, bmur66 said:


    That was 2018. Although I do not pretend to know how Jim Brown feels about the issue now, the recent events have changed many people's minds.

    • Like (+1) 2
  3. 14 minutes ago, Doc said:


    I'll jump in here if I may.  I think the reason why is that those patients' endogenous zinc levels were sufficient enough to inhibit the virus and/or that the patients' viral loads were significantly lower.  I would definitely take zinc with HCQ just to ensure I had enough of it to fight the virus.


    Thanks. That is certainly a valid explanation. It leaves the question why in some studies the patients have sufficiently high endogenous zinc levels, but not in others. We obviously need more data here. But sufficiently high zinc levels are necessary anyway - alcohol dehydrogenase needs zinc.

  4. 3 hours ago, spartacus said:

    another "study" trashing a possible treatment for covid


    fortunately, the UM study did nothing to "prove" the lack of a viable covid treatment.

    Studies on SARS and others, back when medicine was actually looking for treatments, clearly show that zinc severely limits the replication of a virus. 

    To be effective, however, zinc needs a transport assist to cross into a cell to fight the virus.

      Hydroxychloroquine is one of the items that zinc can use as a transport vehicle. 


    you would think a better study might want to measure how effective is zinc at stopping the covid virus.

    The MN study only evaluates the transport vehicle- not for its effectiveness in transporting zinc - but to cure the disease -= which seems to be a pretty badly designed study.


    It would be like doing a study to evaluate the success rate of heart surgeons doing heart transplants.

    The MN study designed their test to study the taxi cab that transported the surgeon to the hospital and concluded that taxi's did not improve the transplant success rate. (Obviously)

    Somehow their study failed to address the efficiency of the surgeon (zinc) that was actually the active element in the success of the procedure.   




    First, let me say that I am all for clinical trials with HCQ and zinc. But I have a question if I may. Are you aware that the original French study by Raoult's group which first described the positive effects of HCQ on covid patients did not use zinc either, just HCQ or HCQ with azithromycin. Why were they successful?

  5. As I do not know how often I can visit the site on the weekend, I'll give it away.


    F1's biggest champion without a trophy: Bernd Maylander - Safety ...


    Meet Bernd Mayländer, the Formula One safety car driver since the 2000 season. He has led more than 700 laps, which is more than some world champions (e.g. Jacques Villeneuve or Emerson Fittipaldi).

  6. 23 minutes ago, PastaJoe said:

    He’s the chauffeur for the Chancellor of Germany?


    No. His schedule is very similar from year to year (at least before the pandemic), with the visit to the US in late October.

  7. 29--artikel23688bild01jpg---0853a574ef84


    I do not need the name, just the job of this person. The job is unique; he has been in this job for 20 years. I will give further hints as we go along.

  8. 1 hour ago, spartacus said:



    so cloth masks are about as effective as a hairnet in stopping transmission of the virus

    worse, reusable cloth masks which collect viru particles, serve as a breading ground for the virus which speeds the spread much fsate than without a mask


    So, your first argument is that masks cannot stop spreading of the virus. Then you argue that the mask will collect virus particles. If the latter is true, it will stop spreading the virus.

  9. 8 hours ago, pop gun said:

    For everyone who thinks masks help, read this.



    What the good doctor who is quoted here did not take into account is that the virus is most infectious when it is spread in concentrated form, as in droplets or as aerosol. Individual virus particles will rarely do harm. Thus, comparison of the size of the virus itself with the pore size of masks is irrelevant. Even simple masks can significantly reduce the passage of droplets, thus prevent spreading the virus from people who are infected, but asymptomatic. 



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