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Everything posted by DrW

  1. Looks like a Downy Woodpecker.
  2. DrW

    Name This Person

    Wynona Ryder?
  3. I am surprised you did not mention "The Bermuda Triangle", which Wikipedia describes as "a 1978 Mexican-Italian science fiction horror film"
  4. The Nice, Keith Emerson's band before ELP. Much more jazz-oriented.
  5. Resurrection of an old thread. If you look at the Sparks' early catalog, I am sure that Queen were influenced by them. Another gem from about the same time...
  6. DrW

    Name This Person

    Boris Johnson?
  7. I agree. The Labor Day weekend was always off.
  8. When I saw the title of this thread, I immediately thought of "My Cousin Vinnie". Other favorites: Aliens Shawshank Fargo Lord of the Rings trilogy The Hunger Games (the first one) The Bridge on the River Kwai Duck Soup (Marx Brothers) Nosferatu (1922) The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoisie (Bunuel)
  9. DrW

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    Ted Cruz?
  10. About 12 years ago, when our 1 acre lot was still close to fields, we had a pair of mallards nesting in our backyard. We just had removed a wooden playground structure, but the concrete foundations were still there. Thus, we could not mow this part and the mallards chose this as nesting site. From time to time we took a peek, and there were six eggs and later six chicks. One day, the mallard hen just walked away with the chicks in tow, through a hole under the backyard fence. Fortunately, it was a Saturday, and even more fortunately, I was just looking at the backyard when it happened - the exodus took less than two minutes. Another episode from about the same time. We had a trampoline in the backyard for the kids. One day one of the kids left a plastic owl lying on the trampoline (the kind of plastic owl you use to deter small birds from your patio or your herb garden). Well, a young Swainson's hawk must have thought that a dead owl makes a nice meal, and it landed on the trampoline. Well, the fact that the owl was not made of flesh and blood must have been a disappointment. But the real problem came when it wanted to fly away. Raptors are not helicopters or VTOL airplanes and need some space to take off. However, the trampoline had a safety net which did not give sufficient space. Fortunately for the hawk, my son and I had seen the whole dilemma. We dismantled a part of the safety net, always aware to stay away from hawk, until it finally could lift off.
  11. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/26/health/coronavirus-immunity-vaccines.html
  12. College football: Texas Tech (my employer) at Texas (my son plays tuba in the Longhorn band) - a friendly family rivalry...
  13. One of the pioneers of "krautrock", Amon Düül II ...
  14. A late entry. The thread with Dylan covers brought me to the Flaming Lips. I do not think their cover of "Lay Lady Lay" is very remarkable. However, in my search I found this gem...
  15. I love Siouxsie, but I think the ultimate version of "This Wheel's on Fire" is the one by Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger, and The Trinity.
  16. If you want a serious answer, he was not double handcuffed. The cop used two handcuffs that were connected to each other, like o-oo-o, to give the guy under arrest a bit more mobility. In the end, that turned out to be too much freedom for the arrested.
  17. How fitting that after Spinal Tap we have another comedy troup. One of the producers of this song was Sir Paul McCartney.
  18. DrW

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    The school uniform looks English. Alan Turing?
  19. DrW

    Name This Person

    OK, then I go with Rebbie.
  20. My favorites: - The 35 yard scramble against the Broncos - The beautiful touch on the lob to Gabe in the Raiders game (one of the few TD passes that was not a laser)
  21. DrW

    Name This Person

    I am pretty sure it is not La Toya. That leaves Rebbie or Janet. Looking at an 1977 pic of the Jackson kids, my guess is Janet.
  22. DrW

    Name This Person

    A member of the Jackson family?
  23. Had a family of curve-billed thrashers at the suet feeder this morning, 2 adults, 2 young, already pretty chunky. One adult was hanging at the feeder and throwing down morsels of suet. The other adult took the morsels and fed them to the kids. Sorry, no pics.
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