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Everything posted by DrW

  1. According to https://driversed.com/driving-information/driving-techniques/making-right-and-left-turns/ it depends on the state if you can change lanes on a left turn. According to the web site, FL does not allow it.
  2. First, let me clarify a misunderstanding. I was serious and not mocking you when I thanked you for the detail; I truly appreciated it. Second, see the bolded. How do you know about Butker's reasoning behind ignoring stay-at-home dads? Is it possible that he does not see being a stay-at-home dad as an appropriate role for a man?
  3. Thank you for explaining your thoughts in so much detail. It also shows that sometimes/often we hear what we want to hear and not what was actually said (this applies to both sides in this issue). You added a few words (highlighted) that I could not find in Butker's speech. Where does he address the stay-at-home dads? From the context it is clear that this omission is not an oversight; it is intentional.
  4. He got a degree in industrial engineering. He also owns a business. Just looking at his credentials on paper, there could be worse choices.
  5. He might be their only alumnus with a Superbowl ring.
  6. In the end, everybody or every couple has to decide what is best for them, and going with Mr. Butker's suggestions is not always optimal. My wife and I both have a career in science and still managed to successfully raise two kids. On the other side, my sister had planned to return to teaching geography after her second child. Sadly, the child was severely handicapped, and she and her husband decided that he would continue working because he had a high-ranking position as a mathematician, while she would be saying at home. On the other side, several years ago I was awarded a rather large research grant by the NIH (National Institutes of Health). Looking for a scientist to help me running the lab, I put an ad in Science, one of the leading journals. I got about 400 responses, but only two came close to what I expected. I hired one of them, a postdoc from Armenia, Nelli. It was a full success. We have published more than five papers based on her work. Her husband is a carpenter (an excellent one, judging by the work he did for us), and is supporting her for every step in her career, although, admittedly, initially it was not easy for him to give up the role as the major breadwinner as suggested by Armenian customs. Nelli is now an associate professor at Penn State; her daughter graduated from college, her son is still in high school.
  7. This is where on the Autobahn in Germany you use your high beam, flashing them on and off. Even if takes a minute, eventually the slow driver will notice you and let you pass.
  8. To set things straight, my daughter would like to emphasize that the rhetoric degree is not a minor, but her second major. Her first major is in the STEM field.
  9. Hey, I beat you by two minutes. But you gave the much more detailed explanation. Well done.
  10. Well, I bite. Take this line from his speech: "For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you." According to my daughter with a minor in rhetoric (she can talk the paint off the wall), now you would expect one or more examples. Butker continues: "How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career?" At least to me, that makes clear what he thinks of women who have a career (whether with or without children).
  11. Agreed. But that is not what Butker said or meant. He is pretty clear about his ideas of gender roles.
  12. Not by name. But this line is clearly directed at them: "Not the deadly sin sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify him."
  13. Why does the size of the minority play a role? Just because a minority is small, does is justify attacks on them? BTW, if you google the number, it hovers around 5% of the population.
  14. Well, I guess they will not invite him again: "“As a founding institution and sponsor of Benedictine College, the sisters of Mount St. Scholastica find it necessary to respond to the controversial remarks of Harrison Butker as commencement speaker,” the statement on their website said. “The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica do not believe that Harrison Butker’s comments in his 2024 Benedictine College commencement address represent the Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts college that our founders envisioned and in which we have been so invested.”
  15. He had given a similar commencement speech last year at his alma mater, Georgia Tech. Thus, they knew what they would get to hear.
  16. I would very much prefer to keep the the thread here, as it will get more diverse responses. On PPP, you get two sides with preformed notions just yelling at the other.
  17. For a long time, I would have argued for leaving the seat down, considering the two females in our household. However, since last October I am wheelchair-bound (otherwise I am doing fine - thanks), and the restroom doors are so narrow that I use a small wheelchair with a central opening that fits over the toilet, but only if the seat is up. Thus, in the master bathroom the default setting should be "up". However, sometimes my beloved wife forgets; I back up without looking and get stuck.
  18. Are you married? If yes, did you ever ask your wife if she agrees with you? Before you ask me the same question: Yes, I am married. Both my wife work in academic research/teaching, full-time. Still, we were able to raise two kids who did not seem to suffer from the circumstances. Sure, it was sometimes hard to do your work at night because during the day you had to incorporate the kids' schedule. No, I am not saying that this is the correct approach for everybody; you and your spouse sometimes have to make hard decisions. Most importantly, not everybody who does not share Mr. Butker's values is a "freak". There is very seldom a clear black or white; most of us operate in the grey zone.
  19. HO scale model railroads, specifically the Santa Fe in the "transition era" around 1950 when they were still running steam but also had first-generation diesels. It started quite harmless when my son was young and it was "his" railroad. But the dad took over, and I needed at least one model of every type of steam or diesel locomotive the Santa Fe was running at that time. Most diesels and some steamers are available as mass-market produced "plastic" models. For everything else, you have to resort to brass. Brass models are handmade, usually in very limited numbers. I have some models of which only 25 copies (or even fewer) exist. Of course, this is reflected in the price. The most expensive Santa Fe HO brass steam engine had a list price of around $2000 when it came out in 2003. If you are lucky enough to find one now, you can expect to pay $2000-2500. Thus, it is not an investment, but al least the kids will get something back when I die.
  20. Drivers who enter a multi-lane highway via a right turn from a side street and turn directly into the left-hand lane. First, make a small turn to the right lane and then change lanes to get wherever you want. I have to admit that there is an instance where I myself was guilty of that on a special occasion. When I came to the US in 1990, NY state made me take a road driving test to transfer my German license. Well, the test was very easy compared to a German road test. However, the driving instructor had one comment: "You make pretty wide curves." Usually, I accept such criticism with a Thank You, but on that day something caused me to respond "Well, I want to but a large car". I still passed, and my first US car was a full-size Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser station wagon.
  21. Yes, but the problem are those who do not pay attention.
  22. Indeed, using of the most useful communication method is one way traffic in Europe differs from the US. Example, slow drivers in the left lane of a highway. US solution (at least here in Texas): stay behind them (cursing), trying to pass on the right. Italian solution: honk your horn; however, in heavy traffic often it is not clear who is the intended target of the horn. German solution: flash your high beam; if you have ever been chased from the left lane on the Autobahn by the Porsche behind you, you know haw effective this method is.
  23. Mine is very similar. We have a lot of 3-way and 4-way stops in the suburban neighborhoods. I hate drivers who did not pay attention who arrived first, and then try to wave everybody else to go before them. Suddenly then they decide it is their turn, and we have chaos.
  24. A hilarious cover (sorry, no video). The Australian band The Cat Empire plays "Hotel California" reggae-style, in French, with accordion accompaniment.
  25. I would guess that he is saving money for a new keyboard. In his current one the "caps lock" key seems to get stuck from time to time.
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