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Everything posted by DrW

  1. Use your bumper to push them gently to the side...
  2. Peanuts, by a mile. As a German/European who did not grow up with peanut butter, it has a horrible consistency, sticking to the roof of your mouth. However, I have some Asian recipes where peanut butter is an important ingredient (Chinese noodle soup, pork satay).
  3. Wouldn't it be nice if it were true? Unfortunately, it is a myth. https://www.webmd.com/allergies/features/does-honey-help-prevent-allergies
  4. This might sound trivial, but for me it was seeing Kevin Everett walk again. What the orthopedic surgeon did there was miracle.
  5. Also agree with this, with the exception that it should still exist for egregious instances only. An o lineman wraps his arm around a guys neck, or grabs a fist full of jersey from behind etc. The problem is, this just shifts the question from "is this offensive holding?" to "is this egregious offensive holding?". I would be happy to see the penalty reduced to 5 yards. This will make it more difficult for the offensive team, but still gives them a chance.
  6. Only with a much longer tradition. The type of beer used in the Lüttje Lage was first brewed in the 16th century. Because it was rather low alcohol, it was often consumed together with a brandy. I do not know when somebody came up with the idea of drinking both together in this specific style, but it was more than 100 years ago. According to Wikipedia, the Irish Car Bomb was invented in 1979 in ... Connecticut. My 1000th post. Do I win something?
  7. The "ü" sound is something we do not have in English. What comes closest might be the "o" in "worst". And the second syllable would "yay" instead of "jay". "lageh" is fine.
  8. Interesting article. No, these people might indeed see something we can't. You have three types of “cone cells” in the retina that each respond to a different bandwidth of light. The color of an object depends on the particular combination of those signals. However, each type of cone cell has a distinct wavelength where the response is maximal. This means that the whole light spectrum is not covered uniformly. If you have a forth type of cone cell with yet another optimal wavelength, you will perceive colors differently. BTW, I like the pic in the BBC article where somebody arranged their books on the shelf by color.
  9. Lüttje Lage is very specific. Even the beer (which is low-alcohol, 2.5-3.0%, brown and pretty "malty") is only used for this drink.
  10. Things are actually more complicated. It depends whether you consider paints and pigments in art or for printing, or work with lights as in a projector. From Wikipedia: "RYB is a subtractive color model used in art and applied design in which red, yellow, and blue pigments are considered primary colors. The RYB color model relates specifically to color in the form of paint and pigment application in art and design. Other common color models include the light model (RGB) and the paint, pigment and ink CMY color model, which is much more accurate in terms of color gamut and intensity compared to the traditional RYB color model, the latter emerging in conjunction with the CMYK color model in the printing industry. This model was used for printing by Jacob Christoph Le Blon in 1725 and called it Coloritto or harmony of colouring,[8] stating that the primitive (primary) colors are yellow, red and blue, while the secondary are orange, green and purple or violet."
  11. And these are experts at work...
  12. In and around the German city of Hannover, where I grew up, we have a very unusual way to consume beer, called the Lüttje Lage. You have two glasses, a larger one (still pretty small) with 0.1 liter (about 4 fl. oz.) of a brown beer, and a shot glass with 1/10 of the volume of "korn" (grain brandy). What makes this combination so special is that you drink the beer while the korn is flowing in your beer glass. Sounds complicated, but do not fret - there are many instructions to be found on the internet. https://www.luettjelage.com/tutorial What I found especially interesting is that they have instructions in languages of countries not allowing the use of alcohol. One advantage I see from drinking this way - it is difficult to get really drunk. Once your coordination is compromised, you will spill most of the drink. Amy specific traditions in your location?
  13. No, wrong Copeland, but it seems he became a televangelist... Kenneth Copeland
  14. Thank you for your detailed explanation. It does not affect my preference for the outdoor version of lacrosse (which seems to align with the fact that I also love watching soccer).
  15. Some might do, especially in Southern Germany. However, it is not a general custom. I had my first beer with 16 or 17 on our high school class trip to (at that time) West Berlin.
  16. I would suggest to return to Butker's speech.
  17. While I may not agree with their stance, for the NFL the two situations are different. In the "far worse" cases the player is accused of a crime or behavior generally condemned by society. Thus, there is no need for the NFL to confirm "We do not tolerate violence against women" or "Rape is a capital crime". However, in Butker's case there was the (admittedly, very remote) possiblity that the NFL would like women to stay home and serve their husbands wings, pizza and beer during a game. Thus, they had to state their point of view on this issue.
  18. I had really intended to stop responding to "intelligent design" viewpoints, as this discussion is mostly useless. However, can you please explain to me how you see this as a "zero-sum argument"? Solution 2 just requires time, of which there was plenty. Solution 1 needs an "intelligent creator". Don't you see how this complicates everything? Did he/she organize everything as it is today from the beginning, or are they still working on it today? Going back to my example of the Orkney sheep. Had they always been designed to live on seaweed and they just had to be brought into the right environment? Otherwise, how did their digestive system adapt? And please do not tell me that you accept evolution as response to immediate environmental changes (the Orkney sheep, adapting in a few decades), but reject it as a long-term solution.
  19. As I probably explained before, because of my German heritage, I am rooting for the Mavericks in the NBA (Dirk) and the Oilers in the NHL (Leon; although I would be much happier if the Sabres ever reached this level). Chance had it that during the recent weeks their games alternated from day to day. Today was the first time both teams played an important game on the same day, even starting on the same time. As I find hockey more interesting basketball, my original plan had been to watch the Oilers and occasionally have a look at the Mavs. However, it turned out that the Oilers were handling the Canucks easily (at least tonight), while the OKC-Mavs game turned into a real nail biter. Thus, most of my time I spent on the NBA game. In the end, both "my" teams won. For the NBA conference finals: "Go Luka!!"; for the NHL playoffs: "Go Leon and the Oilers!! Repeat today's performance, and you will get past the Canucks!" And a nugget from ESPN: Draisaitl became just the fourth player in NHL history to record 60 assists in 60 playoffs games and the third in league history to get to 100 points — behind Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux.
  20. Let me thank you for the detailed response to my post. And please forgive me - I will not respond to most of your points because whatever I say will not change your mind. Just an anecdote: When I was looking for a tenure-track assistant professor position 20 years ago, one of the possibilities was Baylor, possibly the largest Christian university in the country. I looked up their web site, and the first hit in my research area of biochemistry was a biology professor who taught microbiology lab. In his syllabus he clearly stated (I paraphrase here, because that was 20 years ago): To be successful in this class, you have to accept the principle of evolution. One thing that made me curious: Do you have examples of MCAT questions you found problematic?
  21. Sorry, for me it is just the other way around. There is neither a part of a cell nor a biochemical reaction in an organism that could not have generated by evolution. One factor adherents to intelligent design generally overlook is time. Nature had millions of years of testing what works and (much more frequently) what does not work. And please do not tell me that you believe the World was created just about 4000 BC. There is NO scientific fact supporting this notion. But let's go back to evolution vs intelligent design. I am a biochemist working on an enzyme called ATP synthase. It converts electrochemical energy stored in a proton gradient (imagine the water behind the Hoover dam that would like to escape the dam) into chemical energy in form of a molecule called ATP (imagine gas for your car). For a long time, it was not known how the enzyme would do that - the intermediate is mechanical energy. The protons flowing down the gradient (i.e. the water down the Hoover dam) powers the rotation of a part of the enzyme (like a turbine) which then allows the synthesis of ATP (the generation of gas). As you can see, the mechanism of the enzyme is pretty complicated. In fact, Ken Ham's "Answers in Genesis" gives it as example of intelligent design, as there seemed to be no precedent of an enzyme where a part of it rotates to facilitate a chemical reaction on the other protein subunits surrounding the central protein in ring-like fashion. Well, it turns out that there are much simpler enzymes using the same basic mechanism. DNA helicases unwind DNA that occupies the center of the protein ring; some protein transporters use the center of the ring for substrate transport. Thus, evolution could have easily taken these simpler proteins as precursors to ATP synthase. A much more recent example. There is a breed of sheep on one of the British Orkney Islands that had been confined to an area close to the sea for a number of decades. They "learned" to live on seaweed as main food source. Seaweed is very low on copper, an essential mineral. Thus, their digestive system had to adapt to extract copper more efficiently. How do you think that happened? (Interestingly, it is now dangerous for these sheep to feed on regular grass, as they take up too much copper which is toxic.)
  22. Same here. I like to watch outdoor lacrosse, but IMHO it does not translate well to indoors. The same applies to a number of sports. Indoor soccer is an atrocity, unless you need a sport for your kids in winter. Perhaps someone can come up with ideas for indoor polo - that would be a hoot.
  23. I hope everything goes well for mom and the baby (and the dad, of course).
  24. Please do not get upset - you got this all wrong. I was in no way insinuating that you were incorrect. I was actually more concerned about the accuracy of the web site.
  25. In his final home game for the Bundesliga side Borussia Dortmund, Marco Reus (who had also been playing for the German national team) bought beer for everyone of drinking age in the stadium (total attendance 81,000). By the way, Reus is considering a move to US Major League Soccer.
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