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Posts posted by Shake_My_Head

  1. 6 hours ago, BuffaloBob said:

    The kid has had a lawyer and the girl’s counsel  has been trying to negotiate with him for some time. They knew what was coming. 

    IDK.   He may have 'known' what was coming.   But no one, including MA, may have been prepared to see the detailed blow-by-blow account contained in that civil suit document.    That was written for shock and awe destructive purposes and appears to have accomplished that with the Bills, the public and I suspect MA as well.   


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  2. 1 minute ago, ganesh said:

    I mean - there is.a police complaint by the girl registered last year when the event occurred!   And two teams by-passed him in the draft in April when he was considered the Best punter coming out of college.

    The police have not charged him--in fact, they only finished their investigation this week and sent the results to the DA.   So, no police 'complaint' exists as of yet. 


    And he was never considered the best punter coming out of college.   He had the best marketing buzz but there was no consensus that he was better than Stoudt of Penn State (who got picked in the 4th round).

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  3. 1 minute ago, ganesh said:

    Is this the case of the scouts (or the Bills internal investigations team) doing a piss poor job of NOT knowing of a police complaint against the player ?   I think these are the folks who need to be fired for putting this franchise in this position.   And if they did know about it and put it under the mat, Kim should be personally firing them

    IDK.   The details included in the civil suit that dropped Friday appear to be entirely new 'information' to the Bills and likely even MA (and who knows, maybe even the police).   


    It's one thing for the plaintiff's lawyer to say, "we're going to sue you" in July but another to lay out their version of events in the civil suit (which, as the lawyer himself said, was intended to be as shocking as possible to motivate the police to file a criminal charge).   No one had those details before Friday, so how could the Bills have done a 'piss poor job' of evaluating the situation?

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Beck Water said:


    He said they knew the "boulders" after talking to the plaintiff's lawyer - whatever that means to you?

    It's very likely that there were a lot more damaging details contained in the civil suit that dropped Friday than in the original discussion the Bills attorney had with them on July 31.   The civil suit claims were designed for maximum, nuclear def-con 5-level PR purposes.   That may have surprised the team, which as Beane said, knew the basic outline of the accusations and was trying to get more facts to varify what transpired.

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  5. 1 hour ago, GunnerBill said:



    With all due respect, what kind of "character misevaluations" on Ford approached even 0.000001% of the Araiza situation?   GMs miss on high draft choices all the time and this is Beane's first major one in five years.  It's a part of football as old as time.   


    The Punt God situation is totally different and unique and, IMO, can't be lumped into "two misses this week" in any way, shape or form.

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  6. I may have it missed in all 200+ pages (and counting) but there's another really relevant reason for cutting MA:  the 53 players who'll make up the roster, especially the veterans, who in all likelihood want this distraction to go away NOW in what's expected to be their best shot at a Super Bowl run this season.


    The vets have no ties to a rookie punter, know this will be a season-long media cluster**** and are way more likely to push for it to be over so they can concentrate on football.   


    While I'm at heart a "due process" supporter, I can suck it up and advocate for what may be an unfair, career-ruining decision that causes Matt's name to never again appear on a Bills roster if it means better odds of winning a Lombardi this year.   


    Shallow?   Cruel?   Yeah, I feel bad.   But I can carry that weight...

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  7. 1 minute ago, HappyDays said:


    After seeing how the team looked tonight and watching McDermott's presser I have done a complete 180 and come around to this view. It just isn't worth it. It will hang over the team for the whole season and I can't even imagine what the Ralph will be like whenever he comes out to punt. I'm not going to assume he's guilty of anything, the case will play itself out, but for right now let him go and if he is found to be completely innocent we can bring him back in the future.


    I have also come to the viewpoint that regardless of his guilt or innocence, he's gone.   And won't be brought back, irrespective of the outcome of the civil case.


    To quote Mr. Spock, "...The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."

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  8. Per McD's press conference, here's the pretext I think they'll use to cut ties with MA:




    Were you aware that he or his agent were going to put out a statement?



    Do you have a reaction to that statement? Did you read it? Have you seen it?

    I'm aware of that statement since the game and I'm not going to make a comment on that.


    Blindsiding the HC and generating more bad press for the team--that alone puts a fork in it, IMO.


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  9. 3 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    Araiza attorney said the Bills used a private investigator 

    That headline seems designed to generate clicks and cast aspersions on the Bills.    Why would they ever talk to the plaintiff's lawyer?   


    Talk to law enforcement, talk to private investigators.   Just like in the McCoy case that's been cited a few times in this thread...

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  10. 2 hours ago, Helpmenow said:

    What was the turnout for the show. We thought about going. How long did Buddy Play?

    Buffalo guy Tom Hambridge drums for Buddy and was his producer

    I'd say about 5,000 although it was tough to see how filled in the hill was from our seats in the bowl.   


    Buddy played about 70 minutes, although about half of that was walkin' and talkin'.    His voice is still teriffic at 86 years old and he really seemed to have his heart in the stories he told about his childhood and need for people to be happy, not mad at one another.     It was a beautiful night for the blues and I enjoyed it a bunch.

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  11. 3 hours ago, HappyDays said:


    I just mean in the sense that Shakir had to fully extend his arms and pluck the ball out of the air. Not that it was the same route. If a rookie can make that catch so can Crowder. Crowder is already behind the curve because of his injuries keeping him out of practice. He contributes nothing on special teams and he's getting outplayed by a 5th round rookie. If he wants to make himself irreplaceable he has to make a few difficult plays. 

    The amount of time the ball was in the air was quite different on those two throws. 


    In Crowder's case, it was a bang-bang play with the ball right in his face just as he turned his head to look for it.  On Hodgins, it was in the air a lot longer, giving him more time to look the catch in.    Apples and oranges.     They play different positions as well, with Crowder in the slot and Hodgins on the outside, with differing patterns and degrees of difficulty (more traffic inside, closer to the LOS for Crowder, more pattern depth and free releases for Hodgins).


    Could Crowder have made the catch?    Certainly, but it was a tough ball and the QB was as much as fault as he was.    

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