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Everything posted by Shake_My_Head

  1. And I posted games played. Beasley missed only one game over the past two years, including the playoffs. Versus nine regular season games for Crowder, across two seasons. You can do with that what you will. .
  2. Last Season: Crowder: (12 games) Beasley: (18 games w/ playoffs) 2020 Season: Crowder: (12 games) Beasley: (18 games w/ playoffs) Availability is a big ability.
  3. I'm talking about effectiveness. He was still was a valuable third-down difference maker--and Crowder will have big shoes to fill, IMO.
  4. What? He had 82 catches, second most for a slot receiver in the league. Yes, his YPC and TDs were down from 2020. But that is nowhere near "dropping off a cliff" performance.
  5. Check this out. The Jets and Falcons played thare last year and its cool how they could set up the field for football.
  6. That's not a heavy lift. The majorty of the population is lucky if they can chew gum and walk at the same time.
  7. Not the way to look at it. Erie County's portion will be repaid entirely by stadium-related ticket, parking and related taxes. That is, only the fans who go to the games will pay those taxes. https://www2.erie.gov/exec/index.php?q=press/poloncarz-details-erie-county-investment-new-buffalo-bills-agreement
  8. If so, very cool. https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x48761e98d5d88ec3%3A0x572dd66a0e5f79bf!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNj8KM-383dULHHYrmwsRWluBukt_EPeWQLbijV%3Dw213-h160-k-no!5sTottenham Hotspur Stadium - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipNj8KM-383dULHHYrmwsRWluBukt_EPeWQLbijV&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjB2pn-0en2AhUNU98KHQ7WBgkQoip6BAg5EAM
  9. Which translates to, "We're re-signing Ike Boettger!"
  10. Sorry, Rick. We hardly knew you.
  11. Yep. With PSL's starting at $1,000 and averaging in the $4,000-$5,000 range, you remove a lot of the casual fan base, bumping down the need for 65,000-plus seats. .
  12. Tax exempt revenue bonds over 30 years. At 3% interest, that works out to annual debt service payments of about $12-$13 million. Probably recouped from hotel tax or ticket tax revenue. Not that big a nut. .
  13. Well, there is that pesky reality that the Buffalo area population is 14% smaller (nearly 190,000) than when the Ralph was built. More seats => more out-of-town fans.
  14. Those were 2017 rates, shown for example. It would more likely be 5%-6% today. That would reduce the annual payment to the $330 to $355 range...
  15. "NFL teams often offer financing arrangements, advertised on the same web page containing PSL information. For example, Atlanta’s PSL financing requires a down payment of 40 percent and then annual payments on the remaining 60 percent over nine years at 8.5 percent annual interest." On a $4,000 PSL, that's $1,600 (40%) down and $392 per year for nine years... .
  16. Piss troughs built into the backs of seats...
  17. Where it comes from (per Buffalo News): • $600 million: State investment. To be included in the state budget. Not clear whether it’s a one-time payment or whether it will be borrowed this year and paid back over time. The state has different methods for paying back the bonds. • $250 million: Erie County contribution. Not clear how the county will finance its share of the stadium costs. • $350 million: Buffalo Bills. Awaiting details on where the Pegulas’ portion of the costs will come from, but some will come from the sale of about 50,000 personal seat licenses to all season ticket holders, beginning around $1,000 apiece. • $200 million: National Football League. The league’s owners approved financing at this level Monday through the NFL’s G-4 loan program. Most of the loan would be paid back through the visiting team’s share of certain ticket revenue. This brings the upfront public financing for stadium construction to $850 million, or 61% of the cost.
  18. Buffalo is the #1 NFL viewing market in the league: https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Journal/Issues/2022/01/24/In-Depth/NFL-Local-Ratings.aspx
  19. These passings always hurt...but this one more than most. Taylor always seemed "young and having fun" even as the clock ticked relentlessly on and the years piled up. That's a great way to be remembered. RIP.
  20. Lol. Great minds sort of think alike. 🍺
  21. So, Tyreek is going to play defense, special teams and pilot the Bills plane on road games too? Cool.
  22. I'd go the other way, trading up 4-5 slots to get the right CB, if they're convinced he's a long-term star. CB is a premier position, worthy of expending some draft capital. Having that CB2 spot solidified for years to come at a first contract price would be a big advantage.
  23. They are to advertisers.
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