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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. I mean, I get it. But if he's on tape showing stuff to any chucklefvck, basically bragging. What else did he show that we don't know about? And to whom? I'm totally good with him going away for DeSantis.
  2. If you or I or anyone not rich did what he did we'd be f'd. Utterly. I'm the furthest thing from a lawyer admittedly but with everything they have on him he has no legit defense in court.
  3. The right keeps complaining about 2 tiered justice and they're right. It's not the left benefitting though it's the rich. If he doesn't suffer consequences its a travesty. I mean what an absolute moron. Never has this country suffered such a fool in the white house. Not even GW.
  4. It's cool making everything about trans. Doesn't make you seem like you obsess about it at all.
  5. Who cares? I wouldn't care if he was on real juice.
  6. Anti vax looney, thinks Fauci and Bill Gates are out to destroy the world. He thinks the Cia might kill him if elected because they already killed other family members.... Wtf are you thinking? Advocated ivermectin and hdc for covid...do you only like conspiracy peddling loons? Side note, were this guy a normal centrist I'd love it. Might be able to get out of this cycle where you need to wear a diaper to become president. He'd probably win were he not a complete whackjob too.
  7. I wish they attempted to rebrand the term democratic socialism because too many low iq people are easily manipulated into thinking it is socialism.
  8. Mid 50's conspiracy theorist for you, possibly in your 60s. I'm Gen x. Look a lot younger, helps a ton with the ladies.
  9. Yup. Fox, Oan, Newsmax. You don't even have an option that isn't insane.
  10. I think I'm plagiarizing myself old man #2. I've been saying it for some time here. This forums conservatives are all old. Maybe it's meaningless. Could be. But maybe it speaks to your demographics country wide. Another hint that in 10 or 15 years, if you don't get your ***** together. Your party is f'd.
  11. Which is still far from the part of their border near Kiev (Belarus is big) for but no worries. I read it like Wagner can attack Kiev, as in right now, not that they'll be able to. Got my head spinning with possibilities since we still aren't 100% sure wtf happened.
  12. Lol you are insane old man. I've never supported any such thing. And that's what's wrong with YOUR SIDE. You watch fox all day and think the left is a certain way.
  13. Yeah it's the timing I'm questioning. I read it like they were already in Belarus. Like how, they teleport? I assume moving a convoy is slower than driving. Rostov is far from the Belarus border near Ukraine.
  14. I didn't see Billsy. It's not falling for the fake post. It's you not comprehending how crazy it was. Your side is the right. 100%. No doubt. Every single thing you post screams jaded old man watching fox all day. Twitter was a nightmare yesterday though. To me it seemed they were waiting for confirmation and that may be good. My head was spinning from all the crazy accounts of what was going on. On the other hand it was a crazy event.
  15. I read this like they were already there and could attack asap. So I was wondering how they got there so quick.
  16. Gohmert, Boebert, Mtg, plenty more on your side if the aisle. You calling out anything at an intellectual level is pure irony, as you fall for a post from fake account... Call the gazpacho police Westside, the Jewish space lasers are melting what little brain you have left.
  17. This doesn't make sense. They were on their way to Moscow now they're near Kiev? We talking different units? Wagner isn't that big and the convoy that was eventually spotted in Russia was big.
  18. I'm guessing this was done to troll. It's not LGBT who are guilty of the most sexual abuse against children
  19. Could be as simple as they were about to get annihilated. One or two heavy duty misses could all but wipe them out. Take the easy card and go to the ***** hole Belarus. It's critically important to stay in your sphere of stupid for some. People with brains can listen to other viewpoints. Maybe it's the lack of whacko conspiracies that instills fear?
  20. Plausible but I don't think he'd make himself/Russia look so weak to considate power. He ostensibly has all the power, with a few exceptions.
  21. But was he really going to attack Moscow at any point or just a feint? Did Russian MoD troops really kill a bunch if Wagner to kick this off? I'm of the opinion we have no idea and won't know the truth for some time if ever.
  22. I think I just figured out something big. Billsfannc is Laura Loomer. She's probably got a profile going on every team's most popular forum. It all makes sense now.
  23. Oh their rebuttal to that is George Foreman. Don't bother breaking down why the analogy is preposterous. It's a waste of time.
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