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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Cool so the orange abortion gets a pass on corruption because he came from real estate? Sorry I want more for that office. The media is 90% for the dems? How is the most popular network right leaning then? I know there are many more left leaning networks but you think your base pays attention to them? I don't think reality is worse than Jewish space lasers or a cabal of dem pedos who drink blood. I think your posts prove you no longer understand how crazy your party is. None of you can prove the left had gone off the deep end on anything other than stupid cultural BS that has little impact on daily lives.
  2. Do not look ahead. Gb will likely come with their A game. Shove their faces in the dirt and keep it there.
  3. I criticize my party. I'm not a huge fan of either party's immigration plan. And I do not like what we've done printing money causing inflation. As I've said in other posts, the current state of the Democrat Party is far from ideal (especially when it comes to stupid divisive cultural issues). This cultural trans war is absolutely asinine. In recent past dems have been much better with the economy than reps. I'm giving leeway with that in mind and the aftereffects of covid. Loan forgiveness I don't care about. I wish we'd do more to fix the root of the problem. I want both parties stronger. Yours is a circus. A lot is Trump's fault. He normalized crazy and a ton of ya'll fell for it. The swamp? He's 10x more corrupt than any swamp creature. And it's 50-50 he gets the nom again.
  4. Just regarding covid. The dems followed guidance by the cdc. This control nonsense is just ignorant. What would the point of this control be? Answer is nothing. They went by what they were told to which was very predictably overly cautious. Not the least shocking (assuming of course you have half a brain). Ohhhh they want to control you because of.....uhhh socialism! No, I mean communism! Also, what cities got burned down I missed that? Or is that you being ultra hyperbolic while accusing someone of hyperbole? Irony.
  5. The majority of people got Trump winning wrong on both sides (the first time at least). What in the world is your point? Kindly take a peep at the Flyndicated topic or 2000 mules. Or the people who believe antifa instigated 1/6. Talk about wrong.
  6. There's plausibility to maybe 10% of it. The rest is Jewish space lasers. And that is your party. I realize many conservatives aren't MTG style. But many also are, and it's more every day. Compare blue cities and states to red? You mean how most red states are poor uneducated crap stains and rarely improve? Yeah blue states have some major problems (a non crazy right would help there imo). It's also where most of the money and brains in our country is/come from. Just because fox says all progressives are nuts doesn't make it true. On the flip side most of you are batshiite. Very few right leaning posters haven't seriously entertained crazy conspiracies here. Very few. The voting stuff is THE perfect example. What examples are there of crazy progressive policies has Biden implemented? None. Loan forgiveness? Nah. The progressive scare is fox inspired BS you sheeple fall for. The ultra progressives are just loud. Qanon freaks meanwhile are 10x more of a threat. That along with the treasonous morons that tried an idiot coup. It's not even close. The right at this moment is a joke. Both sided are worse because of it.
  7. I've said this many times here. Ya'll think all progressives are the loud twitterverse that can't answer what a woman is. Most of us are not that. The left is not great right now. It's infinitely better than the right. Driven by religion and constant insane conspiracies. I dont know which facet is worse.
  8. They try oh so hard. And the result is such a massive fail its unintentionally funny. I legit pity people who think that's good in any way.
  9. This is so f'd up. We had a system that worked, it wasn't perfect but it worked. This that we have now is just sad. And why? Christians.
  10. Unreal how utterly idiotic people are. 2000 mules is a joke and a complete failure. Anyone still harping on voter fraud is likely delusional.
  11. They absolutely would not swing him our way unless we overpaid a ton.
  12. Good for the Panthers. They suck all kinds of bad. They should keep going, trade a few more pieces.
  13. Great thread. I anticipate us spreading the ball around more after the bye. I hope Steph still has a career season that said. He's been such a huge add to this team, stats and character wise.
  14. It's always a tough call with conservatives, crazy or grift? Should be a game show eh? Too bad the party has fallen so far. I think the right being so batshiite right now has caused the left to do dumb things and champion poor causes.
  15. Might be as simple as money. Making money off the loons.
  16. Conservatives are so cool and funny. Sheeple....oh the irony...he says a bunch of crap which the majority of liberals pretty much agree with and you immediately pop a chub and love the song. And it's beyond atrocious. I don't care if a billion people like it, that's barely music. Stick to cuntry music.
  17. I'm not all in on cmc so to speak but I am all in on making an improvement of some type. Grab whatever Beaney thinks is gonna put us over the top. I do think cmc gives us something more than a slight improvement at rb. Defenses will have to account for him every game. They don't have to do that so much for Singletary. Just that is something though I would bet barring injuries he would have a statistical impact as well.
  18. I dont get this mentality at all. If a player is out there you think puts you over the top you do it. If a contender adds a big piece that could mean them beating us. Without adding Vonn LA does not get a ring last year. Kc is about to make a move, bank on it. Would you do a 1st if it gives you say an 80% chance at a ring? I say yes all day. I know it's all speculation but people are overvaluing picks. I'll do multiple high picks if I get that one ring. There's risk in everything. People keep saying the same crap without checking stats or context.
  19. I am torn on him. He sometimes dominates. He sometimes plays like dirty did against the Chiefs. Maybe it's being in a crap offense. He would be a great red zone target for us. I feel like I'd want to improve elsewhere first but I would not dislike snagging him by any means. Agree except on the Packers. He could do damage there.
  20. I've seen Singletary thrown out there as a trade option but I would not do that no matter what. I was mentally throwing crap at the dart board.....what about Cook? Would something featuring Cook and Cmc work? Just curious not saying we should (or shouldn't).
  21. Once Tre is back and at 100% I hope we get more aggressive. We've got the personnel I think to be even better than we currently are imo. I say this knowing we're near the top on D statistically.
  22. Wasn't there a play early on where he lost his jock on a deke? Pretty sure it was him.
  23. Wrs get healthy. They had 4 out one week and that's a position they already suck at.
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