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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Exactly. Righties discussing this cannot seem to comprehend this. I have family who are still around that lived under the Soviets. Their stories of life back then are the most interesting discussions I've had in my life. And they, like almost all people in former satellite countries, despise Russia with a fervor most Americans cannot understand. Ukraine isn't 100% the same but they certainly see what their neighbors have and want to emulate that.
  2. Then what buddy? You tell me since I'm in the dark here. Threaten all out war? Nukes? What? A politely worded letter? A box of salted caramels? It's so easy to imitate them isn't it? Lol!
  3. Oh man, were it possible that would be great. I'm just not sure what we could threaten Putin with that would convince him to alter a course he's decided on. The sanctions, arming Ukraine, im sure he knew our what our reaction would be if the war was not won quickly. I also don't think anyone saw this coming (meaning short term, we knew eventually it would escalate). As for Hillary retribution...cmon. you sound like Blitz saying the war isn't real. True retribution would be more like Bush Jr in Iraq.
  4. Don't look now Deek but you sound like Britain and France giving the Sudentenland to the Germans. How'd that work out? What would your preferred response by the US be? Zero involvement? Fine if so just curious. I get the Vietnam comparison but we're not sending troops and have no plan to unless something changes drastically.
  5. What proof do you have Ukraine did anything more than fight Russian separatists in the east? There are so many videos of Russian atrocities at this point no rational person can deny it. And why would they? Russia has historically let their military get away with wonton savagery. Yes there are some fake videos. People do stupid ***** for clicks. It isn't some grand conspiracy though. Why is this so hard to comprehend? I've said similar many times but people would rather believe it's a globalist conspiracy or some other bs.
  6. Yes because what's on Twitter represents the left. Several posters on this board are so simple-minded they just believe everything they see online.
  7. Just wondering if you hold him to the same scrutiny as Biden. I'm betting the answer is a big fat no.
  8. You live on another planet I guess. Most creative people lean left. Comedians, actors, anything artistic. Your planet must be ruled by Jeff Foxworthy and Kid Rock.
  9. It just so happens that every single post of yours is pro right. Sure bud. I've met delusional people before. Never met one about something so mundane. You do you.
  10. Old man meet pointless ramble. Just because there are clips of crazy things online doesn't mean the "left" is pushing anything. Does every stupid thing a conservative do represent the right? I don't know why I even reply to you just about anything requiring thought flies over your head.
  11. Ha! Based on every single post you've made here you are lying. Why someone would do such a thing I have no idea. Every single time you jump in with one of your lame takes its a mundane conservative talking point one could grab from newsmax. So either you are a liar or are unclear what a democrat is/ever was.
  12. Seriously? Your party is 99% culture war bs and you say this? It'd be funny were it not so damn sad.
  13. Awe, don't like hypocrisy being called out do we? Gtfo. Better anything than a fake independent.
  14. Do you give Trump credit for riding on Obamas economy?
  15. It's not hate but he's definitely under appreciated. He was qb when we broke the drought. Maybe he shouldn't be revered but just given some props, despite flaws.
  16. I dont think we wanted them as our voice, it just worked out that way. I know we first blew the whistle that Russia was going to invade but a year before that I don't think we expected all out war. Despite Crimea and the ongoing fighting in the east I think the invasion was a bit of a shock.
  17. Weak ass is whining ad hominem every other post. If he's so wrong point it out instead of crying in your cheerios and running away. That's kind of YOUR thing. Frank, were you really expecting something of substance from the right wing spam King? Guy just takes any right wing absurdity and vomits it here. Jack Poso Julie Kelly
  18. I think gay/LGBT are almost as likely to get prosecuted for inappropriate actions as anyone. Some of the recent public things we've seen posted here lately...no clue why those things happened in front of children and people didn't get arrested or why parents had kids there. The Catholic church has probably been held accountable for 1% of their misdeeds with children. Sometimes atrocities come out decades later or more. Many unreported....they've covered up scandals and just moved priests to other areas. The comparison is valid, charity is unrelated.
  19. Just about everyone on the left thinks the extreme lgbt examples posted here lately are wrong for children. I'm confident speaking for most of the left there, anyone feel free to disagree. I also completely agree with Bill regarding the hypocrisy. The catholic church has been doing what the right is complaining about for a long time. Cool though because it's religion? I know individually nobody here is ok with any of this but the right SUDDENLY decided this is their new boogeyman while their community leaders in many cases are worse.
  20. Yeah it's a conspiracy theory even though Trump and Co consistently lied. We never even met with Russians became we met with them legally, once caught. Some day you'll regret sticking up for these fools. Posting on a football msg board. Yeah your loads of fun I'm sure.
  21. I really honestly think there is more conspiracy mongering now than I've ever seen in this forum before. Even those that used to have semi intelligent convos at times are lost in fantasy land. Conspiracies used to be fun. Now they are banal.
  22. I'm sure there are contingencies for everything. People seem upset there's no plan. There is. They just aren't going to tell us every detail. That's ok in situations like this. While I like transparency our interests are put at risk if we give away our gameplan.
  23. Idk about the 10k, plausible I suppose. There definitely was. It was not random nor was it simply unhappy ethnic Russians wanting to rejoin the motherland. It was funded and incited by Vlad. He's seen Ukraine as the next ripe fruit for plucking from the former Ussr tree for some time. He should have gone with Moldova but there's not much value there.
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