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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. I agree. Don't know if cult is the right word but not sure what else fits. They surely have abandoned or maybe temporarily forgotten their supposed ideals. All for Trump. They love to say he broke us but it's clear he either broke them or brought out their inner crazy. Boggles the mind. Cutting off their nose to spite their face.
  2. Fake electors is pulling stuff out their asses? Showing classified documents to just any random person is alright now? And what happens if Pence doesn't do the right thing? If dems did any of this you'd be calling for heads to roll and you know it. Instead you defend the indefensible. Overly sensitive has nothing to do with anything.
  3. The problem is when they're wrong they just say they were right and a great many conservatives believe it. That's part of why it's important for them to be held accountable.
  4. Were those lies or is he senile? I've heard both but it's one or the other. He won't because it doesn’t make sense. He sounds like a debate me bro type guy from youtube. He uses all their lame overused terminology. The most banal poster here. A Nick Fuentes type incel without the racism.
  5. I get you now, you're a child. You have one of those Trump/Rambo posters in your bedroom don't you?
  6. Warrior? Lol! He's a silver spoon draft dodger. But if that's a warrior to you maybe your just soft.
  7. What a high standard you have for him. In a softball interview no less. Calm and coherent....f me, both sides need better.
  8. Oh? And showing classified documents to people not authorized? You're going to defend him no matter what. Pathetic.
  9. Are politicians suddenly allowed to break the law? You don't even see the flaw in your logic here do you?
  10. Are you done trying to sound like a terrible lawyer then? Keep trying to defend criminals. Always a good look.
  11. Biden and Hillary cooperated. Not the same. Your orange man crush is on tape admitting he's breaking the law. Don't talk about the constitution. If you can't comprehend fake electors it stands to reason any argument on the constitution you have will be absurd. Prosecuting someone breaking the law is hardly burning down the constitution. Listen to yourself. You are so upset over the law being enforced you are not making sense. Send money to his defense fund that will make you feel better.
  12. He's on tape bud. Guilty af. Can't be tds if it's blatantly true. Will you cry when they call out guilty? I'm fine with a republican winning as long as it's not the orange moron you're so in love with.
  13. Not inconvenient, irrelevant. Proof or bust. Just as it should be. Just how it will be for Trump’s trial. Luckily there is proof of his illegal activities, especially on the documents case. You? Ya got nothing. Big fat zero.
  14. I forgot they literally called themselves that!!!! Seriously the dumbest criminals are at work here.
  15. You make the leap from there is no way to know to fraud pretty quick there Skippy. But hey, the right doesn't need confusing things like proof or even facts.
  16. Shame should be reserved for those that turn the blinders on criminality. If the nation is crumbling (its not) it would be crumbling because of people enabling lunacy. You can't comprehend what fake electors are so we should let Trump and Co slide? No. Doesn't work that way. He will answer for some of his crimes finally.
  17. Pizzagate bro. Pizzagate. It must suck being a conservative right now. Your party is a travesty at the moment.
  18. You follow only the best people on Twitter eh? Lol! Cernovich is known for his promotion of fake news, conspiracy theories, and smear campaigns. He helped spread the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, which falsely claimed that John Podesta and other high-ranking Democratic Party officials were involved in a child-sex ring.[3] Cernovich has frequently made false accusations about political opponents of being pedophiles
  19. Cool. Take this stupid post rather than something like....proof or counting all the votes. Oh but some morons thought Trump won!!! Stop counting we're good because some Trumptards said so!! Still zero proof. Nada. Keep crying though by all means.
  20. You'd think they'd get tired of being wrong so much. Nope.
  21. Now there's a supplement for conservatives.
  22. People be flippin now that the po po got em! This is gonna be fun to watch. So many lies are going to get exposed.
  23. I didn't read your link but I skimmed a different one and had a different takeaway. People were saying she got plastic surgery and she simply said she didn't, she's getting older. I applaud those actresses who don't go under the knife. It's sad they feel they have to for their career. Some plastic surgery results are horrific.
  24. She's still an 11.
  25. Hopefully they do serve a decent amount of that time and extremists on either side of the aisle think twice about committing any shenanigans.
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